# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by a Yarn.social pod twtxt.net running yarnd 0.0.0@HEAD go1.22.2 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = eaplmx # url = https://twtxt.net/user/eaplmx/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://twtxt.net/user/eaplmx/avatar#gt7nnjmyzi2gok6dnf7776juflhkqry4fv6ixyopsnihy3plyyuq # description = Human Lv. 35, Engineer 🔧, scientist 🔬 and creator 🌱, living in México 🌎, working with teams all across the world 🗺️ and enjoying life! I like difficult questions and controversial truths. # # following = # # link = Home Page (Español mexicano) https://eapl.mx # link = Home Page (Mexican english) http://eapl.me # 2021-12-28T14:48:07Z Hey! First post over here. Playing with twtxt.net, the concept with txtxt, and the Android client Goryon. 2021-12-28T16:24:04Z (#vx4gn6q) testing a reply from Goryon 2021-12-28T18:46:50Z Well, I'm surprised of the simple concept twtxt is, and the implications of it.
Perhaps I don't like that's too related with Twitter, but is a powerful reference point too, so... #dealWithIt 2021-12-28T18:48:34Z Aaand for the next text, what about the image of a decent New Year dinner? 

![Image, cool](https://twtxt.net/media/eTVXsu44pSf3hc8crziP8Y) 2021-12-28T20:43:42Z I made a Web clock in Hexadecimal. The Month, Day, Hours and Minutes are in Hex format so you can practice converting from Hex to Dec.

https://gemugami.com/hexclock 2021-12-29T00:27:18Z (#nnr7z6a) @ Cool! That's a nice distinction between the format, the extension, the pod and Yarn.social. Maybe the similar names are confusing to newcomers, but besides that, a really noble project. Thanks for all your effort!

I was reading a little bit more about it here: https://www.prologic.blog/2021/12/19/future-of-yarnsocial.html

As I was 'saying' on Twitter, this kind of extension and online services would be required for that 'social content generation', I'm glad dev.twtxt.net has those ideas covered, like pagination for instance. 2021-12-29T00:34:57Z (#hgja5fa) @ Thank you! =) 2021-12-29T00:50:19Z (#vx4gn6q) Thanks ! 2021-12-29T00:50:49Z (#appzw6q) @ xD 2021-12-29T00:51:03Z (#appzw6q) :) 2021-12-29T14:49:08Z Wow!, today Antenna had nice surprises and inspiring projects...

How are you doing in this last week of 2021? 2021-12-29T14:56:11Z @ (#hpzmd2a) Sure! Backwards compatibility is a huge topic (and usually something no one wants to address so it comes to us)

I feel your pain, dude 

For Indie Games and Webs I work on, it's about maintenance of previous versions and migration of old data to newer structures and teaching the young team how to do that. Complete fun! 2021-12-29T16:51:19Z I was rereading a few old books in my Kindle, and reached to one about Gamification.

Although I'm not a big fan of gamified experiences and serious games as I was a few years ago, it always makes me wonder on how effective they could be for simple ideas.

For example I was thinking on registering your current run on a treadmill or elliptical in a twtxt file (or any Yarn service), reading it and unfolding a passive story based on your distance. 
Or maybe exchanging those Km/Miles into some resource in a micro game.

The 'final' idea is to motivate you to do more excersise, which is a long discussion. 2021-12-29T16:53:14Z (#mch7nuq) if you are interested look for the analysis on Duolingo, on YouTube and some blogs.
They talk on how to measure the real motivation behind the task, often forgetting about the final goal, which is learning to use a new language.

Interesting readings and more interesting how to actually create that successful design 2021-12-30T02:06:13Z Now... I'm starting to learn Rust with the famous book:

Interesting language! Let's see how it goes :) 2021-12-30T02:24:54Z (#5yhrexq) @ Antenna?
It's my favourite aggregator for Gemini:
https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/warmedal.se/~antenna/ 2021-12-30T02:26:51Z (#j2edwcq) @ Cool! I'm a complete newbie (although I use C, C#, JS, Python; if that helps), so if anyone wants to learn together, send me a reply! 2021-12-30T02:27:22Z (#hpzmd2a) @ Agreed! 😅 2021-12-30T02:33:50Z (#nnr7z6a) @ well, honest confusion from my side... 

I joined here because someone requested me to use the twtxt format, which took me to https://twtxt.readthedocs.io
I was thinking of using the base format for my site, but finding options for a simpler usage I came to https://yarn.social and lastly to https://twtxt.net

So... Yes, it could be confusing if 'twtxt' (spec) is exactly the same as 'twtxt.net' (service for the same spec) when it's a (great) extension.
Or on how to name that extension.... twtxt 2.0 to say something? 2021-12-30T02:40:28Z (#5yhrexq) Sure!
I give more detail here if you are interested:
gemini://text.eapl.mx/re-friendly-reminder-that-antenna-runs-on-submissions 2021-12-30T03:01:46Z (#324ebwq) @ Moving average? Nice, what are you using it for? 2021-12-30T04:29:29Z @ (#sddvhlq) oh, you explained about the Moving average a few tweets (?) before...
I missed that msg! Nice, it brings me memories of a very old project to parse RSS and a few Leaderboards where I've used some statistical functions/weird math. 

Good vibes with what you are doing! 2021-12-30T04:32:18Z @ (#k3q74ha) Looks like a nice year!
I guess I need to work on mine too! 2021-12-30T04:38:29Z @ (#mch7nuq) I agree
When you tie a behavior to business metrics, like retention and revenue... Well, usually the 'game' design suffers, and sometimes the learning too. 

I had a short time creating 'educational games' until I found there are not games anymore, but tools. (With a few notable exceptions) 
They are not fun to play and if you make them fun, you don't learn in a predictable way, which is not acceptable by the industrial education. 

Something similar happens with social media which are optimized for addiction buuut that's another long conv. 2021-12-30T14:28:36Z @ (#j2edwcq) oops, it had happened the same to me with Go and C++ (And Scala, Haskell...)

I love C and C#, but C++ has 'something' I've never liked... 

I don't really have a reason to learn then, and I can do many similar things with other languages.
C# for games
Python or JS for web 2021-12-31T03:35:45Z Ha, I found someone in Australia with the same area code than me, that casually is the same of my biz partner in USA

1 in 999 perhaps 😉

#biasOfTheDay 2021-12-31T03:42:34Z Day 2 learning #Rust

I finished a Guessing game, which is very similar to an exercise to learn QBasic in 1993 (?) ha! 

Nice memories by the way... 2021-12-31T03:43:48Z @ (#ltyuz3a) hehe, nop, in MX 2021-12-31T05:31:49Z @ (#ltyuz3a) The ISO country code and top level domain for Mexico 🇲🇽 =P 2021-12-31T05:36:58Z @ (#vgxay4a) have you tried those extensions to auto accept Essential cookies?
I don't, but I'm intrigued 🤔
Those pop-ups are just a malicious compliance IMO 2021-12-31T07:44:20Z Wow, just wow!

https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/sep/24/the-ethical-adblocker-solves-all-your-problems-with-online-adverts-ethically 2021-12-31T14:43:57Z @ (#roahcmq) I'm using Goryon, but thanks fir the tip, I guess just pasting the URL is not as cool like [using the MD syntax for a link to example.com](example.com) 2021-12-31T14:46:46Z @ (#n6hbpjq) I wish everyone here a nice #2022
Good vibes! 2021-12-31T14:50:24Z @ (#ltyuz3a) No problem 😃

It's always interesting for me to discover what other people know about my country... There are a lot jokes about it, like MX in American movies and such, hehe 2021-12-31T14:55:26Z @ (#ltyuz3a) and about creating an instance, there is a smaller but significant community in Latin American Spanish. On Smol Net, Tilde verse, to summarize different ideas on decentralization and open sourced nets. 

For example I belong to Texto-Plano (Raw Text in Spanish), I'm spreading the word there and why not, see if there are some people interested 2021-12-31T14:56:11Z (#ltyuz3a) BTW the code is 614, ha 😆 2021-12-31T15:07:02Z Still 16 hours to seize the year

#goodbye #2021

https://countdown.onlineclock.net/countdowns/tomorrow/ 2022-01-01T08:02:03Z Finally! happy new year to everyone in this timezone #2022

**Best wishes and good vibes!** 2022-01-01T08:03:10Z @ @ (#zd74x3a) like when the world was going to be destroyed by timezones in the Y2K 😆 2022-01-01T15:43:17Z Nothing like having your counters reset to the initial values

! [](https://twtxt.net/media/SyoXr9WqGA4Js9vtTULuRh)

[From the HexClock](https://gemugami.com/hexclock) 2022-01-01T15:43:40Z (#mz6zs4a) ![](https://twtxt.net/media/o6MxCyTAeTBRA3waE5n3J6) 2022-01-02T04:52:07Z Found on Antenna a Season Clock / Calendar...
Looks nice!


![](https://twtxt.net/media/4tVkVuYnAtiZhkWaSqwgpN) 2022-01-02T04:54:48Z (#hgc22la) 
The ideas behind these alternative calendars are interesting. I don't know if they could replace what we use (I've discussed a little in the log), but interesting at least... 

![](https://twtxt.net/media/ooMRKEKdoMJjLebPuFPnBg) 2022-01-02T23:01:51Z Sunday of Football 🏈, videogames 🎮, family, fixing cars, and working on building houses...

A pretty different Sunday, luckily 2022-01-03T14:56:35Z @ (#wdszama) Stupid holidays! 😜

Luckily those are over today, back to work 😅 2022-01-03T17:55:59Z Practising 'advanced spreadsheets' at work...

Fun day 😁 # 2022-01-03T21:50:49Z @ (#7caamlq) hehe, weird, right?

I mean, it's extremely powerful and I have even created some Macros and VBA a few years ago but doing Advent of Code with it, wow, my respects.

All I was doing was some Pivot Tables and normalizing some data, hehe 2022-01-03T21:54:52Z @ (#wdszama) hehe, I feel your pain... If I may ask, what do you do at your day job? 2022-01-03T22:30:41Z @ (#qvbey5q) cool! Sounds too advanced and technical! 2022-01-04T01:26:10Z 3.00 km for today...

I'm still thinking of making some bot to 'read' the images and progress in some story or game... In the meantime, I'll only sum the km, for something later, ha

![](https://twtxt.net/media/9xWHWnFcW3b2oZoWPT5NKB) 2022-01-04T05:03:41Z (#ehaxvja) Yeah, sorry for trimming the photo, the background is not tidy.
It's from the Elliptical machine. 2022-01-04T05:07:52Z (#ehaxvja) I used to wear an iPod Nano (around 2012) to count the steps and pacing but now is broken and I don't have any Fitness Smartwatch or similar, so I thought taking a picture of the machine could work... 🤔 2022-01-04T15:26:12Z @lohn (#6if2mfa) ha, I tried once or twice... Can't say it was easy, it's a very peculiar environment.

Good luck! 2022-01-04T15:33:37Z @ @ullarah (#gos6abq) those Pine devices look amazing.
I'm watching (pun intended, ha) that the final price to my home for the Watch is 57 USD which is not bad.

I agree it's too geeky and perhaps incomplete as a solution.

I don't think you can extract info from an Apple Watch w/o using their APIs so finally Apple is having your data... # 2022-01-04T15:38:51Z 2nd day at work...
Is was nice to stop thinking in 'Holidays Mode', I like to work and being productive, although the house is too cold. Like 9 C outside and 12 C inside. 🥶
Not that bad like in the Weekend with - 1, but what can I say, he


How is your day looking like? 2022-01-04T15:41:33Z @ (#u32ph6q) at the bottom of my homepage there is the detail https://eapl.mx

Basically videogames and board games studios, and we have a few months understanding crypto gaming + eSports 2022-01-04T15:47:13Z @ (#qvbey5q) hehe, if that is like my previous experience in the corporate world (the bestest company in their area), it's watching some people work on some platform designed by someone else...

Won't add much more, fun times and great memories in fact 2022-01-04T15:52:40Z 1 year with our dog has been life changing... 🐶 <- (not the actual breed, haha) 

I didn't imagine of the great moment she would give to me (and to my wife too, I'm sure)

# 2022-01-04T15:54:16Z (#eaztnrq) sorry for the typos, I can't write with my hands frozen

BTW I can't edit from Goryon 😜 2022-01-04T21:04:48Z Today I moved all my EPUB and PDF books from my PC and Phones to a Kindle Paperwhite 3

I hope that helps me to read better and don't get distracted by using my phone 

# 2022-01-04T21:23:56Z (#5zvijaa) I ask for screenshots to non-technical people, specially for stuff with UI, but I agree copying the error trace log is much better for some stuff (e.g. crashes)

What we try to do is having a 'Copy to clipboard' button so it makes everything easier 2022-01-05T04:07:29Z (#u32ph6q) @ I have 6 years trying to make a living out of games going full time on it, buuut it's not that easy as with indie software development.

Anyway, I'm enjoying life as never before, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2022-01-05T04:11:17Z Damn, today I made 5 km on the stationary bicycle 🚲 but forgot to take the picture, so # 2022-01-05T14:55:54Z (#xmcyl4a) @ please! I have a few years sitting on the same chair more than 10 hr a day and it's not healthy at all!

I recommend those 7 minute routines, and elliptical machines where you can simulate a bike, walking or moving your arms. But walking outside is even better! # 2022-01-05T15:00:45Z (#jr3d3xa) @ who's that cool guy James Mills? 😜 2022-01-05T15:04:11Z Topic of today is Balanced Scorecard, or how the group of artists, designers, programmers, lawyers, managers, and more, have to think about
Finances, Organizational Grow, Customer/Public Satisfaction and Production Processes

Fun day ahead 😁

Any suggestions or previous experiences? 2022-01-05T19:59:13Z (#vj7uh3a) -50 damn!

And I'm complaining with just -1
Only because family, otherwise I would be in Brazil or somewhere warmer 2022-01-06T02:07:07Z I'm in Lesson 6 of Rust Book... The interesting parts are just starting 😅

So far I'm doing better than with Scala, Haskell, Erlang, Go and Nim (previous languages I've tried to learn and feel comfortable with), let's see... 2022-01-06T02:08:37Z (#oikzvva) That's the interesting side of that 😅
Tomorrow I'll have the first meeting with the Legal side... Wish me luck! 2022-01-06T02:13:36Z Ready to enjoy the traditional "Rosca de Reyes" (King cake) with my wife. Do you have something similar there?

[Wikipedia - King cake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_cake#Spanish-speaking_countries) 2022-01-06T04:33:59Z (#sprme4a) # 2022-01-06T14:43:29Z Hey! Why twtxt.net changed in my phone web browser? , now everything is smaller

# 2022-01-06T14:48:05Z (#wikoqfq) 
![](https://twtxt.net/media/QphozJ7XkeHLfU26Lohk8W) 2022-01-06T14:53:43Z (#h4pvnsq) In my town, very close to the States, a car is a must, you know, cities are not designed for pedestrians and such.

That being said, an eink car sounds like a cool concept, but useless in practice 😎🤔 2022-01-06T15:50:29Z 3.00 km more for today 😤

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/dDhfCNWJmXz5x5BZQn55fY) 2022-01-06T16:09:04Z (#rkob6ea) # 😯 2022-01-07T00:12:56Z (#37rvhuq) 🧐 2022-01-07T00:30:25Z A normal day with a lot of meetings...

Does anyone want to play some Poker texas online these days? 2022-01-07T04:27:27Z (#xwzmsoq) Oops, I have never played any Diablo, although I played Warcraft and Starcraft a few years ago.

And for Privacy Focused poker I know of some open sourced GUI clients but none on Web, I'll have to look for options 2022-01-07T04:30:08Z (#37rvhuq) It's looking nice again, thanks! 2022-01-07T15:32:41Z (#sqt3rbq) 👌 Excellent! 2022-01-07T23:57:40Z Recommendation of today:

Instead of using your Phone, Google Authenticator, Aegis or something similar, get your 2FA/TOTP codes from the terminal. 2022-01-08T03:41:27Z 👀 Dealing with Student Deceptions: What to do with ‘Death in the Family’ Excuses 

Interesting reading, simple solutions to build trust

https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/effective-teaching-strategies/dealing-with-student-deceptions-what-to-do-with-death-in-the-family-excuses/ 2022-01-08T03:42:47Z (#nwas2lq) Perhaps not, sounds like a semi-descentralized scheme with Blockchain as an attached buzz word... # 2022-01-08T03:44:12Z (#37rvhuq) Haha, no problem... If I can complain on it, it's usable enough 😜 2022-01-08T03:45:20Z (#pqy5wbq) This one! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PokerTH 2022-01-08T14:39:06Z (#elgkv5a) > And you've shown yourself to not be competent in this issue, so I'll apply it directly and immediately myself.

👀 "Move away stupid, I'll do it" 2022-01-08T14:49:49Z (#5vhbxtq) The answer is long. I'll summarize that the purpose of 2FA is adding a layer of security in the easiest way for the user (then we arive to disasters like SMS)

A long topic but twtxt.net is trimming my text on mobile, I'll try on the laptop later 🙂 2022-01-08T14:51:29Z (#5vhbxtq) If we are using key pairs, maybe the 2FA is not that needed. I'm looking forward to use them on Web, but the attempts have failed many times. 2022-01-08T14:52:40Z (#pqy5wbq) @ Dann, maybe is really outdated, I'll look for some option later 2022-01-08T14:59:16Z (#nwas2lq) Disclaimer: I like some parts of the Blockchain innovation, the tech possibilities. But then we arive to the knife dilemma. It can save a life or kill a person. 

I dislike that Crypto (along with buzzwords of the moment like meta verse) is about money and power, so it attracts people looking for easy opportunities and scams.

I think it's not a black and white. Not everything is good, not everything bad.

 We were joking about Walmart directives asking the tech team... "Add 20% more of innovation, what 10% of meta verse and 10 of Crypto?" 
Sounds like that with PayPal 2022-01-08T15:03:22Z (#nwas2lq) sorry for the typos, my phone keyboard is playing with me 🙃 2022-01-08T18:43:00Z Me, using a new Social (Pod)

![](https://twtxt.net/media/WVciAiEq8BP9nWpW5S3jUQ.png) 2022-01-09T04:09:39Z (#hnerm6a) I would like to know the opposite. Why creating a new one if the existent work well? 

It has been my question for some services like Gemini (I use smol.pub).

I'm in that transition between super centralized (FB, Twitter, Medium), to self hosted, but now I'm kind in the middle due to the convenience and community! 2022-01-09T19:51:00Z Some ideas for the next few months

https://text.eapl.mx/my-take-for-the-hobbyist-net-in-2022 2022-01-10T01:48:26Z (#4jeol3a) ¡Castellano es bueno!

I don't use Medium, as you can see here:
https://text.eapl.mx/writing-in-2021 2022-01-10T14:33:19Z (#4jeol3a) oh yeah, gotcha. I dislike Medium too. I tend to avoid using it, or linking with tools like 12ft.io.

Anyway the header is enough, I'll switch to Spanish now 2022-01-10T14:36:47Z (#4jeol3a) [ES] Sobre el texto (que debería escribir un espejo en español, por cierto)

Vengo de un contexto de hiper productividad, en el que todo el tiempo debo estar produciendo algo, influenciado por mi sociedad y también por un entorno de escasez (latam). 
En 2021 disfruté mucho de hobbies, incluyendo la red hobista, como escribir en Gemini, participar en proyectos open source, etc. 

En este 2022 aceptaré más que no todo es trabajo, no todo tiene que ser productivo, para encontrar un buen balance entre generar valor personal y a la sociedad 2022-01-10T14:39:40Z (#4jeol3a) 2/ Algo importante es que actualmente trabajo en entretenimiento, lo que es un cambio respecto a cuando trabajaba en software industrial.
Ahora todo es más superficial, no resolvemos problemas, atendemos a deseos. Es más satisfactorio y al mismo tiempo más vanal.

Curioso! 2022-01-10T15:20:52Z Well, a new Monday is starting with a lot of meetings. After a refreshing Sunday watching movies and not doing that much. 

Enjoy your new week folks! 2022-01-10T15:22:32Z (#axgo37a) @ ha hah, you killed me! 😅

Are we human? 🤖 2022-01-10T16:16:13Z (#mna5wlq) @ let's introduce politics into the conversation https://apenwarr.ca/log/20211229 2022-01-10T19:06:20Z (#4jeol3a) Claro! Recuerdo el caso de un podcast en español donde decían "Vivimos en el mundo digital todo el tiempo" y pusieron venta de empanadas argentinas, para sentir que algo de sus creaciones es más tangible.

Demasiado de una misma cosa es cansado. La variedad da sabor a la vida :) 2022-01-10T19:07:47Z (#yj7i7ia) You can't hate the first workday if you never stop working # 2022-01-11T00:40:39Z For something I have to sync in a Git repo, I use this with the team or for personal projects: https://blog.frantic.im/all/todo-file-for-personal-projects/

And to create the habit of writing about the project I use: https://github.com/pippinbarr/chesses/tree/master/process

Everything on Text or Markdown files, inside a Git repo 2022-01-11T15:32:43Z (#mna5wlq) politics is a really complicated topic, to not say dirty. Needed but dirty at the end, so we delegate that kind the people to manage the public life.
That oversimplification said, we are surrounded by power, violence, rights violations and such. Simple fixes for complicated problems don't work, and the last question is: What are we going to do as individuals and as a community? 2022-01-11T15:37:39Z Morning everyone!
Reading a lot this morning, "Morning and Sense" and "You are not so smart" to start, a quick reminder that you are not thinking like 99.99% (number not accurate) of the world. 2022-01-11T17:37:06Z (#iwzloka) Perhaps you already had a long discussion about centralization vs federation vs decentralization, network effect, availability, single point of failure, replication, privacy-oriented services, self-sustainability and more.

All of them are pulling forces, modelling the shape of a product/service/system surrounding it with ideas, beliefs, ideology, philosophy, humans livings with machines, thousands of 'standards', and such...

[XKCD - Standards](https://xkcd.com/927/)

Aaaand, that's good! 2022-01-11T20:18:28Z (#kdmn4bq) @ Night!, Usually in the net and with my teams I use the **Universal Greeting Time**, hehe

[Re: There are Only Two Timezones](text.eapl.mx/re-there-are-only-two-timezones) 2022-01-11T20:19:14Z (#kdmn4bq) Damn, the right title is "Money and Sense"... 2022-01-11T20:21:56Z (#mna5wlq) @ I would say empathy and compassion are extremely important and really difficult to grasp and practice!

That being said, in this group/community/organization/oasis/bunch_of_people, I really appreciate having it! 2022-01-11T22:18:06Z (#kdmn4bq) Well, for async content it's better using hi (or maybe avoiding any greeting, we said hi before...).
For a real time channel, perhaps, using good morning means, "hey guys, I'm just starting my day over here" 2022-01-11T22:19:28Z (#kdmn4bq) @ because the day could mean 24 hours, or the period when you have light...

Why living is so complicated? 😆 2022-01-11T22:26:15Z (#mna5wlq) @ Smoot Poderator 🎶

Poderator is brilliant! Reminds me of the Podcast and the concept of Pod itself, Ham radio and such. 2022-01-11T22:34:51Z (#fixh24a) I think some info like our Web sites or our twtxt content should be extremely public, and our personal files, conversations or images, private by default (maybe protected by some private key or similar, that meaning only you can see them) 

What's being in the middle is difficult to define... And convenience like something/someone else managing your private content or your keys. Looong conversation between security, convenience, availability... 

And Web3 is a mess, the live example of buzz words applied to economical power... 2022-01-11T23:57:03Z Well, I tried using

and got a lot of Go and Python errors, which I don't have time to check today... 🤔

# 2022-01-12T01:25:55Z (#cyprvca) @ ¿Que pex? 2022-01-12T01:26:23Z (#mna5wlq) @ Haha, Godperator then 2022-01-12T01:26:59Z (#pjsxjea) Thanks! Let's see... 2022-01-12T04:51:34Z (#cyprvca) @ happens the same to me, I only know Spanish, some English and random words in Japanese, French and German.

For programing languages I know the C based syntax (JS, C#) , and Python. I would like to practice 'Stranger' languages like Haskell, Scala, Lisp and others. 2022-01-12T04:53:07Z (#cyprvca) Haha, a very local derivation of
What happens? -> What hap? 
😁 2022-01-12T04:56:06Z #
I was researching a few months ago on having Authentication for web based on Public/Private keys, like we do on SSH.
Sadly I haven't found some standard, only Webauth based on Hardware tokens (And some implementations for Mac and Win10) but more for 2FA. 2022-01-12T04:59:52Z (#wl6ohuq)
I found some implementations on Blockchain addresses and browser wallets. Makes me wonder why we don't have something similar with current Key Pairs (RSA or EC) 

https://www.toptal.com/ethereum/one-click-login-flows-a-metamask-tutorial 2022-01-12T16:57:47Z (#wl6ohuq) @ I completely agree, there's is a complicated problem which I'm surprised Google with Chrome, Mozilla with Firefox haven't solved, being the main players.

Microsoft has Hello, although I think 'only' Github used, and that's only a 2FA.

And it's not something new in the corporate and intranet world:
https://www.ssl.com/how-to/configuring-client-authentication-certificates-in-web-browsers/ 2022-01-12T17:01:46Z (#wl6ohuq) @ hey! Keys.pub sounds good, I've found a few other plugins/entensions/proposals, and I think they are kind of complicated for the developer and for the final user, when you can add a quick Social login with a few clicks. Not saying they are better, only more convenient. 👀

BTW, Have you played with keys.pub? How is using it in some Web site or Desktop app? 2022-01-12T18:10:18Z Hey, found an example of Web auth with (Self signed) Client certificates,

Works on Win 10 with Edge and Firefox, couldn't make it work (yet) on Brave.

Interesting experiment, perhaps I'll implement it as a login method in some of my web projects (to keep achieving passwordless logins)
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/F9gpTBEoQKeNmVi5uir6rg.png) 2022-01-12T19:47:39Z It's cold over here... 🥶

# 2022-01-12T23:31:22Z (#45lcr2a) Sorry...


Doing that... 2022-01-12T23:33:51Z (#45lcr2a) I think it's basically to separate ideas (I worked on Press and media, so perhaps it's an old habit)...
Indeed, you ask interesting questions. I haven't realized I do that.

That being said, like on code formatting, it's a matter of style and readability, I guess... 2022-01-12T23:35:58Z (#e6p54cq) @ Hehe, outside is 5 C in the night, and about 15 during the 'day'. Inside my home is about 10-15, that's why I'm 'freezing' 😓🥶
We don't have a decent heating system, and it's not that common in the city. 2022-01-12T23:38:15Z (#45lcr2a) BTW, I'm watching that using the Reply button is not including the user, like @fastidious Am I doing the reply correctly? 2022-01-12T23:40:24Z (#g26ectq) Python is ♥ 2022-01-12T23:42:23Z (#wl6ohuq) @ Thanks! I'm playing with it, looks interesting! 2022-01-12T23:43:28Z (#45lcr2a) Ok, I found what's going on with twtxt.net. If I use the upper Textbox it works (it's inserting there the Twt code, like **#45lcr2a**, and the user.

In the lower Textbox inside a Thread, it's not inserting it 2022-01-12T23:45:12Z (#45lcr2a) Aaaand sorry for the extra lines and grammar, I was writing this post/twt while I was in a meeting, and my brain can't multitask that much
# 2022-01-13T02:00:18Z (#wl6ohuq) @ I'm in! 2022-01-13T18:57:19Z (#xnmwvqa) It reminds me of when I was complaining about Facebook on Facebook 🤔 2022-01-13T19:05:18Z I'm giving a class on "Team management" to 2nd-semester students of "Design and production of Video-games". It's weird talking about management (and teamwork), that early in that career, but it's an interesting experiment for me. 2022-01-13T19:14:59Z "I think I'm finally getting the grasp of twtxtv2"

(Badly links the previous tweet) 😆

# 2022-01-13T19:15:38Z (#xqcbzcq) Just kidding, I'm getting it now!

# 2022-01-13T19:24:25Z (#xnmwvqa) @ It's completely different. It's just funny to me saying "Facebook is bad, don't use it". Here you are listened to by the designers and influence the product/system, I love that!

From the thread, maybe saying 'cheap copy' was harsh for an open product. I, being harsh sometimes, get it's difficult to be open and polite at the same time. 2022-01-13T19:26:40Z (#nq3btpa) An open product is also open to criticism, deserved and not deserved. That said, thanks for using time, energy and love to create open systems/protocols/networks/'products' (how would you name it?) 2022-01-13T19:30:29Z (#4227rpa) Thank you @! For the website, I use Smol.pub as an HTTP mirror for the Gemini capsule and it seems to be having performance problems from a few weeks ago. I'll take a look!

In the meantime, I've restored the previous HTML content on: https://eapl.mx 2022-01-13T19:34:45Z (#vchmsma) @ That's insane, and being a 'Mexicano' it's twice the interesting. Thanks for sharing! 2022-01-13T22:37:07Z (#jlwxoiq) My learning for 2021 was about diplomacy and empathy...
If I'm really angry at something, I can use different ways to solve that. Some with violence, with kind words, with action, and such. And I'm very bad at it with my blunt comments, mainly with narcissistic people. So It's a work in progress, not saying what I want to hear, but what THEY need to hear. (Not tagging anyone, just an example) 2022-01-13T22:47:36Z (#2x7kuga) Hey, you reading this twt!... Thanks! 2022-01-14T02:26:07Z (#c63wwra) @ hehe, thanks... Everyone tagged, look to https://twtxt.net/search?tag=c63wwra =P 2022-01-14T02:28:10Z Enough Internet for today =)
See you soon my friends! 2022-01-14T17:31:13Z (#sztedkq) ![](https://twtxt.net/media/FQZ2zSokAXNHWTkJDqontb.png) 2022-01-14T18:25:10Z (#cbp2zja) I think twtxt.net is not for me then... I'm not for it, or different combinations... Too many rules and agreements for a 'social' tool. 2022-01-14T19:08:59Z Complicated Friday for my wife, OK for me... # # 2022-01-14T19:10:16Z I like consistency, coherence, code style guides. But expecting that in a social channel is kind of impossible. At most is social engineering, but... No idea

# 2022-01-14T20:24:14Z (#nqy5qwq) In my mind 'twtxt' sounds like "tui-text" (like on Twitter + text) 2022-01-14T20:27:34Z #
A poker hand quiz: Gives you a random hand of Texas and you have to estimate the odds

Implementation of a system (I forgot the name, and I think I've seen a web page doing that) that cryptographically splits a secret among X of Y holders: E.g. If 2 of 3 people put their part, the private key is revealed. 2022-01-14T22:35:42Z (#cjst26q) @ hey! This was the web page I was referring to https://simon-frey.com/s4/ Thanks for sharing! 2022-01-14T22:40:00Z (#cjst26q) @ Simply amazing... Cool concept dude! 2022-01-15T00:08:47Z (#sztedkq) @ It wasn't clear to me the purpose of the buttons (it's kind of inconsistent across the UI), so I was using the ( #) syntax manually, but it seems I was doing it wrongly. I'll take care of using the right button next time! 2022-01-15T04:19:21Z (#sztedkq) @ well, I think 'Reply' is extremely clear (compared with replying to an email).
I have an issue with 'fork' coming from Git repos, where you create a copy of a previous repo and start modifying it. Perhaps 'branch (verb)/branching' is more natural to me for 'create a new conversation'. But I'm not a native, so don't believe me that much. 2022-01-15T04:24:23Z (#sztedkq) @ I love i18n as a concept (a11y and l10n too). When I was a teenager, I translated some games from en to es, good memories!

Although I have every device now in English, I like to translate cool projects to es-mx. I *might* help, I'm collaborating on many hobby projects for now, but you can always make time. I don't think here we have many Spanish speakers, buuuut we could talk about it. 2022-01-15T04:47:29Z @ I made a quick PDF with my POV on the Reply button. Please feel free to ignore it, ask for more info, explain why I'm crazy 🤪, etc. 

https://0x0.st/o-vj.pdf 2022-01-15T04:54:30Z (#swumzza) Something I forgot to add, is that compared to Twitter, when you are replying to someone it's extremely redundant what and who are you replying to:

You get the text, a label (Replying to @), and a connection line between the previous Tweet, and that to be written.
Note: I'm not saying Yarn should behave like Twitter. It's more to take Jakob's law into consideration. 2022-01-15T18:37:05Z (#6lvasaq) @ Testing it! Sooo cool, great job everyone! 😀 2022-01-15T18:38:03Z (#o6ylpga) Nice! 2022-01-15T18:39:08Z Starting the day here... Good morning/day/existence over there! 2022-01-16T15:10:42Z (#td3sonq) @ it reminds me that the first (automated) vending machine was for Holy water!

https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/68270/worlds-first-vending-machine-dispensed-holy-water 2022-01-16T15:11:52Z (#td3sonq) @ there are different kinds of Holy Water! 😅

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/rSnzNB4q6QPBENdPsqqLuh.png) 2022-01-16T15:17:11Z 🤔... 

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/FfmS5fMCq43WQw7kGp7dk.png) 2022-01-16T15:24:00Z (#fcyxb6a) Well... It depends on many many things. For me it always has been a secondary desktop 🖥 (behind MacOS and Win), buuuut I use Linux (and BSD for Hobbie projects) in VPS, WSL, mobile and embedded devices, so... 🤔 

Does anyone have more recent info? (this one is from more than 20 years ago) 
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/NoZwMZgp3tMsxsWv39xGXn.png) 2022-01-16T15:31:00Z (#pi7uqbq) @ ![](https://twtxt.net/media/b5nwZNJ9Gk8mgzSjkEAQGF.png) 2022-01-16T15:38:15Z Lowest temperature in the year, 0° C. 🥶

How is your day going over there? 
Here we are lazily in bed until an earthquake arrives or something... 

Disclaimer: we don't do earthquakes in this town 😛 2022-01-16T15:41:33Z (#cwjkbgq) @ hey! Love lemonade!
First time I tried the Zitronen Saft (Lemon juice 🍋, sorry for my German) it was too bitter for me!

In my zone we use the Green Limes for the Limonada, and weirdly they are called Lemons/Limones! 2022-01-16T15:43:47Z (#cwjkbgq) It's always a problem when I visit USA and forget to ask for the right fruit, haha

That said, # 2022-01-16T15:46:50Z (#rnvwfoq) @ I know, I know...
Alternative Desktops (from Win, to the always second Mac) has been a long discussion for years. That's why I'm asking for the current data. 

Is perhaps taking 0.1% a year? No idea! 2022-01-16T18:03:06Z (#qiyw73q) @ I'm in CUU, it could easily go to -5 and some years it goes to -15. With snow every 3 or 5 years (we had some in Dec 2020 and was an event!).

We had the lowest temp of 2022, but has not been THAT bad as previous years... 2022-01-16T18:06:01Z (#gq4zlka) @ ![](https://twtxt.net/media/PmywcPENE37JsHftgf5CQb.png) 2022-01-16T19:50:51Z (#td3sonq) @ Advanced engineering! 
![](https://twtxt.net/media/ghEbQ5AdbDGAkp4vPArvwc.png) 2022-01-17T02:06:27Z I released the issue for AntenaZINE - Week 2
[HTTP / AntennaZINE 2022 Week 2](https://text.eapl.mx/antennazine-2022-w2)

Enjoy! 2022-01-17T02:07:40Z A Sunday evening more...

I'm between keep practising Unity, Rust, Django, English speaking,
Or perhaps only enjoying the beauty of a Sunday night. We will see! 2022-01-17T04:50:09Z (#i2uhejq) @ can you elaborate, please
Build trust in your employees for what? What's the purpose of that trust? 2022-01-17T04:52:24Z (#lc5t3zq) @ Hey! Will be great... It's 5am for me and I usually start my day between 7 and 9am, could we try a different time, pretty please? 2022-01-17T04:56:46Z (#e5p54aq) Yep! A collection in EPUB/MOBI as an ezine, from selected posts.
You can download the ezine from HTTP though

Antenna is an aggregator for Gemini [Antenna on Gemini Protocol](gemini://warmedal.se/~antenna/) 2022-01-17T05:04:17Z (#lc5t3zq) @ Still early but if you tolerate me being half asleep I could try =P

What about something like 9am for you (Australia?), UTC 9pm/21, and 3pm in Mountain Time (for me)
https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?iso=20220117&p1=65&p3=152 2022-01-17T05:11:10Z (#i2uhejq) Running a company myself (a micro-company of fewer than 10 employees), I thought the Why, what for? Is the entire point, and the trust is 'for granted' to pursue that meaning and purpose.
But I get your point. The trust that we are going in the same direction, makes everything work as we expect.

I think there are (at least) two ways:
The employee as a mean, or the employe as an end. Usually, the purpose of a company is to make money, and the employee is the tool (disclaimer: I don't agree completely). 2022-01-17T05:13:25Z (#i2uhejq) For me, now, the team is extremely important, mainly for industries based on talents, like design or programming. There, trust is extremely important, because how do you measure creativity? How do you trust that the programmer is doing their best work to create a stable system?

Yes, work is transactional. I work 8 hours a day, I receive X dollars a month, but also we are together because we believe and trust in the same values. 2022-01-17T05:19:37Z (#e5p54aq) @ No worries! Usually an e-zine is a fanmade or indie magazine distributed over electronic media. Zines were originally distributed by physical mail, and then by e-mail. Nowadays for the nostalgic feeling of Gemini, you can find a few Zines/Ezines there.

https://text.eapl.mx/introducing-antennazine <- Why I created AntennaZINE
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zine <- More info on the intriguing history of zines :) 2022-01-17T05:21:25Z (#lc5t3zq) @ We could try! I have calls at crazy hours with a few teams I work with, so I know the pain.

Please propose the time, and I'll try to join! 2022-01-17T05:25:46Z (#e5p54aq) @ For format, do you mean using PDF files or such? I've seen blog posts, mailing lists, PDF files, and I haven't seen EPUB files that much.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phrack <- A famous ezine from the 80s

For culture, yes, I've seen is a pattern of sharing knowledge selflessly. But also it's very unpredictable how long is going to last, or how often the issues are released. 2022-01-17T05:26:47Z (#i2uhejq) @ "Skin a cat", never heard that! 😸 2022-01-17T05:27:41Z (#i2uhejq) @ Agreed! It's difficult as hell, but in the long run (if we survive as an indie company), it's better what you say 2022-01-17T05:29:10Z (#repu75q) @ Wooow, congrats!
I have never solved the 3x3 cube alone (only using apps and such, you dirty cheater).
I was able to memorize the steps for the 2x2, but that's my final achievement, it seems... 2022-01-17T05:31:57Z (#lc5t3zq) @ I will try! (6am for me) I have a call later (10am) and a class after that (12-3pm). If I wake up early, I'll be there! It's set in my calendar now... 2022-01-17T05:36:48Z (#e5p54aq) @ I think it's something like grouping the best Twts of the week in a single container. Like some people create books from their blog posts or some artists create a book from the most active posts/pictures in their media. 2022-01-17T05:38:08Z Enough internet for today, my friends 😀

If life is given to us, see you tomorrow! 2022-01-17T18:05:28Z These days the 'microscandal' for Jodorowsky's "Dune" bible happened. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/amansethi/spicedao-dunedao-soby

It's really interesting to me how technology like crypto (whatever that means), Non-Fungible Tokens, public/private keys, etc. etc. will redefine what we define as ownership. Mainly when the ownership of digital goods and working in an online world will be greater than the physical alternatives.

I wrote a few ideas about the 'isms' we require for our lives https://text.eapl.mx/quick-ideas-about-isms-and-ownership 2022-01-17T18:06:24Z (#kt5zqfa) All that is about ownership. Of our life, our time, our resources, our destiny. 'Our' as in you and me, and as a collective society/community/organization. 2022-01-18T14:59:43Z (#hyu3j7a) @ taking a few of the different opinions, and having discussed DRM, privacy, ownership, anarchy, copyright, and such, in class and in our creative studio, it's difficult to summarize an opinion in a few characters.

I've seen of some authors avoiding digital versions for piracy reasons, and I agree. 2022-01-18T15:02:18Z (#hyu3j7a) one of the difficulties of digital goods is the perceived value. Why is so simple to spend 2 USD (or equivalent) on a coffee and so hard to do it on a book/game/app? Our minds play tricks when we can't touch something. (For instance, in the current debate with the NFT nobody understands anything). 2022-01-18T15:04:03Z (#hyu3j7a) In regions like mine, with low income, if I can get the book for free in 2 clicks and perhaps 10 popups, or the same content paying 10 or 25 USD (or equivalent), why do I have to lose my previous scarce money?

libgen, is that you? 2022-01-18T15:07:10Z (#hyu3j7a) When someone says is good for business, usually I ask for proof of that. As a concept sounds good. I'm getting more people aware of my content. How many of those will be actually buying the product? How many will use the free alternative instead of that money going to the author/publisher?

I really understand the DRM, I get DRM-free products first, or I use any tool to unlock the content. That said, currently, indie producers rely more on customers' good faith, that they are not releasing the content to the public. 2022-01-18T15:10:12Z (#hyu3j7a) So, conclusions. A physical book could have more perceived value and it's harder to pirate (I have looked for scanned versions of books I like, especially expensive art books, it's not the same at all).

Maybe is more convenient for the author, and less for us. 2022-01-18T15:11:28Z (#hyu3j7a) And a final reading for the weekend: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_Doesn%27t_Want_to_Be_Free 2022-01-18T15:32:11Z (#kve3wbq) @ I know, they (author/publisher) are not interested in giving a "non-privacy eroding garbage" in exchange for @ 's money

In some other regions, money is an issue. I don't see it here. 2022-01-18T15:33:06Z (#kve3wbq) and what I'm explaining is that giving you a product protecting the interests of the consumer 'might' go against the interests of the producer (that usually is money) 2022-01-18T16:50:55Z (#7iu46aq) @ xD Mientras yo
![](https://twtxt.net/media/zwrVsk5C6tHeRzDkSjrKEd.png) 2022-01-18T16:52:17Z (#7iu46aq) @ good luck!... Usually Mondays for me are the rollercoaster of everything not done by the weekend and pushing people to work again, so... 2022-01-18T16:57:44Z Starting my day over here... Meetings with old acquaintances, classes, working on Image processing and going with my wife to the supermarket if you wonder.
Seems like a fun day # 2022-01-18T18:43:54Z (#fu7qa7q) So 90s! Nice memory...
If you like Marketing, look for the book 'The end of publicity as we know it' (2000, I think), it talks about that campaign. 2022-01-18T19:00:23Z (#cngh76a) @ simple, safe and HTTP(S) in the same sentence looks unbelievable to me 😁 2022-01-18T22:09:39Z (#hyu3j7a) @ please don't get your books from sources like http://library.lol/main/50893F7A0BC1C7D7AD8401B42AC15467

Disclaimer: Don't use links like these freely available of your favorite search service. It's wrong, and perhaps a crime in your countries. 2022-01-18T22:11:31Z (#hyu3j7a) @ being fan of accessibility, and trying to catch up with trends to comply with regulations but also genuinely interested in understanding different accessibility issues, I've always wondered how a legally blind person can program and create great stuff. I follow a few people, and that always amazes me. 2022-01-18T23:06:57Z (#hyu3j7a) @ Thanks! I've seen VoiceOver is amazing.
It reminds me of one of my favourite indie games' Dev Log: [Surviving the App Store - Making Your Apps Accessible to the Blind](https://github.com/amirrajan/survivingtheappstore/blob/master/manuscript/blind.md) 2022-01-18T23:14:01Z (#4m22tga) Hey! Congratulations! 2022-01-19T00:33:23Z (#hyu3j7a) @ Oh, sorry I got confused. When I used a Mac Mini and a Macbook Pro 2018 (from 2012 to 2019) I loved to Full-Screen Zoom with the mouse all the time. The alternative on Win10 (Win + Plus) is not that great. I don't use MacOS now for indie reasons, but I enjoyed it a lot. 2022-01-19T14:31:02Z (#e2ls74q) @ew0k/BW cool avatar dude! 2022-01-19T14:34:48Z (#4m22tga) @ weird namining, here is limited responsibility rather that limited property/ownership

Interesting! 2022-01-19T14:36:46Z (#3cooobq) @ having problems making friends and influencing people, I can relate 😁

I think I will be influencing friends and making people 2022-01-19T14:43:21Z (#zguus3a) I only have Dumb TVs.
Wife loves Netflix and Direct TV on an external Chromecast, what can I say?, but I prefer to store the video on a SD card an play them on the TV, or connect something by HDMI... 2022-01-19T14:51:25Z (#3cooobq) @ sorry for what I'm going to say. For my work I use mostly Discord, never used Matrix.
Besides privacy, do you see it as a replacement for productivity, a la Slack? 2022-01-19T17:46:09Z (#bwsglma) @ I think Gemini has a decent size by now, and twtxt is something there... I arrived to twtxt (the format) through some users on Gemini, and lately to Yarn/twtxt.net. 2022-01-19T17:48:08Z Life is curious. I was thinking on creating content about game design, but something was not clinking, and today I received an invitation from the university for it...

And a few projects on gaming are taking shape recently. # 2022-01-19T18:08:42Z Did you know I really enjoy Yarning (?) on twtxt.net? Now you do... # 2022-01-19T20:12:36Z (#3cooobq) For the record, I hate Slack (but it's the standard for techie companies), Discord is good enough for us (giving classes, creating games for hobby and as a profession).
Aaaand I agree Teams/Skype is the worst. Still thinking about knowing more about Matrix as a future replacement! 2022-01-19T20:14:42Z (#2hkv6va) 🤣 What I think I enjoy is triggering @ 2022-01-19T20:17:13Z (#2hkv6va) Obviously I meant that (action of using Yarn to send twts in the shape of twitexting/twtxtng), you got me @ ! 2022-01-19T20:21:22Z (#nghdanq) @ No idea, I've been thinking on mounting a server, but for me using Smol.pub and the Gemini Server from texto.plano.xyz is enough (Something on OpenBSD, I could ask).
Smol.pub has support for both HTTPS and Gemini to users, and the edition is done on HTTP.
That said, I think Titan is not accepted or supported that much... 2022-01-19T20:25:24Z (#pz5jwfa) *clicking 2022-01-19T20:44:45Z (#bwsglma) @ What about something like what Antenna does?, supplying a URL you can call to push your feed
[Gemini - About Antenna](gemini://warmedal.se/~antenna/about.gmi) 2022-01-19T20:45:24Z (#bwsglma) I think Yarn doesn't like the Gemini URLs, I'll try here: gemini://warmedal.se/~antenna/about.gmi 2022-01-19T20:46:32Z (#bwsglma) @ Not that much, I love the concept, but only a few sites/capsules use them since most of the content is read-only or publicly available. 2022-01-19T21:59:52Z (#2hkv6va) @ I feel you dude, today I'm fighting with my art team not being able to follow a naming convention for PNG files, aaaaand I'm that guy who knows something is displaced 2 pixels 😋

Sorry in advance for my broken English, the opposite opinions are intended 😅 2022-01-20T17:34:55Z (#nhelsza) @ Windows ME, is that you? =P

For me, Windows 10 has been really usable, and usually, they work well on pairs (WIn 95 SE, 98 SE, XP XP2, 7, 10...)
I use Win above a Mac due to the cost, I could buy 3 PC for my team with the price of a single Mac (although I really need a new Mac Mini M1 for publishing) 2022-01-20T17:35:54Z (#nhelsza) And now with WSL I can run Ubuntu and do a lot of stuff I did on Mac, so... Works pretty well for what I'm doing (basically Open-sourced languages and servers, and develop games) 2022-01-20T17:39:11Z (#n252jtq) @ could be something interesting, I vaguely remember Trackback in blogs like something similar for discoverability. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trackback 2022-01-20T17:39:52Z (#nhelsza) @ go for it! 🧘 2022-01-20T17:42:48Z (#ddrgppq) @ doesn't work for me with Inline (default), do I have to change to Lightbox or Gallery? 2022-01-20T17:43:32Z (#ddrgppq) well, I get the same result than this video 2022-01-20T17:45:37Z (#gjiuaza) No FTP support?, what a shame 😛 2022-01-20T17:47:05Z (#nhelsza) @ do you recommend updating to Win 11? I haven't updated due to fear of breaking my current dev environment and being kind of comfy with current Win 1 (after years of using MacOS, I have 2 years of Win10, being OK) 2022-01-20T17:48:17Z (#gvra2jq) @ Hey, this week I've been playing with image processing for a game service, and I was researching on Lancrzos, cool, dude! # 2022-01-20T17:51:18Z (#s4nrvja) @ lovely! 2022-01-20T19:21:32Z (#nhelsza) @ you felt that? I thought the switch 3.11 to 95 was a huge improvement on UI (or maybe I'm just nostalgic, it was 27 years ago)

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/avAcS3euTAuitAYySGDvnn.png) 2022-01-20T19:23:11Z (#nhelsza) @ Thanks! It's an i7. I haven't found a strong reason to update, I think I'll stay on 10 for a while. # 2022-01-20T23:05:58Z (#yf6xs4q) Everything looks fine! ![](https://twtxt.net/media/mXp83wP3QzkbXR7KsLnzTY.png) 2022-01-21T12:07:19Z (#i3moqkq) @ my best wishes! I hope everyone over there gets better soon 2022-01-21T12:07:47Z (#7fejx6q) @ haha, it's working here! 2022-01-21T12:09:22Z (#t3plo4q) @ Society of Spectacle, perhaps? 2022-01-21T12:13:42Z #
For any creative person here, a must read to understand audiences, creative biases and the spice of life 

https://archive.org/details/InformationDoesntWantToBeFree 2022-01-21T13:25:17Z (#tfad4hq) @ don't you have disposable income of 3 USD / month? 😛 2022-01-21T13:30:08Z (#tfad4hq) @ as you could see in my previous posts/twts, I'm in the middle between taking money from people (to pay for production expenses), and having a 'right' net (problematic word intended).

If the decentralized economy 1.0 (wrongly named Web 3) is a way, I'm open to research on it, and maybe I should use it to understand more. 

That said, everyone is being forced to take a stance (which is good) and have their beliefs challenged (that is usually good as well) 2022-01-21T13:33:42Z (#tfad4hq) what I mean is that usually you have to break something to make it clear the previous way is not that great. I don't like many thinks of Web 3, what I do is showing that a better way is possible in the distant future.

Now we are in the stage of: "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

Science + Business like to break things, and that's not always for the best of humanity, that's when we need to add phylosophy to the equation (and some environmental care) 2022-01-21T13:36:13Z (#tfad4hq) finally, if we analize the buzzword of the year, usually it fades away very soon, because people stop using a technology or it becomes mainstream. 2022-01-21T13:48:01Z (#tfad4hq) @ please don't try to do it 😬 2022-01-21T13:48:43Z (#t3plo4q) @ politics 😉 2022-01-21T13:50:45Z (#tfad4hq) But we could try, it could help us both... So... What's the matter? 2022-01-21T13:55:21Z (#tfad4hq) @ thanks, I like to debate on ideas and sometimes I put different sides of the same thing, and people tell me, "so, are you going to order the burger or not...? " Ha 😅 2022-01-21T13:57:18Z (#tfad4hq) bad jokes aside, I like to twt with all you, and although I like to troll @ a bit, my intent is to have healthy discussions, and enjoy good moments. If I say something wrong or in a wrong manner, please tell me 🙂 2022-01-21T14:00:23Z (#tfad4hq) I struggle on writing in English, sorry in advance 😬

https://text.eapl.mx/stupid-rant-about-writing-in-english 2022-01-21T14:02:49Z (#tfad4hq) @ maybe I'm not saying anything serious? Perhaps I don't want to reach to a specific place but ignite new conversations (like this one)...

By understanding my writing, what do you mean? Why am I saying something? 2022-01-21T14:10:41Z (#tfad4hq) Maybe I'm not explaining some concepts that I assume the reader already has, sorry for that, and thank you for pointing out @ 2022-01-21T14:12:49Z Well, dear Yarn reader, officially I'm starting my day over here (I'm awake since 4 am, thanks to my wife 🙂)
Good news is that today looks like a calm day. # 2022-01-21T14:29:58Z (#tfad4hq) @ nitro is cool, I see a lot of value of it. 2022-01-21T14:37:28Z (#tfad4hq) @ I don't want to extend the conversation that much (I could talk for hours, I'm event trying to record an episode of my podcast on the topic). I will only leave a link for those interested in both sides of the current buzzword https://www.jbr-holdings.com/post/our-take-on-nfts 2022-01-21T14:43:56Z Aaahrgh, if I type Enter (New line) on my mobile phone, all my twt text is erased. I'm outta here! # 2022-01-21T15:52:22Z (#mdmpo3q) @ I apologize for the bad energy, I wrote a few long replies, and since I have the habit of creating new lines (for @ delight) I was repeatedly losing the content, and I was like WTF 😐, haha 😂 2022-01-21T15:53:15Z (#4lmuhza) @ dude, I love your commit messages 2022-01-21T15:56:01Z (#mdmpo3q) I intended to tag @ 😛 2022-01-21T15:59:56Z (#mdmpo3q) @ trying..
New lines... 
Everything looks fine, thanks! By the way I've seen slightly different behaviors between Desktop (Brave) and mobile (Firefox), like characters limits or keeping previous messages in the text box even if they were sent. Let me try again soon, and if I find something strange, I'll tell ya! BTW, what's the best way to report that? 2022-01-21T16:01:49Z (#mdmpo3q) hey, my new lines were removed, give me my \n\n back!

<- Here should be two new lines 2022-01-21T16:06:16Z (#gjiuaza) @ I forgot about SFTP too! And it's what I use for my servers. Good idea!

Talking about FTP, you made me remember that some automation machines I used to maintain, had a open and unencripted FTP to upload the setting files 😮 2022-01-21T16:19:15Z (#yf6xs4q) Works well on Deedum and Ariane (Android both), I could try later with the Python script, since it's what AntennaZINE is using

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/TzintjDtaZKSuhFzMwSPYV.png) ![](https://twtxt.net/media/iZQBPkCSDhySHtEQUb2e6g.png) 2022-01-21T16:21:07Z (#yf6xs4q) @ what was it? The Python script has a few issues with some headers, that I need to fix later, maybe it's something similar 2022-01-22T00:54:41Z Well... Friday of learning new stuff on Unity and Rust, I was forgetting what it was like to take courses for hours and be stuck. Rust, you freaking lang.
The training on Unity is going great, with small lessons of 15 minutes you feel you are doing/learning a lot, the kind of course I like. 2022-01-23T15:33:32Z (#bj5wcma) @ 🙂✌️ 2022-01-23T15:37:48Z Sunday morning over here. 

Started hating the polarized ideas on Twitter (gosh, I was likening and using it again for the value of game dec, and then the wave of hate, ideology and politics arrived).

Then I came back to read a few books, and next I was checking that my Yarn timeline was very active. Looks like a nice morning. 2022-01-23T15:39:09Z Hello @james ! 👋😀 2022-01-23T15:42:23Z (#px6ifpq) @ 👍 2022-01-23T15:43:06Z (#bwz3saq) @ 😬👎 2022-01-23T15:44:58Z (#bwz3saq) @ you can't read my content and substance, so I'll leave you emojis 😁🙄🤔🥑 2022-01-23T15:45:46Z Enough trolling for today, enjoy your weekend my friends! 2022-01-23T15:48:36Z (#ptl2ryq) @ oh no! 😯
As I've shared before, I'm trying to learn more complicated ways of programming (async, concurrent, functional, to say something) and has been very hard to leave old habits. I'll keep trying! 2022-01-26T18:40:01Z Hello everyone, I'm back on sharing cool stuff on the shape of twts, after a Monday lasting 3 days.

Cheers 🍻! <- Non-alcoholic drink, since someone said on Hckrnws it's bad for our hearts 2022-01-26T18:40:19Z (#fqpn4qa) @ "art" 2022-01-26T18:40:34Z (#6ee56sq) @ew0k/BW =D 2022-01-26T18:44:46Z (#kwbpvsq) @ One part of my brain wants Yarn to stay smol, and the other likes to share this cool project/idea/product with as many people as possible. You know, the game of numbers against a sustainable big community. No matter what my brain contradicts with, the counter looks nice! 2022-01-26T18:47:25Z (#kwbpvsq) I think I should ask before (excuse me if I missed that part of the discussion somewhere else), what's the purpose of having a counter of users? Honestly curious from a design perspective 2022-01-26T18:51:12Z In local news you don't care about, a pigeon stepped on an electricity line, something exploded (including the pigeon) and I don't have electricity at home. It makes you think a lot... 2022-01-26T19:28:09Z (#fqpn4qa) @ due to my background in automation and robotics, I think it's cool by itself. And for my new discipline on art and design, I think it joins the subjective aspect of art.

Buuuut I think it does something similar to the Useless Boxes...
If its purpose is to be useless, well... A nice paradox to design 2022-01-26T19:33:40Z (#kwbpvsq) @ By the way, most of them are located in English speaking countries. Is anyone here interested in having one for Hispanic content? I'm in MX, BTW 2022-01-26T23:38:14Z (#g2bkkqa) xD sadly everything happened in a second. Poor pigeon... 2022-01-26T23:43:51Z (#kwbpvsq) @ well... I don't have a quick answer. I'm part of Texto-Plano and the activity and members are less than 1/10 than in some other places I like. But in smol communities that's a feature not a bug, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I agree that English is the language of the Internet, the new Lingua franca, I've even written in my log about it. And even if Spanish is in the Top 10 most spoken languages, its influence is not that big in certain communities (like Dev). 2022-01-26T23:48:18Z (#fa4qtkq) @ My question goes more by: Is it interesting for someone of our acquaintances to have content in another language and from another culture?

And, how to eventually support multiple languages in Yarn?. Has been a problem on Antenna, for instance, where you can't easily filter content in languages you don't know. Or maybe leaving it as English first is just OK.

As a foreigner, supporting i18n has been an interest of mine, but also I know it's about working with minorities and involves #, so it's not an easy conversation. 2022-01-27T03:52:00Z (#xzqnrla) @ Hey, interesting link and discussion.
I think everything was screwed up when we stopped having the concept of directories, and the resources were not files, like on some Restful APIs and such.

And then the frameworks place their own ideas for managing routing. I've had the question, what's 'better'? 

My preference as a user are shortest URLs although I get the point of the trailing slash and the correctness behind the absolute and relative links.
I leave this link as an additional ref https://blog.cdivilly.com/2019/02/28/uri-trailing-slashes 2022-01-27T15:55:26Z (#fnh3qgq) @ Interesting 👀 2022-01-27T15:56:23Z (#e52ytya) @ woooow! 😁👍 2022-01-27T15:57:58Z (#t4lvtcq) @ What's a New Zealand? Is it like a Newer Zealand? =P 2022-01-27T15:58:47Z (#qs4ihcq) @ hehe, it happens the complete opposite with America and North America, so 🧐 2022-01-27T17:10:05Z (#qs4ihcq) @ 👀
![](https://twtxt.net/media/L28YzR2wzqFbUWLEY7zEG6.png) 2022-01-27T20:11:54Z (#pjhoxda) @ When everything is art, nothing is... That said, art books as references are a thing. Maaaybe not art, but a design tool, definitely. 2022-01-27T20:13:34Z (#qs4ihcq) @ why not 😀?! (What is Неж Россия? 🤔) 2022-01-28T17:47:26Z (#qs4ihcq) @ 'Why not?' as in... Let's do it! 2022-01-28T17:49:49Z Morning everyone... It has been been a not so great week over here, but it's Friday, so I'll be saving this comic for tonight (if I survive)

![](https://twtxt.net/media/6xJxve9hjnGvnV53Y9wvJV.gif) 2022-01-29T16:38:28Z (#axhwwxq) @ @ thank you guys, I'm glad you are alive too, and I hope you have a good weekend 😀 2022-01-29T16:44:04Z This Friday I had the chance to change the routine a bit. My wife and I watched "Mary and the Witch's Flower", it really connected with my mood.
(Possible spoilers ahead) ~~It's a cute one, with good animation, a decent story and that bittersweet feeling of innocence and growth.~~
(End of spoilers)

Also, reading a few books in English and Spanish, including "Information Doesn't Want to Be Free". It makes you think a lot about the services and products we use and consume (like that movie I mentioned). 2022-01-29T16:47:43Z (#vbpdqvq) I forgot to add. The soundtrack 🎶 is amazing! (Everything IMO) 2022-01-30T18:35:03Z (#teequ3a) @ as a fan of encryption and privacy, I think signing and encrypting messages are not only desirable but needed, I'd like to see it in action. The downside, as some have discussed is the UX pains for those clients not supporting the extension.
On the other hand, Saltpack or PGP are great for messaging/email, I understand twtxt is not for that. In a similar way, Twitter allows private messaging in the same App, but in a different section. Same with most Social Services. 2022-01-30T18:37:14Z (#teequ3a) I see a use case for signing messages. It could be like the Twitter verification for public messages.

For encryption, as in only a few users can decrypt the message, I can't see it. Like "Sharing personal information with friends", why do you want to do that on a public channel? Use a private messaging system, or the section inside the service you use. 2022-01-30T18:42:37Z (#teequ3a) To clarify, I was thinking before (and even discussed in TextoPlano but it had no traction) on a public channel where you store messages that anyone can read, but only a person with the private key can decrypt. 

I think the concept is cool, even if I've read the security advice from Signal, Session and other IM services, about things I was forgetting on security and strong encryption. Here: https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/1013.pdf

With that said, I don't see how twtxt could be a good place for that kind of encrypted messages. Am I missing something? 2022-01-31T03:15:00Z (#phdhdyq) @ I don't want to discourage any idea, indeed I think it's a good one. I've read the whole RFC 770, so I think I understand the result, but not the why. My concern comes from the overhead of having to:
- Manage a lot of keys (with the problems it creates of string private keys)
- Decrypt every message once it arrives
- Not having a way for the non-compatible browsers to hide this content. 2022-01-31T03:20:01Z (#phdhdyq) @ 
"Same argument can be applied to Encrypted Email using GPG", IMO a more accurate one would be encrypting IRC (although you can send messages in a group/channel or in private). Email is a thing with senders and receivers. Everything on twtxt is public by default, so adding a layer of private content on top of something public first, is weird in my mind... Having a different feed sounds good, like the 'semi-public' channel idea I told in my first message. 2022-01-31T03:22:06Z (#phdhdyq) It seems I'm missing the conversation on IRC in #.social. I'm looking forward to seeing the result of the RFC. I can't add anything else for now😄 2022-01-31T15:41:21Z (#omqipwa) @ Love the async part! Go for it! 2022-02-06T21:40:00Z After a few days travelling around the Centre of México, I'm finally at a calm place to relax and enjoy the holidays.

It's interesting being for a few hours on planes and buses to feel bored, and let your imagination fly again. 2022-02-07T13:40:30Z (#2uspdfq) @ subsidies 2022-02-07T13:43:08Z (#5adr54q) @ a bit of both... Pleasure business too 2022-02-23T18:47:05Z (#ux2ypba) @ What's that? 2022-02-23T18:54:02Z For a few years, I've been thinking about writing a book (in Spanish to start).

Now I'm starting to write one on how to create a Poker Texas Hold 'em on Unity and C#...
Let's see how it goes for this 1st experiment 2022-03-02T18:49:37Z I've been tweeting a lot in Spanish, but had forgotten of writing here :o

Don't have anything cool to share, rather than saying I'm alive and family is doing fine. 2022-03-02T18:52:58Z (#zrpwznq) @ I was thinking a lot about that.

I love the series of books Head First from O'Reilly, and was considering that format.
But for videogames, I've been taking a lot of video courses on Udemy and is much simpler to share how to use Unity, which is extremely GUI oriented. 2022-03-02T18:56:09Z (#zrpwznq) Currently is more of 'I want to write a book' since it gives you more prestige points than a video course, and because I have done videos, podcasts, classes in college, and such, but never a book, even with the challenges you mention.

And then you can write a tutorial on a Web page, create a digital book, or even a physical one. From all that I'd go with the Digital book. More ecological, easy to distribute... But a friend is telling me that Amazon has strong systems of print on demand, so it's always an option. 2022-03-02T18:57:22Z (#zrpwznq) Note: I don't like Amazon that much, I don't buy physical books anymore, I read a lot on my kindle.

That said, I'd need to know where the public is reading, and what they want to read. So it's more like designing a product for an audience, than for me. But that's something I have to decide soon. 2022-03-23T17:59:16Z I think I have too many micro-blogging services now... 2022-03-23T18:07:27Z Suddenly stopped using a few services I enjoyed for whole months. Gemini Antenna, 1 second everyday, twtxt.net, donelist.today

Weird 2022-03-26T00:36:02Z What a week... Trying to make money with Art, Design and Code has been challenging

How is your week going over there? 2022-03-26T00:47:16Z After a few days, I finally finished a toy project for automated learning (with a really simple neural network) to teach the bots to play a very simple version of poker with 8 cards

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/pFBATCmwYEjLxF8tnU8djm.png) 2022-04-11T17:54:42Z Interesting reflections and points about creating a free service vs creating free software

https://blog.pinboard.in/2011/12/don_t_be_a_free_user/ 2022-04-12T23:57:51Z [Ask HN: When did tech stop being cool?](https://hackerweb.app/#/item/31001155)

Well... How to say it? Is not that isn't cool anymore, but we are getting older and surrounded (or perhaps overwhelmed) by technology going extremely fast. 2022-04-13T00:05:59Z (#o3cxqba) @ I would pay! Since I have spare money and no free time (or will) to set up everything.

I was thinking of creating my instance of Yarn.social (mainly in Spanish, since I'm using Twitter a lot to share professional stuff), but then I got to learn some stuff, and paying a few bucks is faster (for me).

If I got to pay 5-10 USD for a VPS (plus my time setting up everything), and I get a service someone else is maintaining for, we say, 3 USD/month, it's a no-brainer for me. But I don't know how many people like me there are.

I think the hook is in having a not so painful price point and also making it hard to stop paying for it. Example: I pay Spotify, and now I cannot cancel, since my wife and father-in-law are using it, and I want to avoid that conflict of telling them that I'm cheap, so I pay 7 USD / month, and I get music w/o ads a few times a week. 2022-04-13T00:09:00Z (#o3cxqba) @ I'm surprised by Wikipedia. I know their monthly cost is impressive, and they manage to get funds to keep the lights on.

I don't know the details, I think having encyclopedic universal knowledge is more worthy than a social/personal network, but no idea. You left me an itch of researching more about it. 2022-04-13T16:07:48Z (#nl4x36q) @ Reverse psychology perhaps? 2022-04-13T16:12:53Z (#o3cxqba) **Put my money where my mouth is!**

As I've discussed previously (taken from the book 'Predictably irrational') money changes everything. From a favour now you have the obligation to keep lights on, and some predictability on how everything works.
From a friend giving stuff for free, now you are a supplier. That's why free social networks are in that Uncanny valley of being free, but arguably you are the product. 

It's an interesting experiment to charge for some part of the product (even being a non-profit). You'll see how people change. (And that's not bad, but part of self-sustainability) 2022-04-13T18:02:25Z (#o3cxqba) @ My case with Spotify on iOS. Now I'm using Android, but my wife and father-in-law use iOS, so... 2022-04-16T00:33:31Z (#xge7dtq) @ stupid solutions arise to my mind:
- Don't have kids
- Don't have work

# 2022-04-17T01:19:24Z I feel slightly guilty about relaxing for the 3rd day in a row... But then I remember that I need to rest and I forget everything...

# 2022-04-20T17:36:34Z (#wc33pfa) @ Much better with the Dark mode =P 

Nice theme BTW! 2022-04-20T18:31:02Z (#zf5dtfq) @ I use Brave as my main browser (for privacy reasons, and after using Opera for a few years it started working weirdly so I switched to another Chrome-based browser).

Then I also use Edge (on Win 10), Firefox and LibreWolf.

On Android, I use Firefox Nightly, and try not to use Chrome. 2022-04-21T22:53:00Z In things you didn't need to know, today we had to remove a cockroach nest at home

How is your day going? 2022-04-22T01:25:11Z (#nrtvwca) @ Interesting! Now I'm only using "Latest Tweets", but knowing how the other dark algorithm works is always appealing 2022-04-22T01:26:54Z (#3sep2pa) Well, I don't know if it's called a nest (it is in Spanish), but it was a lot of them, and eggs. So it was a fun family activity for a Thursday 2022-04-22T06:08:18Z (#c37vmmq) @ well, I got 2 videos I use in class. Not exactly for a 6 year old, but could be helpful

[YouTube - How HOTP and TOTP work](https://youtu.be/46AKWNOJ3-Y)

[YouTube - How does the Google Authenticator Work? HOTP TOTP Difference | 2FA Authentication](https://youtu.be/XYVrnZK5MAU) 2022-04-22T15:11:40Z (#bb5ajra) @ Hey, it's a really simple and straightforward explanation. Added to my list! 2022-04-23T05:55:49Z (#cvfefxq) @ it's midnight over here, best wishes for the call 🤙 2022-04-24T20:10:21Z (#3ne7d5a) @ wow! Achievement unlocked, I guess.

Since I mainly use Javascript, Typescript, C# and Python I'm kind of used to strong typed stuff, but it's always a hard conversation.

I send you my best wishes for your few minutes of (I presume) undesired fame.
In my previous experience making controversial statements, usually negative voices make more noise that silent supporters, but anyway it's hard. I think you get used to it. 2022-04-26T01:14:10Z (#4s43nta) @ I agree, indeed I don't like Uber as a huge company on top of a gig economy.

That said, why don't you use their Help section? (I have never used it) It reaches nowhere? 2022-04-26T01:15:48Z (#xunmtbq) @ most of houses here don't have a fireplace, but 2 years ago we rented a cabin in the woods, ah, good moments 🔥 2022-04-26T17:23:42Z A quote that made me think a lot this morning:

> Why are many talented software developers drawn to solving impossible problems, drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee, neglecting their sleep and personal lives, and constantly trying to fix everything and everyone around them while ignoring their own psychosocial needs? 2022-04-26T17:29:27Z (#rynwiqq) @ Unfortunately there is a need in the corporate for centralized platforms to help make more money...

And from gamers using centralized platforms (iOS, Android, Xbox, Switch, Playstation) to communicate with other players in that realm.

Aaaand, I'm guilty too. I use Discord at work, and kind of like it (I hate Slack).

I have tried to use open IM, but no one (of business people, our audience, friends and family) uses them, so the network effect is strong here. 2022-04-26T23:09:04Z (#ht5xqba) @ I've been there, working for a huge corporation... Now I'm kinda doing the same in my small indie company, trying to find a purpose and many things more besides money (really necessary) 

I don't want to say we are hopeless, I guess we are finding something there to walk the steps to something higher, but perhaps it's going slower than we wish. 2022-04-26T23:20:08Z (#ht5xqba) @ The remaining quote says that finding the answer takes a whole life.

For me, it has changed every year, I guess solving problems bigger than us is something aspirational, but finding the balance with our health isn't easy, or at least it hasn't been for me. 2022-04-26T23:21:54Z (#4s43nta) @ gotcha! I've had bad experiences with YouTube and Facebook (mainly for work), but I prefer not to use Uber, Didi, and such platforms for food.

Not being able to chat with a human is painful =/ 2022-04-27T23:41:07Z (#5fhtvwa) Most of them, but yes... Proof of Work is a Proof of Wasted energy

I don't have data on how bad it is compared with anything else, but that cool technology is now an environmental problem, as many technological solutions create further problems 2022-05-03T17:47:41Z (#dj2qqqa) Hehe, I think the obvious solution is not necessarily the most adequate

but obviously the corporate solution is the worst xD 2022-05-03T17:53:49Z (#t5vwd3a) Looks nice! Is that already released somewhere? 2022-05-04T17:16:01Z (#5535xyq) I'm getting this error on Win10 (I could try on WSL/Ubuntu)

I'm not a great Go programmer, so I don't have a clue what to do next

lookup seems to work fine
salty-chat lookup me@eapl.mx 

``` 2022-05-04T17:23:16Z (#5535xyq) Some other errors when using register

salty-chat register me@eapl.mx
error registering account: unable to find broker for me@eapl.mx: error looking up _salty._tcp.eapl.mx : lookup _salty._tcp.eapl.mx: dnsquery: DNS name does not exist.

salty-chat register prologic@mills.io
error registering account: error registering address: non-2xx response received: 409 Conflict
``` 2022-05-05T12:59:23Z (#5535xyq) @ Thanks. I'll follow this advice, let's see :) 2022-05-05T13:00:48Z (#5535xyq) @ Interesting, I missed this guide... Taking a look 👀 2022-05-05T13:12:44Z (#5535xyq) @ hehe, no worries! Good vibes, and have a great rest 2022-05-05T13:28:02Z (#supuz4a) @ I don't know if it's the best moment to send this, but this article helped me in my short period as a political activist

https://medium.com/@joshuatauberer/so-you-want-to-reform-democracy-7f3b1ef10597#.bpvpop4yl 2022-05-05T18:12:43Z I wrote a few ideas on avoiding 'old fashioned' passwords and using something more convenient and secure

[Promoting the use of dynamic passwords](https://text.eapl.mx/promoting-the-use-of-dynamic-passwords) 2022-05-06T15:16:55Z (#5pxpbsa) @ good vibes! I hope you feel better soon, it's a pain in the nerve =P 2022-05-09T16:23:13Z (#5535xyq) @ I ran the go install command, but I think I'm getting the 0.0.20 version. Should I do something different if I download it from https://git.mills.io/saltyim/saltyim/releases/tag/0.0.21 ?
go install go.mills.io/saltyim/cmd/salty-chat@latest
salty-chat -v
salty-chat version v0.0.0-20220506225044-cea7e7fcf623 built with go1.18.1 (checksum: h1:E3adFfRMLn55i+pPM9s35TkDTCfeQtx6o/6JIXh53t0=)
``` 2022-05-11T18:17:10Z I think this image summarizes my interactions with friends and other companies this week
![](https://twtxt.net/media/xtqCneXuLVtSfhBSNu4S6Q.png) 2022-05-12T20:09:11Z I can't recall if I've shared this here, but has been the topic of the week

How and why are we owners? And what 'isms' do we follow to have the life we expect?
https://text.eapl.mx/quick-ideas-about-isms-and-ownership 2022-05-14T19:29:12Z (#obnz45a) @ hey, great!

Is there any guide to update from 0.13 to 0.14?
I'm using the Vultur Marketplace version https://www.vultr.com/marketplace/apps/yarn 2022-05-15T03:23:09Z (#obnz45a) @ hey, thanks, it magically worked! 2022-05-15T03:24:58Z (#vg6grrq) @ a problem with Twitter is that you 'cannot' serve ads based on keyword searches.
It could be perhaps by hashtags, people you follow, or similar. 2022-05-16T19:54:05Z (#dk2ai5a) @ the team switched from 5 to 4-day work last month, and it has been kind of strange. But since I'm giving classes on Saturdays, has been refreshing!

How have you felt of the switch? 2022-05-17T16:26:33Z I have used Windows OS for almost 30 years. I don't dislike it that much. (And I use Android, iOS, macOS, -buntus, Debian, etc, at the same time)

But this week, I wanted to log in and I couldn't use my PIN or Fingerprint for unknown reasons, and since I wasn't using my password I forgot it. Damn, those strange cases where things don't work as expected. 2022-05-17T16:32:47Z (#dk2ai5a) @ long week, huh? 2022-05-17T17:50:27Z I'm thinking of operating a 'twtxt . es' pod (for content in spanish/español)

It's gonna cost something like 100 USD/year (domain + hosting), nothing excessive, but I have some weird feeling about paying on stuff not being used that much. Thoughts? 2022-05-18T16:27:46Z (#qfztrga) @ Sorry, I don't get the meaning of running coat, is it a kind of hosting service? 2022-05-18T16:30:50Z (#qfztrga) @ we could try it 🤔

I want to invite more Spanish-speaking people to Twtxt and kind of separate conversations in another language. I could buy and manage the domain, and if you'd like to share resources would be great. Later if it grows, we might share expanses or something. 2022-05-18T16:32:24Z (#qfztrga) @ I started an experiment with my own domain, and Vultr it's costing something like 6 USD/month.

I agree, more pods the cooler! 2022-05-18T22:15:35Z (#6ibrxca) @ haha 😆, gotcha! 2022-05-22T04:12:57Z (#2i6b3va) @ Stupid Moore's and Koomey's laws. It's incredible to me how we have exponentially more computing power, only by waiting.

Also, it's being invisible to us. We have a lot of magical systems (GPS, WiFi, Cryptography, Cell phones) and now we don't value that much what's happening behind the scenes.

For me it's a matter of adapting to the current reality, and fighting against my nostalgia (everything was better before), but at the same time slowing down the stupid speed of innovation. 2022-05-24T04:14:56Z (#5jmg2aq) There is the web3 and Web 3.0 (as a successor for Web 2.0), one more oriented to distributed and federated content, another with everything on top of a currency, so every stored bit costs some gas.

And although I don't dislike the good parts of cryptocurrency, being the cryptography behind it and the potential of decentralized power behind it, I'm not too fond of the interests it brings. Since it's designed from the core for monetary value, it attracts people aiming for the best Return on investment not caring for the environment (there is a debate about green energies by 2022).

I know that a Hobbyist net, an Indieweb, and a Hyper profitable net are going to be different between them, their core values are different, and there is a space for all of them. 
I don't think Web3 is going to be self-sustainable since there is no balance between losers and winners. 2022-05-24T04:16:42Z (#5jmg2aq) I won't say it's important to kill them. How are we going to do it?

I think it's going to implode itself since it doesn't have the benefits of a Hobbie, with people sustaining the infrastructure for the sake of it.
Nor the self-sustainability of a commercial net, where the profits are higher than the cost of operating them. 2022-05-24T13:30:26Z (#vbtd5ba) @ Well, it should be decentralized, like in every computer having a copy of the whole blockchain (400 GB for Bitcoin up to 2022). Since that's not feasible, now everything is semi-decentralized or fully centralized, and perhaps is not been distributed, if you consume the blockchain on the same APIs... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So I agree with you. 2022-05-24T13:37:46Z (#vbtd5ba) What I think about those technologies is that version 1.0 is extremely inefficient (energy consumption, niche market), have horrible UX (like slow transactions, having to centralize the transactions to make them easier to use) and requires some early adopters willing to ignore the defects of the current solution. 

So it's a double edged sword to me. Yeah, changing the status quo, and using cool technology is appealing to scientists (AI/magical algorithms, is that you?), but the problems it actually creates are worth considering. It reminds me of a quote from Jurassic Park.

Maybe Web3.5 will fix some, maybe everything will disappear. Who knows? 2022-05-24T13:38:02Z (#5jmg2aq) @ no worries 😁 2022-05-31T15:34:07Z (#jlyvpfa) @ Hey, neat! How is a club over there? Like a league in a public place? 2022-06-04T16:57:25Z (#jlyvpfa) @ Oops, it seems the web page is down, I wanted to look at it since I love bracket systems, ladders and such.

That said, cool, sounds great being part of a local club :) 2022-06-06T18:57:57Z (#kvrpbcq) @ I wish you a prosperous life and a healthy journey ahead. 2022-06-06T19:06:12Z I'm gamifying my weekly exercise (since I'm lazy), with a League system inspired by Duolingo's.
![](https://twtxt.net/media/XE4tjzjLHeMXpdUwN64pUX.png) 2022-06-06T21:36:12Z Aaaand, I'm learning to replace the kitchen faucet, since it's leaking, and looks like it can't be fixed...

Let see!

# 2022-06-10T02:43:30Z (#mp7qhia) @ TIL there is a flat view... Trying it out 2022-06-11T02:20:36Z What Web browser are you using currently?

Over here my main one has been Brave (after ditching Opera for not supporting the chrome's Dark Mode). But lately, I've been using a bit more Edge, Firefox, Libre Wolf on Windows 10, and Firefox Nightly on Android 2022-06-11T18:44:17Z On Mastodon and Podcasts (in Spanish) there was a discussion about consuming blogs on RSS. Besides podcasting, RSS has been dead for me, or at least I've had many years without actively using it.

Today for research purposes I opened The Old Reader with my account of 2010 and it was a blast of nostalgia, old blogs, content creators and even relatives sharing their content about 12 years ago... # 2022-06-11T18:47:35Z (#2hlggeq) Haha, this is gold! I love the sarcastic tone.

I think RSS switched to Social Media, then to email newsletters, but I agree with @ on being mainly for the lack of discoverability in browsers.

On Gemini I use Antenna, or even Telegram channels to push the content to me. I don't know, I'm not an avid consumer of blogs, and that's perhaps the reason I don't like to receive content in aggregators. IDK. 2022-06-11T18:52:27Z (#2hlggeq) Another point is that with RSS you don't control what you receive. I was getting hundreds of new entries, generating a sense of _this is too much_. When I visit a site like Hacker News, I look over the last day, and it's OK if I miss content from weeks ago.

Being a fan of Inbox Zero, I like to unsubscribe from content not attractive to me or only receive a weekly summary (like that from IndieHackers.com). With RSS I feel I receive a push of **everything** the blog has created.

But again, I haven't used it in years. 2022-06-11T20:04:48Z (#2hlggeq) @ Interesting, it reminds me a bit of twtxt, where the content and the notifications are in a single file 2022-06-12T00:01:42Z (#ixsqiza) @ I get your point, perhaps I'd say it went to email, then social media, and it's coming back to mail.

You'd be surprised at how many people are reading email newsletters nowadays, trying to flee from media and using the evergreen email.

I found this random link from the marketing side, but I'd like to have numbers from the hobbyist side, comparing usage of RSS vs email, for instance:
https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/email-marketing-stats 2022-06-12T00:02:53Z (#2hlggeq) @ this one? https://moonmoon.org

I guess I used it many moons ago (pun intended), thanks for the reminder! 2022-06-13T21:21:24Z (#ji42lkq) @ yep, I was going to share the bip-39 spec, thanks for pointing it out.
A regular passphrase, like taking a random quote from a book is not ideal, perhaps the equivalent to using **'password123'**

I switched from using long random passwords like 

They are easier to type, and have similar entropy (if used correctly)

As @ says, the real problem is with ```allowed_chars <= 50``` even for long passwords or simpler passphrases, which is stupid since the hashed password uses the same amount of chars. Perhaps allowing up to 100 or 200 chars is good enough, and maybe rejecting some special characters like emojis, no idea. 2022-06-13T23:04:18Z (#s65yzqq) @ I don't use the news function in Yarn.social (or at least I don't follow many news sources), but that's a cool feature! 2022-06-14T03:30:00Z (#s65yzqq) @ Everything sounds great until you receive
Error following feed @< https://eapl.mx/diariodeemas/atom.xml>: erroneous feed detected

It seems to be valid tho https://www.rssboard.org/rss-validator/check.cgi?url=https%3A%2F%2Feapl.mx%2Fdiariodeemas%2Fatom.xml 2022-06-14T15:12:15Z (#eijedvq) @ Well, I still have an iPhone 6 I bought in 2015 perhaps. It's not receiving the newest iOS, so I cannot use all the apps, but those still working 

I've replaced the battery twice, and the screen once (I dropped the phone), besides that it's pretty decent hardware. I won't say they are better than Android, but for the price, you receive something good. 2022-06-14T15:13:45Z (#eijedvq) @ well, that has happened since the iPhone appeared. With more expensive hardware, you are more willing to spend more on the hard stuff (cases, accessories), and the soft part (apps of 1-10 USD, perhaps)
I guess it's something similar on cars, homes, travels and such 🤔 2022-06-15T14:02:59Z (#ck6y3ba) Welcome to the mother of all "context menus" ![](https://twtxt.net/media/xfDkuX9pvoUmUzbjS7cgMX.png) 2022-06-18T17:11:28Z 34° C outside, 31° C inside, Help! 2022-06-22T17:33:06Z (#u3xknjq) @ sure, I can help! (We have a distance of 15 hours by plane, but we speak kinda the same lang) 2022-06-22T17:37:37Z (#u3xknjq) @ Hola! Twtxt es un formato base para microblogging hacker. (Lo puedes hacer hospedando en texto plano en un servidor)

@ creó varias extensiones (https://dev.twtxt.net) para que funcione más similar a una red social.

Yarn.social es un servicio Web para ofrecer una experiencia tipo Twitter/microblogging, que crea el archivo Twtxt por ti, y permite leer de otros lugares que no usan Yarn. 2022-06-22T18:06:06Z (#ajee2za) @ they are asking if the twtxt.tx file is stored as a text file, and where is it hosted? 2022-06-22T19:14:00Z (#tbfqlua) @ it's working well on Android 12 (Pixel 5a)
if I find anything weird I'll send to a msg

- Sent from Goryon 2022-06-25T19:18:41Z (#lmc55za) I don't know why there is an interest from Spanish speakers. Having the front page in English could help?

Also, for me as a geeky developer, twtxt and twtxt are clear. (Yarn extensions were confusing at the start tho)
Maybe an adaptation for Twitter or Mastodon users would be helpful? 2022-06-25T19:20:57Z (#lmc55za) @ HTP is Hyper Transfer Protocol? 😛 2022-06-26T18:39:10Z (#fpw2ita) @ I haven't watched it, I will.

I often recommend reading this one: https://medium.com/civic-tech-thoughts-from-joshdata/so-you-want-to-reform-democracy-7f3b1ef10597

As saying how to fix something is easy, actually doing it has been difficult, in fact, I'm not doing it anymore. 2022-07-22T02:30:48Z (#wm5opwa) @ Hey, how are you doing?

I paused the pod since no one else was using it, and I saw no interest from Latin or Spanish communities (yet)... 2022-07-22T16:02:51Z (#wm5opwa) @ If I remember correctly, I didn't ask you to include it on the landing page, since it was more like an experiment to understand it from the inside.

Yeah, I've created and moderated a few communities (local and remote, but in Spanish)...
I know it takes time, I was simply holding many eggs in the same basket, to manage another community. I'll check it again after some cleanup of hobbies I have to make over here but thank you for the follow-up, and as I often say, thanks for creating Yarn and being a Poderator 2022-07-22T22:08:03Z Hey everyone!

I'm making a simple bot to record my weekly exercise in a Fake League like Duolingo does. If you want to try it, and share some feedback with me, join here:

What would be more useful to me, is if it worked to motivate you to exercise more every week 2022-08-03T00:09:00Z (#2uigtnq) @ ✌️ 2022-08-03T00:11:43Z (#ay7e6ka) @ Hey, it's nice to hear that :D

I guess there are already many tools to do that (my brother uses one when he's riding a bike, with fancy animations and a 3D map), but when you make your own tool, it tastes differently.

Share with us if you revive it! 2022-08-04T16:15:51Z (#envp4vq) @ Wow, that's a good definition for the problem to solve. Was a pleasant surprise.
(Random story ahead) The name is pretty relatable for me since I heard that word in a Popular Mechanics magazine a few years ago about the band. 

Do you have some screenshots or a quick video to watch how is it going? I know programmers are more text-based but an appealing image is always useful to share the visual idea behind it.

Something that has happened to me with FitBot is that if I leave the project in a theoretical way, only writing about it, and thinking about how to create it, I get sick of the idea. So I need some users (starting with me) to feel the product/software/service is alive. 2022-08-04T19:20:05Z (#zrbqxza) Try with the following?

``` 2022-08-04T19:24:15Z (#zrbqxza) @ Wow, interesting! I don't usually have big blocks of comments, so it has never been an issue, but it's great to know for the next project. 2022-08-05T02:55:26Z (#envp4vq) @ Thanks dude, I'll take a look. If you need any specific feedback or to ping-pong ideas, throw me an @ 2022-08-05T02:59:45Z I'm thinking of starting (another) Side project / Hobby project. Also, I've been writing about my projects (mostly games) in the last few years. For me, it's a source of learning, validation and portfolio, but I have bitter-sweet feelings on the results.

I have mixed feelings, since when it's a Hobby project is not a big deal leaving it 'incomplete', without users, and such. But as a Side project which could at least earn some bucks to pay the expenses, there is some pain in not having traction as a product.

Any general advice? 2022-08-06T00:46:30Z (#7ldrcdq) @ interesting question. When I reached the drawing board I got the same question. Should we register everything? Calories, distance, steps, time and such?

I thought it was going to be tedious to type every kind of info, so I went down to a single number representing I did any exercise, being the final goal to do more.

It was burned calories for me... 2022-08-06T00:52:40Z (#7ldrcdq) So unless you have an automatic way to store all that geeky data, I'll suggest to ask for the min amount of numbers.

That said, anything user-configurable is a pain in the back since you have to add editors, validators, tutorials and such. I wouldn't do it yet, unless you have a paying user or similar. Perhaps you can add 2 or 5 presets which you can rename for general purposes. And then you store the amounts for that activity and have an equivalent number across exercises, again, like calories. 2022-08-06T01:03:33Z (#7ldrcdq) To avoid premature optimization you can have room for further expansions but not implementing it yet. For instance saying "this record is version 1" if it's V2, then look into this other table with more details.

Just a wild idea, it would depend on your current architecture and how much it could change soon 2022-08-15T02:29:30Z (#nekd5sq) @ haha, amazing! Every answer I got was funny or clever 😮 2022-08-15T02:33:17Z (#bh6vejq) @ macro mini-blogging, that said, it's better (for me) a long 'tweet' than a thread of 127 micro-texts 2022-08-16T03:29:42Z In news you already knew, Stack Overflow is amazing. Instead of reinventing the wheel with trigonometry for half of an hour trying to remember random stuff from college, you can try one of the multiple solutions in a few minutes.

The tricky part is in naming what you are trying to find, ha!

A quick example of what I was trying to achieve today:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10301001/perpendicular-on-a-line-segment-from-a-given-point 2022-08-16T21:52:45Z (#wzvzvca) @ a soccer/football game.

I guess I'll overcomplicate it even more, but for now it was the easiest solution for a referee to follow the ball, while they is walking across a line.

Based on: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Referee_(association_football)#/Positioning_and_responsibilities 2022-08-23T13:11:53Z (#oa3m5qa) @ Well... I got to start with a disclaimer, I'm a content creator and a content consumer/user.

I'm not receiving anything from my content but it would be nice. I live in a hobbyist network (creating and consuming paying with time) and in the commercial one as well. I pay for some content and don't pay for some other. I use uBlock and Vanced. I get frustrated when in groups of 'profesional' people, books and magazines are shared shamelessly. I pay for Spotify, and I download music from YouTube. I hate the first 2 minutes of ads and bumpers. I have read "Information doesn't want to be free" and I know there is a fight between everything online has to be open vs closed and paywalled.

All that said, well... The problem is deeper, comes again from the recommendation algorithms shaping our lives and that's the real danger. That's why instead of organic or automatic recommendation, they need the subscription, to avoid their channel being forgotten due to 527 videos before and short-term memory. 2022-08-23T13:14:53Z (#oa3m5qa) @ I agree with the last part, it happens with Spotify and some streaming platforms. You pay for it and you receive ads, like with some magazines.

I think the first step is not consuming that content, next one is to fomplain, and las part is becoming a monk and stop using digital content < /s> 2022-08-23T13:24:40Z Oh no! twtxt.net is down! Where can I complain about it? 2022-08-23T13:25:38Z (#nhusnna) @ like in videogames or more like a philosophical questions about human behaviour, love and death? 2022-08-25T19:16:46Z Today I found that Solarpunk is a thing:
https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Solarpunk 2022-08-25T19:19:21Z (#2ciawva) I was a little bit aware of the Punk idea, but it's always an interesting movement to know about
![](https://twtxt.net/media/o5ww9hdxS6SezxwoS8GfEZ.png) 2022-08-25T21:38:24Z (#2ciawva) @ I can print and send it to your address, for those who don't like mandatory electricity just to read the document. (Sadly, not solar powered yet) 2022-08-25T23:17:24Z (#2ciawva) @ I was thinking on the [Sneakernet](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=json&action=query&prop=extracts&exintro&explaintext&redirects=1&titles=Sneakernet) but IPaAC is clearly an improvement! 2022-08-26T00:23:41Z Does anyone of you use PGP encrypted mail, or any kind or email encryption? Why? Why not?

# 2022-08-26T03:18:44Z (#3tslmiq) @ From my classes of image processing, I can recall that's not an easy problem to solve...

Why do you want to know the true/previous size ? 2022-08-26T14:03:22Z (#jc4lrpq) @ Interesting... I think if we re-invent the email it will convert into another thing, not to email 2.0 (or whatever version we currently are)

And the concept of digital stamps is nice, I've heard of it a few times before, but I think it would be difficult with many free alternatives, and the concept of digital telecommunications as 'free'. 2022-08-26T16:30:26Z (#i3ufdma) 1. Survive
2. Getting out of town with my wife, parents and brothers
3. Forget about code and digital life for a bit 2022-08-26T23:26:24Z (#jc4lrpq) thank you everyone for your answers! 😀 2022-08-30T16:20:56Z 👀 https://tholman.com/cursor-effects/ 2022-09-02T00:27:39Z @ quick question for you... Is the ```# prev``` part of the spec currently working on Yarn?

My question goes more on, I'm looking at your .txt and can't see your older twts
https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt 2022-09-02T00:35:12Z (#3umgkja) @ hehe, no prob :) I was just thinking on how to retrieve older twts outside Yarn, with a CLI tool or similar 2022-09-09T16:05:24Z Today I found on HackerNews a federated 'Reddit' 🤔
https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/index.html 2022-09-09T16:09:47Z (#mazysgq) @ eh... Like twtxt.net 😮 ? 2022-09-09T21:23:00Z (#mazysgq) @ Well, it feels like... hmm, a tool for communities? Rather than a Forum with Karma (like Reddit used to be)
What is Movim ?
A powerful web frontend for XMPP
Movim is a social and chat platform that act as a frontend for the XMPP network.
``` 2022-09-12T03:10:46Z (#4b7rluq) @ hehe, yeah, it's hard. I'm having a lot of reverb and I need to invest on acoustic isolation and such.

Now the problem with my home studio is the ventilation and avoiding noise from outside. 

Any tips to reduce noise and echoes? 2022-09-12T03:13:03Z (#erafajq) @ for me Rust has been difficult to keep interest on. I don't have a background on C for computers (only microprocessors) or C++.

That said, I'm starting with Ruby and Rails, which is more interesting for my background on PHP, Python, JS, C# and such... 

Let see how it goes 2022-09-12T03:15:41Z (#dkj52nq) 😮 Enjoy your last 24 hours! 2022-09-13T15:02:20Z (#4b7rluq) @ I'm more on recording videos and podcasts, aaaand perhaps recording a bit of guitar. 2022-09-13T15:05:09Z Writing on paper, and typing on the computer or the phone at the speed of speaking has been appealing for me although I came in a generation where that is not important anymore... You can use an AI to transcript voice to text, and such.

That said, I've been researching as a hobby on the old 'trends' like http://www.fordshorthand.com for handwriting, and http://opsahl.github.io/yash/ when you use a keyboard

Stay tuned... 2022-09-14T03:39:05Z Today I was playing a bit with 'useless stuff' like Client Certificates, S/MIME email encryption, email certificates, passwordless ideas, and static web generators.

Aaaand also learning Ruby with the fantastic series of books Head First (I learned C#, I think, in 2008)

Was a nice Tuesday, he 2022-09-14T03:43:47Z (#dmzgl3q) My knowledge of neural networks is the hello world for Brains.js

I heard you can do voice recognition offline (pre-trained for English), but have never used it, no idea how well it works
https://deepspeech.readthedocs.io/en/r0.9/ 2022-09-14T14:07:32Z (#3hqx7vq) @ Thanks! Well, a vaultless password manager is not 'passwordless' but I get your point. Not having to actually remember a password.

I've been playing with https://spectre.app although I think having to remember a Master Password + your accounts makes it difficult to use for the average user. You have to remember how exactly the username is stored, or... Having a vault again.

I'm thinking more of getting a Dynamic password, like a 9 digits OTP or similar, with seeds/keys stored in some device, like we actually do for 2FA/TOTP. I'll be not a 2 factor authentication, so I'm going around in circles.
Also, I've heard of OPAQUE as a way to avoid transmitting passwords, but that's another topic https://ctrlc.hu/opaque/

And lastly (for my 280+ characters twt), I like WebAuth with multiple implementations. Perhaps with the support of OS designers, it would be easier for users https://www.wired.com/story/apple-passkeys-password-ios16-ventura/ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/id 2022-09-14T14:18:15Z (#3hqx7vq) @ Thanks! So far it's looking awesome. Congrats on making it with PWAs, it has been an idea from my side, but haven't found time to do it. Kudos for including OTPs.

If I can suggest something, I started changing my passwords to Passphrases, since these are easier to type in some situations when I can't copy-paste them, and due to the length/entropy should be more secure


I've seen BIP39 from the cryptocurrency world for deterministic creation of the phrase, but perhaps there is some open alternative for it https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki 2022-09-14T14:21:14Z @ 2022-09-14T21:35:18Z (#3hqx7vq) @ Sounds like an interesting project! 

I didn't know about v3 addresses, so I don't know the details rather than
```The address is "the first 80 bits of the SHA-1 of the 1024-bit RSA key"```

So, did the keyphrase work for the conversion? Perhaps you could use the BIP39 word list (with 2,048 instead of 65,536 from keyphrase) 2022-09-15T18:13:38Z Today I was looking for a 'Random Group Generator' for my class, and found this interesting claim

```This Random List Generator uses an advanced algorithm to split a catalog of entries into the required number of teams or groups. The high-grade artificial intelligence allows it to convey a unique, exclusive, and unbiased result.``` 2022-09-15T23:31:10Z (#g7mxfrq) Evidence: https://www.randomready.com/random-group-generator/ 2022-09-15T23:32:59Z (#frzolpq) @ Oh, is it Share a picture of your dog Day? 😄 Let me find one of the cute girl over here! 2022-09-15T23:39:37Z Today is Mexico's national day 🇲🇽 !
Let's enjoy a traditional dish with the family, and celebrate a bit 2022-09-16T16:56:40Z (#me2jowa) @ Well, for this specific day, it's Red Pozole! I don't know how to describe it, but I leave a recipe so you can have an idea of the ingredients and perhaps the flavour (Disclaimer: It has pork meat, for any vegetarian here, but we often take a version with Soy, chicken or some other proteins)

https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/posole_rojo/ 2022-09-16T16:58:29Z (#me2jowa) @ Danke! 2022-09-16T19:56:11Z (#me2jowa) @ It's on Sep 15th and 16th. Luckily it's a Friday today! 2022-09-16T20:46:11Z # (based on one I found randomly on Reddit)

To avoid using Static passwords + TOTPs (like Google Authenticator codes), have a dynamic Single-factor authentication:
Sign the time (in blocks of 30 seconds like with TOTPS) with your private key, so you have passwords valid for 30-90 seconds. Allow at most 10 attempts every 30 seconds. Obviously, the server checks a valid signature with your registered public key.
For this, you can use an extension for your password manager as you are already doing to manage your static passwords + your TOTPs.

Similar to what Yubikey originally did. There are many weak points like Man in the middle, and phishing, and possible attacks over a known message, that were solved with WebAuthn, but it's a nice exercise to think about.
Disclaimer: Don't roll your own crypto
Disclaimer 2: Don't implement 1FA, if you can do 2FA or MFA =P 2022-09-17T02:52:12Z (#qjbfs6q) Well, that's the Web 2.9, 3.0 or whatever the current version is. Some pages are quite pleasant to use, but I agree, it's a whole different experience with an ad blocker and without. 2022-09-17T13:56:47Z (#iko74mq) Well, the login technique for SSH is great and works (you have to protect your key, but *nix OS makes it in a safer way)

For web browsing you have Client certificates or Webauthn which require a lot of configuration or external hardware, mostly difficult to use on a mobile device... 🤔

So, yeah, I'd like to find a good balance between easy to use and hacky 2022-09-17T13:58:22Z (#iko74mq) You mean joining to something like
SSH eaplmx@twtxt.net

And having a TLI/CLI to manage the feeds?
That would be cool for hackers 😀 2022-09-17T14:02:49Z Hehe, having used Win 3.11 I love the analogy.

I think we are more like in the ME age where everything is full of Ads and malware, we wanted everything for free at the reach of a download, and there were a lot of companies saying they could make money but didn't know how, and where desperately selling digital stuff without that much value, but shiny. 2022-09-17T15:29:10Z Well, my Saturday classes start today. I'm excited :D 2022-09-17T23:34:14Z (#mb2mkva) @ WTF! 2022-09-18T14:34:12Z (#kgagkna) Well, I agree, here in MX I'm using a pre-paid "plan" for 7 USD/month with unlimited SMS (which I never use), unlimited calls (which I barely use to call my parents and to public services) and only 3 GB of data, with unlimited Meta network (which I'm using as few as possible)

And plans with "unlimited data" are relatively more expensive, like 15 USD/month 2022-09-18T14:36:12Z (#kgagkna) Haha, I guess using the voice channel would be painfully slow, but brilliant, ha!

That said, I almost never use my 3 GB fully, since I have WiFI nearby, but for a long travel, could be cool 😎 2022-09-18T16:15:40Z (#kgagkna) @ from my memory, I think the voice channel limits many audio frequencies to reduce bandwidth, and it should use lossy compression. I know the voice quality has improved with 4G and 5G (and audio technologies they use) but I don't currently know how friendly that is for data transmission and multiplexing. Interesting topic though 2022-09-18T16:27:41Z (#kgagkna) @ well, my wife talks with my mother-in-law for hours so it shouldn't be a problem 😅 2022-09-18T16:33:29Z Yesterday I had a conversation about reducing the amount of digital 'objects' we store and bytes used. For me, that's part of a Digital minimalism, but it seems that's not the mainstream definition, more related with the amount of time we use our devices. Interesting 🤔 2022-09-18T18:20:01Z (#kgagkna) @ hey, if I remember correctly this is the answer I read before about the slow transfer speeds

https://superuser.com/a/748163 2022-09-18T18:22:05Z (#kgagkna) interesting how a new kind of modem has to be designed for the GSM specs, and to know more about that serial port mentioned in the answers 2022-09-18T18:31:59Z (#fghxd7a) @ Nice point, I tend to value my time more than inexpensive storage space for a few dollars a GB per month.
Although I add that due to time limitations it's useless to have 3 000 books to read and 300 movies to watch, distracting you and making it harder to prioritize. 2022-09-19T22:57:26Z (#al2rgeq) @ It's looking great! I'd stay with the 3rd screenshot 2022-09-19T23:02:12Z (#fgfjvqa) @ I like that idea. I try to follow the inbox-zero, although I like to keep at most 5 emails for something I'm working on this week so they are quickly reachable.

I try to uninstall and remove files not being used for more than a few months. And unfollowing people I haven't gotten in touch with for months.

Haven't used Optimizers in years (maybe for lazy reasons, the computer is working well) but I could give it a try
Aaaand, I'm trying to move away from Google Photos (which I've been using for 10+ years, so it's a lot of info) but I'm lazy again 2022-09-20T16:48:00Z (#gcldhuq) @ I have an old iPhone 6 with iOS 10. I'll check if it's compatible yet 2022-09-20T18:53:33Z (#coyqx5a) @ both? 2022-09-21T15:40:04Z (#k4xeska) @ & @ I don't know how to answer from the .txt file, so I'll reply here 😅

I was thinking more of having a simple script to have a human-friendly view, and to practice Ruby.
Something like:

That said, I didn't know (or recall) about the IndieWeb, I'll take a look to it, thanks! 2022-09-21T16:25:49Z (#k4xeska) @ hey! I've seen your picoblog and pixelblog before, and I got to say it is just what I was looking for (sadly it's in PHP =P, I haven't touched it in ages)

Thanks for sharing! 2022-09-21T19:39:10Z (#k4xeska) @ But I want to mess around! 2022-09-21T19:44:09Z (#k4xeska) @ Ruby or Python, pick your posion. Indeed it could be Go or Nim =P

I don't dislike PHP, it's only that I haven't used it for years, maybe since the jump from PHP 5 to 7?
I've heard good things about PHP 8. 2022-09-21T19:44:38Z (#k4xeska) @ Oh, thank you! Let me try it 2022-09-21T19:53:49Z (#k4xeska) @<~eaplmx https://eapl.mx/twtxt.txt> 👆 this is amazing! Thanks to the designer of this extension:

BTW I'm using the Python twtxt CLI which doesn't support the twthash, I've seen some ports to Go, but I wasn't able to make them work, mainly due to my lack of knowledge in Golang. Any suggestions for a better client? 2022-09-21T22:11:02Z (#c23c36a) @ Thank you! I didn't remember that section :o

Looking at those options, it seems that _jenny_ requires _mutt_ (I don't use it) and perhaps won't be compatible with Windows (I have WSL, so it's not a problem), I can't find how to install _twet_, and _twtr_ looks better but says it's deprecated 🙃 2022-09-21T23:52:45Z (#c23c36a) @ thanks! 2022-09-22T18:13:04Z (#bc5csba) @ a quick question, I'm using twet (thanks for the recommendation), how do the clients announce between them that you have replied to a previous twt?

You have to follow the other person and the clients look for replies for each of your twts? 2022-09-22T19:32:16Z (#bc5csba) @ You're welcome :) 2022-09-22T19:34:42Z (#bc5csba) @ My question goes more in if someone replies to me, and I don't follow them, how can I know they is trying to do it?

I guess they need to contact me somehow to request a follow, right? 2022-09-22T19:36:13Z (#bc5csba) @ Hey, I don't have these time labels 🤔 2022-09-22T21:45:07Z (#bc5csba) @ Didn't know that, thanks! 2022-09-23T00:27:22Z (#n5f7upa) @ If I remember correctly, we were discussing a few months ago options like [Webmention](https://indieweb.org/Webmention), I have never used it, although sounds better in my mind than parsing the access_log.

That search engine you mention or a global Database of Twt hashes could help. I remember that Twitter users had an external search platform, acquired later by Twitter: https://techcrunch.com/2008/07/15/confirmed-twitter-acquires-summize-search-engine/

As @ said, a comment in the txt file like: Notify me on this email, or automatically register your feed in this URL as Antenna does, would be a nice addition.
I assume that if you are replying you are interested in making a dual connection, so they can answer you back. Just thinking out loud. 2022-09-23T00:30:13Z (#n5f7upa) BTW I'm watching I know almost nothing of Yarn =P
Like https://search.twtxt.net/stats 2022-09-23T13:38:53Z (#n5f7upa) @ Didn't know about WebSub, it's really cool everything around the simple .txt file to make it work a a social protocol.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge 😀 2022-09-23T13:43:42Z (#dtxio5a) @ a MAU is every person using Yarn.social/twtxt.net at least once in the last 30 days ? BTW, that dashboard looks cool,

Congratulations, may those 100 MAUs be the first of many more 🥳🎉 2022-09-23T22:17:14Z (#peh3rea) @ It looks like this over here ![](https://twtxt.net/media/rNrrVNjrwZ7CeSNCg7tVvi.png) 2022-09-24T12:10:21Z (#7fs3pwq) @ interesting point.
Perhaps you've seen the official take [title](url) [Firefox removes core product support for RSS/Atom feeds | Use Tables!] (https://www.gijsk.com/blog/2018/10/firefox-removes-core-product-support-for-rss-atom-feeds/) 

"These features have long had outsized maintenance and security costs relative to their usage", which amounted to 0.01 percent of sessions.

Which could be innacurate since most power users disable telemetry.
Anyway, for some reason, most mainstream browsers avoid supporting Feeds, and I think it's a matter of advertising and trends. We could use a plugin/extension tho. 2022-09-24T12:15:20Z (#7fs3pwq) personally, I haven't used Feeds like I used to do 10+ ago. I don't care about following blogs anymore, but following people and topics (on Twitter, Twtxt, etc) and curated content (newsletters, a bit of pinterest...), I don't read news anymore. I listed to a lot of podcast but the directories get the Feed URL for me. 

Perhaps that's a bad habit remaining from social media usage. Changing how I consume/get periodic content. Makes me think 🤔 2022-09-24T12:17:28Z (#gsewnyq) @ if _influence_ (c) is motivating to twt more often, I guess it's a good influence 😛 2022-09-24T12:21:51Z (#gsewnyq) @ interesting, kudos for the hard work.

Saying something obvious here, I think twtxt as a plain text format is so easy to create but not so easy to consume and extremely hard to use as a conversations tool.

It's missing the famous 'network effect' to hook into real conversations. So it could transform into a communication protocol, rather than a timed text format. 2022-09-24T12:26:09Z (#gsewnyq) @ I've seen much more than 9 Gemini accesible twtxt files, perhaps the capsules are down? 🤔

Also, what's the difference between found and accessible? Being linked in any page counts as found and then the link being broken makes it non accesible? 2022-09-24T12:32:53Z (#7fs3pwq) @ yeah, I agree on the Feed icon and discoverability in general, following the trend that most web 2.0 services stopped supporting RSS (in 2010 I think?).
Again, it's like they don't want the common user to know that exists, perhaps for not promoting browsing the web but an alternative way to consume content (hiding most ads in the process)

And then Firefox includes Pocket, which is the first thing I disable 🙃 2022-09-24T12:39:25Z (#7fs3pwq) I read about it a few years ago... http://camendesign.com/blog/rss_is_dying

I'm thinking if by 2022 that has changed significantly (at least it's not RSS anymore, but Atom and other hipster formats, I'm talking about Feeds as a concept) 2022-09-24T12:42:11Z (#peh3rea) @ I did! Just wanted to share the surprise in case is rendered differently here

Great work with that XSLT! 2022-09-24T12:45:04Z (#y3bp7ga) @ I'm on the cover! 2022-09-24T15:21:30Z (#7fs3pwq) Active Desktop 😅
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/8ZeJqzrSpfGLqqizYj4YvC.png) 2022-09-24T15:23:37Z (#7fs3pwq) If I can add something, I disable now all the Home Pages with news. I don't care about them anymore, but I like models like Reddit/HackerNews/Lobste.ts/Antenna.

More in the model "I'll check them when I want, not when you are pushing it to me"

But that's another discussion. 2022-09-24T15:30:40Z (#7fs3pwq) For people born after the 90s (no one here I suppose), this was Active Desktop:
Instead of a static image, show a Dynamic Web page refreshed every X minutes. Good memories of the old .com web portals of that age 2022-09-24T18:31:33Z (#gsewnyq) @ Really interesting. What origin points you had? twtxt.net for instance? 2022-09-24T18:39:03Z (#gsewnyq) I'm in #<236 https://twtxt.net/search?tag=236> (with a forgotten .txt I'm not planning to use anymore) and #<31 https://twtxt.net/search?tag=31> with this account. The one I started a few days ago is not there: https://eapl.mx/twtxt.txt (I'm not complaining :P)

How do you find interconnections? With follows and mentions? 2022-09-24T18:47:33Z (#sax4t6a) @ Active Desktop and Channels were related but the latter is more related to RSS, on receiving new content automatically. Active desktop was only showing a web page. 

If I remember correctly, Internet Explorer 4.0 introduced a 'standard' to get low-bandwidth notifications to know when new content was available, but I can't recall if it were only the notification, or if you can read everything there, as you can do with RSS: [Push technology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Push_technology)

Edit: I found it [Channel Definition Format](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Channel_Definition_Format) 2022-09-24T19:12:55Z Related with my current conversation, what do you think of using twtxt.txt as a format for feeds?

Indeed I knew the format since it was used in Gemini capsules as a sort of Atom alternative 2022-09-25T04:24:28Z (#wdu6cca) @ hey! CodeMadness.org has amazing projects 😀 2022-09-25T11:50:15Z (#wdu6cca) @ I guess I didn't say it correctly.

I didn't know about that page, it's cool! 

About how do they use Twtxt as a feed, I agree on the problem you mention, and of the lack of a convention (unless we use the title/subject as someone suggested later) for automated parsing 2022-09-26T04:21:42Z (#c4rokma) @ It's late over here, I'll try to take a look in the week but I briefly checked it since criptography has been a hobby interest for me.

That said, I think https://getsession.org or Jami, are more related to Salty than Signal. 2022-09-27T00:38:32Z (#c4rokma) @ I can't disagree, although if you read both proposals, they have some similarities on goals, use of libraries, anonymity and such. Anyways my bet is on all of you 😀

https://getsession.org/lightpaper 2022-09-27T02:03:36Z (#hsouiwa) @ I get it. I think in the past we had the discussion about centralization, decentralization, distributed and even federated. It's an important distinction. 

I haven't read the Signal documentation, only used it (and then I moved to Telegram and Session). That said, why do you say or think that Salty is similar to Signal?

I'm suspecting of being more recognized as a brand that other hipster solutions, is that the case? 2022-09-27T02:06:40Z (#hwlyrma) @ hehe, I leave 5-10 messages for what I'm working this or next week, but if I have more that 4 weeks w/o doing anything with it, it has to be archived. 2022-09-27T02:08:04Z Well, after 9 hours driving, we can have a good rest and keep driving 4 more to officially start the 2022 vacations. 2022-09-27T14:34:35Z In the case you like Football/Soccer ⚽ and card games, I'm working on this

(Not an ad but more of sharing something I love to do 😀)

If you want to create a game or a KS campaign send me a msg 2022-09-27T14:38:20Z (#hsouiwa) @ I would say there are only a few good thinks about cryptocurrency (disclaimer, I received funding to work on it) but now the bad parts overcame the few good things.
Usually I don't like to think on black and white terms, but different amounts of gray, which makes the conversation very hard for a few twts. 2022-09-27T14:39:36Z (#hsouiwa) And another important distinction is between web3 (TM) and The Web 3.0

That being said, it's not what we expect. What would be better for us? Web 4.0, The Hobbyst Net? IDK 2022-09-27T20:20:04Z (#hwlyrma) @ interesting, what email client/service you use? 2022-09-27T20:21:13Z (#sxbmg4a) @ one of mine, I hope to share at least another at the end of the year 2022-09-27T20:26:47Z (#hsouiwa) @ hmmm, I wouldn't say more important, but something they value more. Until you have an attack or an identity theft you know the real value of your privacy. Until that moment it's 'worthless', and for that reason the time required to take care of that is infinitely expensive 2022-09-27T20:28:49Z (#hsouiwa) As usual, security is a perception, perceived as a reality 
https://www.securityweek.com/security-perception-reality 2022-09-27T20:33:22Z I leave you one of my favorites theories on Product Design which changes behaviours

![](https://twtxt.net/media/DGRBzYjJNU32bG42sTKi54.png) 2022-09-27T21:45:40Z (#3rz7gxq) @ bread and dairies, I think! 2022-09-28T23:38:52Z (#wgwmt4q) @ amazing! 2022-09-28T23:41:24Z (#wgwmt4q) @ 10 seconds?!
Is it opening all the connections at the same time?

(I don't use Go in a daily basis, but I think I understand the code a bit), great work! 2022-09-28T23:43:47Z (#hsouiwa) @ what's the difference? a lot!

Example: Health is important for a good quality of life, but if you don't care about your life (in the short term at least), you won't take care of something important. 2022-09-28T23:46:05Z (#hsouiwa) So, if someone doesn't care about their privacy or health, well, we are lost as a community 2022-09-29T03:02:46Z (#64wq5na) @ go for it! 2022-09-29T03:11:48Z (#64wq5na) @ I guess we could consider the original version like 0.9, the current one 1.0 and the yarn extensions the 1.1 like with HTTP, hehe
And then we could wait 20 years for the 2.0

https://www.baeldung.com/cs/http-versions 2022-10-01T12:59:40Z (#2p356ca) @ BTW what would happen in the case of a hash collision?

Once I calculated that it's remotely possible, but with a massive usage, it could occur 🤔

# 🙄😁 2022-10-01T13:01:45Z Hello everyone, I'm enjoying my vacation over here, but checking twtxt.net has been a good hobbie to think about a community/platform creation. I've seen also some work on specifications, protocols and such.

I got to say it's a nice conversation 2022-10-01T13:05:07Z I've trying to create the habit to write more about my work (what brings money to my family) and my passions (that brings some additional joy that work sometimes can't bring) 

I'm using https://enso.sonnet.io and has been amazing to focus on one line at the time, instead on overthinking on a complicated text, it's more similar to have a conversation. That's something I like from microblogging (ignoring some disadvantages of async communication with small messages) 2022-10-01T13:08:15Z (#wfks6hq) @ Stupid sexy money ![](https://twtxt.net/media/gqoNfcVdyvryZg6b9Rnd33.png) 2022-10-01T13:13:37Z (#y5lfinq) it has been a (complicated) topic for us. Sustaining the project for a decent amount of time, among with the interest of the users, the volunteers working on it, and paying the bills. 

Keeping something on for free is extremely difficult when there is an scarcity of resources (like free time or spare money coming from a wage).
Perhaps an incentivized donation is better? I recall that Wikipedia has enough money and anyway they ask for donations in a passive-aggressive way 🤔 2022-10-01T16:29:59Z (#2kz3tdq) @ 😃✌️ 2022-10-01T16:31:58Z For this travel I'm using a forgotten laptop (Dell Inspiron of 2012 I think) and it's working amazingly with a new SSD and Xubuntu 22.04

And now, I'm updating my personal VPS (eapl.mx/eapl.me) to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, and also doing some clean up of personal stuff.

Looks like a nice saturday over here 2022-10-01T16:46:36Z And lastly, I'm researching to install Piwigo in the server as an alternative to Google Photos which has been really convenient for the last 10 years, but we all know the privacy concerns.

Do you have another alternative to Google Photos? I'm looking for:
- A simple way to upload my photos from a few mobile phones (mainly Android) to the cloud
- I don't care about web or public galleries
- I remove most of the photos from the phone, to check them with Google Photos App and sometimes with the Web site 2022-10-01T17:26:44Z (#mokebma) @ It looks like a whole replacement for G Suite, G Drive and more :o

Interesting, thanks for sharing! 2022-10-01T17:57:10Z I was checking in my notes from 2019, that before using https://enso.sonnet.io, I used Calmly Writer 


Pretty similar but w/o the fading lines. What do you use to write your texts? 2022-10-01T19:24:24Z (#t7xx45a) @ I've been trying to learn (neo)vim and replace Nano, VS Code and VStudio, but has been a difficult curve.

Creating quick notes sounds like a simple case to practice. 2022-10-02T00:33:45Z (#de4z5gq) @ consumerism vs minimalism? 2022-10-02T23:32:02Z (#zdoiiua) @ well, I think that's a feature to avoid censorship. But that's a problem as well with some content like child porn or leaked files.

I'm not a heavy user, I got to say, but it sounds like an interesting technology for some specific use cases 2022-10-02T23:34:10Z (#t7xx45a) @ I use VSCode on Ubuntu and Win, how inconvenient is to use Codium talking about the updates, plug-ins and such? 2022-10-02T23:50:43Z Now I'm connecting from the Android client Goryon.

It seems the latest version is from 2020 but at the same time looks like is fetching the Twts correctly. 🤔 2022-10-02T23:52:04Z @ (#t7xx45a) you use VSCode with Neovim? I don't know how that's posible, is that a plugin inside Neovim? 2022-10-03T00:31:12Z @ (#dwmipmq) need any help with that?

I was looking for a side project, for instance a twtxt reader on Unity/C# but could be something different 2022-10-03T00:33:10Z @ @ (#eptljpq) what about mirroring it to IPFS and linking the hash 😛 2022-10-03T00:39:05Z @ (#dwmipmq) Sorry, I haven't used Flutter nor Dart enough, just Hello worlds... Currently I'm looking for a good platform to aim for job opportunities (besides Game Dev which is unstable) and interesting projects for the portfolio. 

If you recommend me learning it, and you might wait a few weeks, I could try.

About publishing on Android and iOS, and doing QA, that's what I do every day. 2022-10-03T02:28:02Z (#dwmipmq) @ Thanks for the advice! I worked on Cordova and Ionic in 2016, with React Native in 2018-2019, and I switched to Unity for the last 3 years, so I suppose I have foundations to learn Flutter.

I was learning Ruby to join a possible back-end project, but why not start learning Dart/Flutter to see how it goes?
BTW is this the current repo?

Finally, I need to understand better Salty.im, since I tried to use it a few months ago and I was unable to connect. Working on a Messaging App would be awesome, but really complicated due to all the requirements. We should try chatting there in following days. 2022-10-03T20:37:55Z @ (#dwmipmq) OK, I'll take a look into the repo and I'll start with the Hello World after the vacations 2022-10-03T20:39:06Z @ (#dwmipmq) I tried to setup the DNS configs in my server and running the Go client but I received some errors and never tried again.

I could try again, and send you a msg. 2022-10-03T20:40:46Z After a few hours driving to the North 🚘, we are gonna take some rest before the last part, to return home 🏡

How is your Monday going? 2022-10-03T23:25:46Z On making your own machine press (in this case, create your own micro-blogging platform or your own protocol)

https://text.eapl.mx/crea-tu-propia-imprenta 2022-10-04T01:42:18Z @ (#qovelja) Salty.im

Could I create an account in you server?, and do you have a 101 guide to test the service, thx! 2022-10-04T01:47:41Z @ (#psek3ha) Xfce 2022-10-04T03:13:46Z (#qovelja) @ Ok, I tried with your server and it seems to work. I should try with my server (which has the newest version of Go), but that will be later this week ![](https://twtxt.net/media/HiskAaaxfo2hFhK9oyxuWm.png) 2022-10-04T12:27:01Z Well, we'll start driving for 10 hours to arrive home 🏡

And in the meantime I'll be thinking about appealing stuff to work on for the next few months. 2022-10-04T12:30:03Z In my mind I currently have:
What tech stack should I master on the next few months? I'm thinking in a Unity, Flutter, RoR

Also, what should I do with the Game Studio? In thinking on restructure it from the scratch, stating as a co-op, redesigning how to bring resources to create new products.

And for me and my family, I think we are doing OK, but need resources for the next immediate goals

So I have a lot to think, but at the same time I should not obsess overthinking 🙃 2022-10-04T12:32:54Z @ (#fxiti6q) hehe, it was a surprising conversation, I wasn't expecting your response and suddenly it happened.

As a UX designer myself, I would say there is many things to improve, forgive me for that 😁
But after the setup, it's working amazingly, congrats!

Working on a IM is not an easy task, and I can see a lot of effort behind the 'simple' experience of sending messages. Kudos for that! 2022-10-04T23:29:39Z (#v2sqjya) and we are at home 🏡 over and out until tomorrow 2022-10-05T12:52:47Z @ @ (#x3esqjq) in this case who's going to subsidize the costs while the income goes over the expenses?

In FB it depends on VC capital, expecting to suddenly have a monopoly. In Hobbyst projects we run with our pockets and those donations could never come. 2022-10-05T12:55:25Z @ @ (#x3esqjq) we understand the capitalist issues (aiming for the maximum profit, owning the production means and making the investors happy)
Sadly, removing the money interest doesn't remove the money supplies need to run the operations.

I think co-ops are a good middle, where the users or the workers are at the same time micro-investors, so the have the bones in it, instead of being an external capitalist investor (only bringing money) 2022-10-05T12:57:43Z @ @ (#x3esqjq) that said, the model of Reddit, as a modern forum with karma and basically every topic or subreddir available is appealing, and has the main network effect.

I've looking for some other alternatives, HckrNews, lobsters, and some decentralized ones. What do you use for your Hobbyst interests? 2022-10-05T12:59:03Z I should retake my text about the Hobbyst Net vs the Commercial Net

P. S. Both run over the 'Internetz' 2022-10-05T13:01:39Z @ @ (#6m74qpq) he, yesterday I tunerd on an Android 13 phone I haven't used in a week and I received a notification to update about 40 apps (I install every update manually to read what are they about) . It's insane as a user.

Also I updated some Ubuntus I have (Desktop and VPS) and it's the same, dozens of updates which I only say, Yes to all. 2022-10-05T13:05:27Z @ @ (#6m74qpq) as a developer, well, in some way I like from some platforms to feel pressured to update, othrteidr you'll never find time to do it, but at the same time you do the barely minimum to comply with the reqs.

That said, yes, I see a planned obsolescence in everything. For instance the topic in my industry today was the discontinuation of Amazon Game Sparks so many important games won't have online matches until the Devs achieve replace on a rush the online system. (I mean in a rush since it's not a priority until it occurs) 2022-10-05T13:08:59Z @ @ (#6m74qpq) sorry for the typos 🙃

On the updates, I'm in the middle, I understand of being always on beta, more if the development model is like that (Google vs Apple mindsets for instance, buying a product vs being the product)

What could we do to avoid that feeling? 2022-10-05T19:44:39Z A federated alternative to Reddit
https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/index.html 2022-10-05T20:32:23Z @ (#s74x2ea) what do you mean by lack of encryption? 2022-10-05T20:35:06Z @ (#s74x2ea) something I'd like is to have an 'app' to twt, currently I connect to my server on ssh, but it takes many steps.
I was thinking on having the easiest possible way to do it, but I don't want a whole website for it.

I've seen some single PHP script for it, but my server doesn't have support for PHP (yet)...
So, it's a not so painful problem for me, right now 2022-10-05T20:55:29Z (#7muxbsa) @ hehe! 2022-10-05T21:05:23Z (#uvdc6lq) I had forgotten I wrote a bit a few months ago 🤔 What's missing is about the commercial net as a required opposite of the hobbyist side

https://text.eapl.mx/my-take-for-the-hobbyist-net-in-2022 2022-10-06T01:09:10Z (#55ei6nq) @<~eaplmx https://eapl.mx/twtxt.txt> Ok, it seems this thing is working https://eapl.mx/twtxt/

I'll have to improve the password system, but now should be enough to send a few twts in spanish 2022-10-06T01:20:24Z @ (#s74x2ea) I'm writing this msg feo. I the Goryon app right now. BTW, today I downloaded the Goryon repo and tried to run it, but it's giving some errors. What's the best way to share the errors and receive some tips?. I'm on Win10 64 bits. 2022-10-06T01:20:53Z @ (#s74x2ea) I'm typing from the Goryon app right now. 2022-10-06T01:36:30Z @ (#s74x2ea) haha, I think it's a Layer 8 error 2022-10-06T02:08:15Z (#s74x2ea) @ Nevermind, it was a case of RTFM https://docs.flutter.dev/deployment/android 2022-10-06T02:18:05Z (#7yh73ia) @, I'll only add that Bitcoin as the 'first' massive cryptocurrency is a vast social experiment, appealing to me as a hacker.

But as with many 'successful' experiments it's going out of control. Currently, there are 9k+ different cryptocurrencies, each one trying to improve over the previous, or at least promising new things, and that's where the promises are not going to be fulfilled. It's easiest to promise a nicer future than to actually achieve it.

I can't say every crypto + currency system is evil or good. That's ideology, oversimplification appealing to our emotions. 'Money is the root of all evil' is BS, the real quote is 'the love of money is the root of all evil'. I'll say it's the same for Cryptocurrencies. Fanaticism and cult behaviour is the bad part IMO. 2022-10-06T02:21:18Z (#7yh73ia) As with the example of the gun, designed to kill people, vs the knife to cook, that could be used to kill someone. Money is not moral, but the monetary systems are. That's the tricky part.

As a scientist, I always have to remind: "Scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
That's where 'good' intentions like Google with the "don't be evil" motto, suddenly, get evil. A search engine is cool. A whole company designed to sell users' data, not so much. The same thing with anything to store value, it's tightly connected with power, and that *may* show the worst part of humans. 2022-10-06T02:36:33Z Yeah, it's working!

![](https://twtxt.net/media/k3TkKYP85r22FrfHoRkSDN.png) 2022-10-06T02:44:56Z (#5kc3tla) @ the game ? wow!, 5 years already 2022-10-06T03:44:03Z (#thqi7sq) @ +1 2022-10-06T03:49:37Z (#5kc3tla) @ it's a nice one, similar to Mario Odyssey ![](https://twtxt.net/media/oKqJHWW8M4rJgTt93KcGY.png) 2022-10-06T03:59:08Z (#5kc3tla) @ Mario, the plumber!
What have you been doing for the last 5 years? 😛
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/Ub4T5TdewxdCajB2owN3tE.png) 2022-10-06T04:21:09Z (#55ei6nq) @ Hey, I recognized a known name among the forks, it's simple and it works! Thanks 2022-10-06T04:25:30Z (#55ei6nq) @ the Readme needs work but you can see the current PHP file here https://github.com/eapl-gemugami/phpub2twtxt

Disclaimer: It's the first playable, ha, and I haven't touched PHP in months 2022-10-06T04:34:56Z (#5kc3tla) @ I don't have any blind friend, so I haven't experienced firsthand how is to play a game like that.

But I'd like to recommend one of my favorite text based games, pehaps it's something appealing to you

https://github.com/amirrajan/survivingtheappstore/blob/master/manuscript/blind.md 2022-10-06T04:39:12Z (#5kc3tla) I think this is a better link https://github.com/amirrajan/survivingtheappstore/blob/master/manuscript/dev-logs-part-2.md#day-246---feb-7-2014-a-hail-mary-to-editors 2022-10-06T04:41:32Z (#5kc3tla) @ this one https://adarkroom.doublespeakgames.com/mobileWarning.html 2022-10-06T18:50:06Z @ (#4g3xjvq) you'll be surprised how many people spend on things we don't understand... 2022-10-06T19:42:53Z (#fh6ymua) @ Interesting, let me see...

1. I'm out of context, why do we need this? (As a community of users and developers, I think)

2. I'm reading:
The goal is to provide a database that can be fetched periodically to receive a
list of twtxt feed URLs that are known to be wrong for whatever reason.
'Wrong for whatever reason' is too vague in my mind, doesn't help me to understand how it's useful, I think specific reasons would be better like 'File name changed', 'Domain changed', 'URL not available anymore/Gone forever' and such could be easier to understand.

3. What would happen if two URLs have changes, you take the most recent one?

4. Who's gonna be the main user? Systems like Yarnd checking for changes to auto-correct broken links?

These are my first impressions, and not wanting to say something wrong, it looks appealing. Kudos for the initiative! 2022-10-06T19:47:55Z (#fh6ymua) Another one, when a resource is available in multiple places, like Gopher, HTTP and Gemini (and IPFS, why not?), are there going to be N registries?

Wild idea, how about using the HTTP response codes https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status or from Gemini https://gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/specification.gmi

Like 308/31 for redirections, 410/52 for Gone and such 2022-10-07T03:34:27Z @ (#fh6ymua) that's why I'm asking that many questions. 2022-10-07T03:43:13Z ![](https://twtxt.net/media/cvrP2UPfygHfd8HQHQvw96.png) 2022-10-07T12:59:39Z @ (#3vdsalq) Could it work in the Southern USA called Mexico 🇲🇽? 😁

Just joking, I think it could be used for some digital services, Amazon, Digital Ocean, or similar 🤔 2022-10-07T14:37:50Z The main issue I'm currently having with the implementation of WebAuthn in my personal service is the concept that a user only has 1 password but 1..N auth devices 🤔

# 2022-10-07T17:46:00Z @ (#2fkr5fq) does it happen? 😮 Didn't know 2022-10-08T01:06:12Z (#46rqmia) @<~eaplmx https://eapl.mx/twtxt.txt> If any of you reading this wants to try a stupidly simple WebAuthn/Passkey workflow, go here:
And then:

If you did that correctly, you'll reach the 'Write your twtxt here' part, (but you'll have to guess the password, muahaha)

That's my progress for today, it took longer than expected, I haven't developed in PHP, and forgot the details on file permissions, binary data for cryptography and such. Besides that, it has been a cool exercise. 2022-10-08T01:11:32Z @<~eaplmx https://texto-plano.xyz/~eaplmx/twtxt.txt> (#46rqmia) I forgot to add, in the Sign up you don't need a password currently, that will be used later to avoid that anyone could register their device as a valid login.

Also, this is a sandbox, don't take this workflow as an inspiration for any production ready site. 2022-10-08T16:29:34Z Today I found this passwordless alternative by Steve Gibson
https://sqrl.grc.com/pages/what_is_sqrl/ 2022-10-08T16:30:01Z (#ca46zxq) @ 😮 2022-10-10T02:44:16Z @ (#jfk2upq) I like it, buuut I think it's not so easy to implement from the server side, and to setup for most users.

That said, it's a classic alternative 2022-10-10T05:15:10Z @ @ (#npkkadq) hey, didn't know that! , as a fan of magic links, I like that it's available, but "Login with you Email Address" doesn't make obvious you are going to receive a Dynamic token to your email, in my mind is like "Instead of your Username and Pwd, user your Email and Pwd" 

I'd suggest something line "Send an access to your email", "Send a Magic link", etc. 2022-10-10T05:19:21Z @ @ (#npkkadq) Same! It's not arriving to my Proton.me/Protonmail inbox, nor Spam. 2022-10-10T05:23:12Z @ (#jfk2upq) thanks for sharing! magic links have a few problems, although it's a useful way to avoid passwords. I like it for some kind of users.

I wrote a bit about different approaches for Dynamic passwords and passwordless systems if anyone here is interested 

https://text.eapl.mx/promoting-the-use-of-dynamic-passwords 2022-10-10T05:26:08Z @ @ (#npkkadq) sorry for the typos, stupid phone keyboard (and myself not paying attention, ha) 2022-10-10T05:26:43Z @ (#npkkadq) likely the root cause 🙃 2022-10-10T05:30:58Z (#npkkadq) @ Nice! 

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/Dqtf8B52SkUmzabz5WMEid.png) 2022-10-10T05:34:36Z (#yw44isq) Sure! Here? https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/issues 2022-10-10T05:41:14Z (#npkkadq) @ I think the Warning is misleading then...
So it's not disabled, but not setup correctly and for that reason doesn't send mails? 2022-10-10T14:51:07Z (#npkkadq) @ well, not 100% right but it's a valid assumption.

If you are able to reset your password by email, it's a pretty similar level of security than receiving an access token by email. Anyone with access to your mail could get access to your accounts.
Adding a second factor of authentication could help, or using something with Public/Private cripto would be better, like Client Certs, Fido2 or even hipster things.

And also giving alerts that someone else is connected in your behalf is great (like is done for some banks or Google) , but that's a UX compromise between convenience and security. 2022-10-10T14:57:07Z (#npkkadq) @ Nice!

I didn't know about https://indieauth.net which seems to be based on OAuth 2.0 (that I have used before), I'll take a look! 2022-10-10T15:12:01Z (#i5sbxnq) @ hey walves!

I assume you have created an account on twtxt.net and you can see this message.

What have you used on Windows? The twtxt client on Python? (it's broken on newest versions of python), if you want your .txt file to be available publicly you could host it in some server or running the twtxt client from some tilde or VPS. 

Or use Twtxt.net (which is a Yarn.social server) to manage following other users, receiving mentions, replying to other twts, and such. It creates and serves the text file for you, from a web and mobile interface. 

Or you can use various clients (from a terminal) to insert net lines (twts) to the file, and also to read other users' files. Newest versions have extended the protocol to allow replies, hashtags and such.

I use both, in English I like twtxt.net/yarn.social since it's easy to talk as a community. In Spanish I use the traditional approach of hosting a file, more like a micro log. 2022-10-10T16:16:26Z (#npkkadq) @ I'd like to have a 2FA alternative, at least TOTP (what Google Authenticator uses).
And if you have support for WebAuthn, even better.
Both are self-hostable. 2022-10-10T16:34:56Z (#ac477da) @ ![](https://twtxt.net/media/WP2TEPPXSP5kRRvkRVA6ZN.png) 2022-10-11T02:13:14Z (#zwwsyyq) Yep, so you can recover your password, I think. About the real IP address, no idea who's receiving it. 2022-10-11T15:06:27Z (#avd45ka) @ is it perhaps a Hacker mindset of breaking things?

I was reading on Hacker News the other day about the collide of different personalities in the same space. Those wanting to give maintenance to existing systems (the stereotype of IT guy), the hackers (breaking stuff because why not) and the developers (building thinks to solve problems).

And in an environment of earning money to make a living. Everything together sounds like a recipe for a very 'fun' place to work. 2022-10-11T16:00:42Z (#avd45ka) @ there is, the issue is making those 3 to work together in a semi-cooperative environment. It's possible with the right incentives 2022-10-11T16:09:56Z (#kbslgja) @ Great movie! even if it's 'old' by now is very valid in the term of living for the expected transparency and the public spectacle. it makes you think a lot 2022-10-11T16:29:46Z (#npkkadq) @ sure! I'm working on a proof of concept (in PHP) if you want to take a look on how it works 2022-10-11T16:30:45Z (#npkkadq) @ that said, WebAuthn/FIDO 2/PassKeys are not that easy to implement but I think they have many improvements for the Authentication problem 2022-10-11T16:35:07Z (#npkkadq) You can take a look at the library I'm using, here:

And the implementation there:

What's missing in the examples is having an identity tied to your Auth device (Hardware token or OS service like Microsoft Hello, Apple Keychain, Android Fingerprint). The explanation is long, but the abstraction is there. Your identity and private certificates are held for you by some 'magic' device. 2022-10-11T17:52:35Z (#npkkadq) @ Well, it took me like 4 hours to set up, implement and test the PHP library, with all the setup combinations, devices and such.

So I'll say that using a password with a simple function like https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.password-verify.php
is much easier than a whole library requiring communication between the server, the browser and the auth device... There is a security reason for that (mainly to avoid phishing, which is something I like compared to other solutions like SQRL)
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/wJu9oa2NhhL7UtZ6jbFv8H.png) 2022-10-12T02:00:21Z (#6g7twkq) @ hey, nice!

I'm watching that he uses a twtxt format with the newest twts at the start of the txt file.
Besides being easier to read for a human and 'harder' to write for a script, does it have any benefit you've seen? 2022-10-12T14:36:27Z (#ffh253a) @ to start, why are you using Chrome? 👀 2022-10-12T15:51:04Z I'm seeing that most people don't know and don't care about what "All rights reserved" means

# 2022-10-12T21:57:16Z Arghhh, in things you don't need to know, I've been experiencing random Internet disconnections for the last 3 days, and as expected the ISP is saying they are going to remotely reset the router... Let's see what happens

# # 2022-10-12T21:58:52Z (#ffh253a) @ Well, at least Firefox, or I don't what else, but Chrome is extremely invasive for my taste. (I switched to Microsoft Edge, buuuut it's almost the same. I'm trying to use more LibreWolf and Firefox in the meantime. 2022-10-12T22:43:40Z (#ffh253a) @ yep, I get it. At least Edge is like Safari, being integrated into the OS. I'll need to research more about that spyware you mention (I have all Windows 10 settings to avoid telemetry, and perhaps spy-wares, but I only believe is not sending that info).

Disclaimer: I have a distinction between opt-in semi-anonymous telemetry and spyware, but I get the point. 2022-10-12T22:44:47Z (#ffh253a) @ About LibreWolf I like it, but the default behaviour breaks my normal usage, so I need to find a good compromise for it. And the updates are manual AKAIF, so I forget sometimes to update, and that's another security thing. 2022-10-12T22:46:43Z (#ffh253a) @ And about your video, yeah, I dislike Google, Microsoft and Apple asking/obligating you to use their cloud services as a 'convenient' way to use their OS. 2022-10-13T03:21:54Z After hacking a bit of PHP (and gemini-php), finally my self-hosted capsule is available here:

The only content is the twtxt.txt (mainly for compatibility with hipster protocols :)
[eapl.mx/twtxt.txt](//eapl.mx/twtxt.txt) 2022-10-13T12:24:00Z After fighting for a few hours with Nginx to 'improve' the Key Exchange and Cipher Strength ratings, I'm in the same place.

At least I found how Let's Encrypt is interacting with Nginx for the 'recommended' settings. Next step is https://observatory.mozilla.org 2022-10-13T12:37:46Z (#kzl6yiq) @ well, as they say

Is heavier than gopher
Is lighter than the web
Will not replace either

I think it has many different things to enounce, some ideological, some practical. Some that I like and some others I don't share that much.
Some people will like the limitations, some others the encryption by default, and I guess some more will like the nostalgic factor of the Web of the 90s.

As a hacker, I like that is a 'modernized Gopher' with some inspiration taken from the Web, and it's something you can actually program with a few libraries in your favourite language, so it's a toy protocol which someone else is actually going to use. Trying to develop something on HTTP 2 or 3 nowadays seems impossible.

Having connections encrypted by default and using login by client certificates is appealing to my crypto side, although really optional (in fact there is an alternative without encryption that I can't recall the name by now) 2022-10-13T12:43:14Z (#kzl6yiq) What I love about all that is Gemtext, in my opinion, a streamlined Markdown.
[Full spec](https://gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/gemtext.gmi)
[Quick reference](https://smol.pub/gemtext)

I use it for my blog, renders well enough to HTML, it's extremely easy to remember, and it's easy to parse. Again, minimalism in the markup language, in the protocol, and finally in the communication. 

And I knew of twtxt on Gemini (it's used there as a simplified feed format), so I'm here thanks to that hipster protocol 😁 2022-10-13T12:54:08Z (#6mcmzla) @ hehe, I'd like to visit there soon 😃

Over here ISPs are average compared to Germany, to say something. I'm using a local supplier by wireless antennas (since cable connections were not available when I arrived). It has been good enough, and at least they answer the support chat in seconds.

BTW it seems it's working better after the reset # 2022-10-14T15:33:43Z (#y5rkw5a) @ 👏 Amazing! 2022-10-15T13:29:08Z (#u2q7y2q) @ speaking as an outsider, but having played with fuzzy search a bit, is it a feature?

Perhaps you are looking for a Qwerty keyboard distance for spellchecking where darch, sarch, rarch are closer than march? 2022-10-16T03:59:24Z (#nogpb2a) @ Zuckerberg crying in the Metaverse™

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/JtKQF33oC3nMFNyHtn3iJf.png) 2022-10-16T04:36:22Z (#e3iulra) @ both 😜 2022-10-16T16:57:40Z (#hmyzoaa) @ I love it, thanks for sharing! 2022-10-16T16:59:50Z (#hxqdwva) @ Latam keyboard 👀

I haven't used Raspberry Pi in a while, What distro/windows manager is that? 2022-10-16T20:29:03Z (#hmyzoaa) @ Oh no! ![](https://twtxt.net/media/eAQZDqmLViBFXZHpKJrRWn.png) 2022-10-17T04:26:53Z (#hmyzoaa) @ the fully dark background is great. I haven't noticed that on mobile the panel triggered with the 'burger' menu, has the background broken, perhaps a CSS element is missing? 2022-10-17T04:29:53Z (#hmyzoaa) Also, the radio buttons and the checkboxes are missing the checkmark and the dot ![](https://twtxt.net/media/JCnW9ZNMghim9vVzM3jpCG.png) 2022-10-17T14:18:18Z (#ywuerzq) @ IMO Gemini could be many things, some take as an ideology, some others as a Hobby project (I share my ideas in previous twts a few days ago)

For me is a representation of the Hobbyst Net, distanced from the commercial one, with all the benefits of the mainstream and the niche obscurity. 2022-10-17T14:19:46Z (#cncmaoq) @ hmmm, I see it as a toolkit. You can choose what to use, you can have a minimalist page or bloat it with 5 MB of libraries.
I read about the paradox of choice, that when your are free to choose you get blocked, or you choose the mainstream, not the most convenient one. 2022-10-17T14:23:20Z Starting my 'working days' here. With a lot of reflections of the weekend, and a few learnings to be applied for the remaining months of this year. 

In other news, my Grandma celebrated 80 years, wow! 2022-10-17T14:24:21Z (#ywuerzq) sorry for the typos, it's too early over here

There should be a warning like, don't twt if you are tired, hahaha 2022-10-17T16:02:21Z (#lxnscyq) @ difficult if behind the browsers development you have Microsoft, Apple and Google.
There is the W3 as a comitee, but as a commercial media, it will follow interests of people pushing time, money and laws towards it. 2022-10-17T16:04:07Z (#6poiaha) @ Thanks dude! Amazingly healthy 😀 2022-10-17T16:04:29Z (#6poiaha) @ Thanks so much! 2022-10-17T16:07:02Z (#ywuerzq) @ well, the main point is not replacing the web and not having a critical mass is a feature, is OK if only my 3 friends read what I wrote.

In fact has been surprising it wasn't forgotten into indifference but is being actively used. 2022-10-17T16:11:08Z (#zukeuga) @ hmm, you can pay for ad-less pages and services. If you are browsing for free, I'd expect to see some ads.

Previously we payed for magazines and still received ads. Now we have 'free' services exchanging our data and attention for content. We can read more on how we reached there in "Information doesn't want to be free" 

So, my shortcut has been, pay for the services, use adblockers for everything else. 2022-10-17T16:13:53Z (#zukeuga) @ connecting my previous twts together, if behind Chrome there is Google, willing to make an Operating System for the Web and Mobiles, they'll have incentives to do it so, pushing a lot of money/investment to the massive users. (And an investment has an expected return on investment) 

What could we do against those huge corporations? That's the interesting and hard question 2022-10-17T16:34:16Z (#zukeuga) @ well, I remember Reader's Digest throwing whole catalogues to my Grandpa along with the magazines he had already paid for.
They had his address and credit card info with promotions like "only send this message and you'll receive the next book".
And for Flashing videos, we could go to Public TV broadcasting.

But I get your point, and I add. "If the 'product' is free, you are the product". And those companies are trying to productize you. Manifest V3 is a clear example of the Status quo, disguised as "for your convenience".

The real point is not being part of that "Society of complaining" but being key to actually change what bothers us. 2022-10-17T16:39:45Z (#zukeuga) @ Talking about government is a rabbit hole. What I don't like is talking about it like the magic silver bullet that will solve all the problems and become a religion and ideology... 

And it's not only a matter of experimental post-capitalism but more about pragmatical solutions. We have about 30-60 years more here. What are we gonna do in those years? As individuals, as families, as communities, as nations, as a whole planet? 2022-10-17T16:55:34Z (#zukeuga) @ yep, that's part of the game of power. Why would you like to join that corrupt environment if wouldn't it be to take advantage of the system?

And the Politicians are a public image for 4 or 6 years, who's behind them? Who's paying the politicians to do the dirty work?

So, this is the way humans have lived for many, many years. There are going to be rebels like you and me, trying to 'fix' things (pushing to our aspirations), but there is always going to be that fight, IMO

It's not an easy conversation, I have to say. Even writing this is controversial. The easiest path would be saying "Yeah, it sucks bro", and not doing anything. 2022-10-17T18:06:30Z (#zukeuga) @ I know, tell us about the post-capitalist alternative that our generation could experience. How is it? 2022-10-17T18:08:02Z (#zukeuga) @ nop, that's not what I meant. And I don't like unproductive ways to think or to talk, so that is something you assumed.
(Also I don't want to be obsessed with productivity, but that's another discussion) 2022-10-17T19:40:31Z (#zukeuga) @ I don't disagree, in fact, families are my favourite community right now (perhaps I'm lucky for that).

That said, it has been difficult to work with my family. When you involve money into a family problems appear.

There is even this meme ![](https://twtxt.net/media/HvEEtMqPrtUJofqCGvTX36.png) 2022-10-17T19:45:55Z (#zukeuga) So, it's not a matter of Capitalism, but of greediness and money. (And just to check, capitalism is not about money, money is not the evilness here, but how we work for it)

So, Money + Families is a difficult combination. Check this research on psychology applied to money and free stuff: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predictably_Irrational#Being_Paid_vs._A_Friendly_Favor

Yes, we could try living in communes, having co-ops, and other experimental post-capitalist alternatives. I don't know what could happen. 2022-10-17T19:47:22Z (#zukeuga) @ On gifts, I guess our mind has a problem with the Free concept, (as in freedom, as in culture, as in something you can steal).

Last year I found an appealing reading on the topic of Open Software as a gift. I recommend to take a look to it
https://apenwarr.ca/log/20211229 2022-10-17T19:49:47Z I'll pause talking about -isms for today. If wanna read more ideas check this: https://text.eapl.mx/quick-ideas-about-isms-and-ownership

So, lunch time, see ya in a while! 2022-10-18T14:45:48Z A curious microblogging system on Gemini

https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/station.martinrue.com/help 2022-10-18T15:49:30Z (#df36etq) @ I can't disagree! Take it as a curiosity from my side 2022-10-18T17:07:11Z (#wch4l3a) @ I made a quick APK from the latest commit and seems to work OK over here

Could I help in any way? 2022-10-18T17:07:50Z (#wch4l3a) BTW I have a few questions... Why Goryon? Is it intended to be renamed/rebranded as yarn.social? 2022-10-18T18:02:00Z (#wch4l3a) @ Sure, let me try 2022-10-18T18:04:57Z (#wch4l3a) I reminded I'm signing the APK with my personal keys. Do you want to share the key with me to avoid errors while updating? Otherwise, I could commit it with the default debug key (which is giving another warning on some Android devices)

https://docs.flutter.dev/deployment/android#signing-the-app 2022-10-18T23:48:55Z (#djhy5wq) @ I guess the registration form is Global for the whole site and currently can't be shown in the Registration form only? 2022-10-19T13:43:06Z (#wbjwkzq) @ I'll be starting to teach an introductory course on Python for a university, as part of that 'teach lawyers to code' so I'll take your words into consideration.

I've given that course before, so I kind of know when a student really wants to or it's only a requirement. 2022-10-19T13:50:32Z (#wbjwkzq) @ about being Turing complete, do you think that's still something useful?

I mean, we could define Brainfuck as Turing complete, and we have strong discussions on the subject https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/a/315924

IMO newcomers don't want the most optimized and engineered way to code, but what's easier to start with. If a Spreadsheet allows me to calculate something, that's a programming language for them!

Im trying to be empathic with the learning curve. I don't like the verb code as a synonym of programming, but I need an English word for: "Being able to make a computer do what I want", code is the interface for that 2022-10-19T13:55:08Z I'm trying to learn French for 3rd or 4th time in my life, and it's seems more seriously now (I have a class with a native teacher 1 hr/week, 30 minutes of practice energy day on apps)

It's not completely immersive, I know. I've been doing that since March, and as @ said recently, it takes many hours to have some level of confidence in that knowledge! 2022-10-19T13:57:47Z (#pl2t3wa) I remember a friend from the work, who studied German for 3 years, and when we were there he was unable to talk with a girl. Weird... And me, with my 2 months learning, only could say a few words to random people.

It's happening similar with ```vim``` I'm practicing 30 minutes a day, and I hope in a few months I'll be able to barely edit a file with the confidence of VS Code/Sublime 2022-10-19T13:59:52Z (#pl2t3wa) as a friend told me: What makes sense tomorrow is not making sense while you are learning it. But you won't know it until you master it.

Weird feeling, but as a professor and as a permanent student, I think that's how it is. What do you think? 2022-10-19T14:06:24Z (#wbjwkzq) @ 
As I was discussing on the evil microblogging, with a friend fan of ASM, real programming doesn't exist, you make your own microprocessors and write the machine code in binary with electric signals... Hehe, just joking

I said to my friend, pick your abstractions, that will become real for you (and I remind Matrix, when Morpheus asks Neo "what's real?" ) 2022-10-19T14:08:47Z (#wbjwkzq) @ thanks dude! I don't know what to expect, but it's my alma mater and the 'best school in town' so I hope everything will go smoothly 2022-10-19T15:19:12Z (#wbjwkzq) @ this video is gold, thanks for sharing! 2022-10-19T16:10:48Z (#wch4l3a) @ That's an interesting problem to solve... In addition to how to store them securely.

I guess salty.im doesn't allow to send files. What about an email with OpenPGP to eapl in the server gemugami.com 
Another option? Matrix? Keybase? Encrypting the key with my public key? Access to a private git repo with my public key? 2022-10-19T16:11:45Z (#wch4l3a) Also I have S/MIME on emmanuel [at] unboxed . games 2022-10-19T18:04:19Z (#qcsriyq) @ Disclaimer: I dislike open workspaces a lot mainly due to interruptions and excessive noise. Are those cabins isolating the noise enough ?

I don't know what to think of the transparent walls. 2022-10-19T19:22:25Z (#pl2t3wa) @ Merci beaucoup !

Something I don't get is having different quote symbols like Gänsefüßchen („ “), Guillemets (« »), why?, ancient language makers... 2022-10-20T01:04:37Z (#tnbwxta) @ hmmm, I feel you are angry so I won't play as devil's advocate.
What I can add, something controversial, is that those huge companies like power and controlling who can access to the info is a source of power.

Something that disappoints me is that they use open standards for a while (XMPP for FB Messenger, RSS, email) and when it's not convenient anymore they stop those APIs.
I understand they need to make money for their investors, but... I don't know what to say than, we could decide not to be the product. 2022-10-20T01:07:54Z (#tnbwxta) but that's difficult in countries like mine where you can get data plans with free access to the mainstream social media, Meta, TT, and such, obviously subsidized by ads and payed to the carriers.

I don't want to only comply, but I can't find an easy way to fix that. Any ideas ? 2022-10-20T13:36:55Z (#dp3gv6q) @ yep, I found same errors here 
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/XY7JAJ7iCMeK9YpMkrFifh.png) 2022-10-20T13:38:53Z (#dp3gv6q) @ need any help? I don't master flutter/dart, but I train my team on publishing for Play Store and App Store 👀 2022-10-20T13:39:56Z (#hmyzoaa) @ +1 2022-10-20T16:29:09Z (#xuaevqq) I switched from Sublime to VS Code in 2018 (?), due to some errors on Sublime 3.
It's a bittersweet feeling. Sublime 'invented' that UX and Atom/VS Code took that innovation, offering a free alternative. The Show all commands bar (Ctrl-Shift-P) is just amazing, easy to use and useful.

Moral feelings away, I have good productivity with VS Code, I don't have to install many plugins, and it's quick to start from 0. In a pragmatic way VS Code just works.

I'm also learning vim and nvim and it has been a complex learning curve, but I think it's going to help me as vim is installed almost everywhere. Perhaps helix is going to become an opinionated alternative for VS Code users soon, no idea.

As they say, a quick way to get a good product is "Standing on the shoulders of giants", and sometimes using those ideas/stealing is part of that standing. 2022-10-20T20:53:31Z (#pvgxmca) @ I use this one https://frantic.im/project-todo/

And I connect the TODO comment in some random file, to the TODO list to remember where it is.

And searching for open TODOs in the project is usually something good to do every week or so 2022-10-20T23:55:26Z (#dp3gv6q) @ it's working now 2022-10-22T02:10:36Z (#xskfpea) I've seen that if you open the app when you are not connected to the Internet for some reason (for instance I use the aeroplane mode a lot) it forgets the login info.

Other than that, the session usually lasts a lot (I haven't tested it but I could say that lasts more than a week) 2022-10-22T03:22:48Z (#xskfpea) @ Yep, it's something tricky about coding mobile apps. What I've done is having backup URLs like or those that Google and Android use to redirect to Public Access points (I can't recall the URLs now, I'll what to look for them) to check if the device has connection.

About Goryon, I think the app wouldn't have to delete/forget the API token until it actually knows the token is invalid 🤔 2022-10-22T03:23:26Z (#t6zhabq) @ I need that :) 2022-10-22T15:24:19Z If you are using CloudFlare and want to try or implement FIDO2/WebAuthn

https://blog.cloudflare.com/making-phishing-defense-seamless-cloudflare-yubico/ 2022-10-22T15:26:28Z (#xskfpea) @ hehe, I think I found what's happening backstage, I managed to show a spinner infinitely not erasing the User Token, but I need to add an error like "Check your Internet connection".

That said, it seems I can't push my progress to the Git repo, perhaps I'm missing some permission? 2022-10-22T15:29:05Z (#55mho6q) @ The WebAuthn token is not working for your network? 2022-10-22T17:02:47Z (#xskfpea) @ Thanks! 2022-10-22T18:01:25Z On creating your own 'Internet'
[YouTube - It's time to build our own Internet](https://youtu.be/UjfWAbGfPh0) 2022-10-22T18:03:03Z (#uisi5sa) I guess this is only important in third and second world countries. When you are traveling to remote places, and can't be permanently connected for, we say, 15 bucks a month. 2022-10-22T22:04:58Z (#uisi5sa) @ indeed!

The term "Scuttlebutt" comes from the original water-cooler gossip, and has nautical roots. Unlike most data protocols, Scuttlebutt does not work on the assumption of constant connectivity and centralized services: Data is stored locally, and synchronized between contacts (or friends, to use the social network terminology). Data is also encrypted, hence Scuttlebutt is also referred to as SSB, or Secure Scuttlebutt.

https://www.zdnet.com/article/manyverse-and-scuttlebutt-a-human-centric-technology-stack-for-social-applications/ 2022-10-22T22:22:02Z (#uisi5sa) @ look like a long but interesting video, thanks for sharing 2022-10-23T01:08:38Z (#6k4tcaa) @ @ I'm also seeing the right side cropped when you have logout (so it should be the server's default theme):
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/ctUCYeNgkhw9bkvtmwPWU7.png) 2022-10-23T15:02:17Z **Tip of the day**
Give yourself permission to be bored 2022-10-24T03:26:41Z (#tbcl6aq) @ I'm learning Dart/Flutter, but I'll do my best :) 2022-10-24T03:26:50Z (#3f32opa) @ that's your secret! 2022-10-24T03:28:03Z (#6k4tcaa) @ Edge 106.0.1370.52
In Firefox (Win) 105.0.3 it's looking OK 2022-10-24T03:28:48Z (#rldqo5a) @ `e` & `ℇ` 2022-10-24T04:06:25Z (#6k4tcaa) @ Hehe, I'm temporarily using Edge as the Windows' Safari, while I finish my transition to Firefox, so what can I say? 😅

BTW, it's also happening with Iridium 2022.04 so I think the problem could happen with all the Chromium-based browsers

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/P9jYAmPxm4SL2ZV9v3izx3.png) 2022-10-24T18:03:56Z (#fop72fa) @ tabs in the browser have at least 20 years IMO (with Opera)

And in random thoughts, I was watching in the afternoon the history of the Windows Taskbar (in 1995) and the first approach was a tabbed interface. Very interesting 2022-10-24T18:05:11Z (#fop72fa) I'd like to have something like Omnisearch like having a list with fuzzy search, and those pages not being used in more than, let's say 1 hour, should be archived.

something like Browsing history + Tabs 2022-10-24T20:00:22Z (#7tfgmaq) @ what problem does Gopher solve? 2022-10-24T20:04:00Z (#fop72fa) @ I think I use a different version of the Web, those adblockers and anti-spywares are wonderful.

And I'm posting this on the Web, so... 2022-10-25T02:42:05Z (#pouhmda) @ I had no idea it existed. Looks like an appealing and nostalgic hobby project.

What I've used is https://tilde.town/wiki/socializing/bbj.html
It has a nice feeling on a terminal based forum, with 'modern' technologies behind. 2022-10-25T02:44:27Z (#e3gotpq) @ I got a bunch of mails today about the PR, I read a few tonight but I'll have more time tomorrow morning! 2022-10-25T03:41:05Z (#tjdjx2q) @ It's an amazing implementation, not so intuitive but playable 

I have good memories of my grandpa playing Solitaire across many versions of Windows, I hadn't played in years but I remember the tricks, he 2022-10-25T15:07:10Z I _might_ be applying to this kind of roles and companies.

Any general advice?

https://bitwarden.com/careers/5370836003/ 2022-10-25T15:33:56Z (#pouhmda) @ No idea, there are a few directories and rings, but I don't know of an approximate number
http://tilde.club/~harper/join.html 2022-10-25T15:34:38Z (#a764afq) @ I think I got the first 3 😀 ! 2022-10-25T16:38:01Z Any thoughts on Snikket.org

https://snikket.org/hosting/ 2022-10-25T16:39:51Z (#tjdjx2q) @ Well, I meant that making a whole game on Gopher is a nice challenge. Due to the limitations, the gameplay is weird, and perhaps you won't play many times. That said, wow, it's a cool piece of art. 2022-10-25T17:21:32Z (#okvz3lq) Nice, I found it this morning on HN, and I thought of you and Yarn. 2022-10-25T22:51:53Z I'm taking a few courses and my head is hurting now 😵
Dart and Competency-Based Learning (to teach Python to future attorneys)

# 2022-10-26T03:28:14Z (#gmkfkaq) @ so far it's looking similar to C#, with a few tweaks for Dynamic programming, so not that awful IMO. Let's see 👀 2022-10-26T13:39:36Z (#x4n32ha) @ well, not so good... 

I paused my Pod in tw.eapl.mx, since I already have this account to write in English, and now I'm using my current VPS to host a twtxt.txt file in Spanish rather than a whole Vultr that only I was using.
It was more due to budget and time constraints of moderating a (future) community and paying for the server (as I'm cutting costs for stuff I'm not using so much). 

About promoting Yarn in the Latin/Spanish community, I did that a bit in texto-plano but they were more willing to use Mastodon due to the current user base and federation with tilde servers. 

Any ideas 💡? 2022-10-26T13:45:26Z (#x4n32ha) @ ha, for some reason the web tagged someone else.

If you are interested in the latin/Spanish community that's something always appealing to me. The reality is that I need to save money and actually earning more for family purposes, but I have some time to help in a community.

That said, its cool to be in an international community (if you tolerate my broken English) than a niche one with few people in Spanish with our local ideas. I don't know what to think, it's a matter of available time and resources to spend IMO. 2022-10-26T13:50:48Z Yesterday I wanted to 'say' something but I don't know how _convenient_ it is... I'll do it anyway

Twtxt.net / Yarn feels like a nice digital place to be 2022-10-26T13:53:43Z (#gl6n4gq) I'm saying that b/c I kind of hate when people rant of Twitter on Twitter, say in the Web that the Web is awful. But I don't see 'I love this platform' 

I also dislike a few radical and (in my mind) unsustainable rants on a few platforms.
But I don't feel that here.

That's all folks, have a good morning in the Americas 🌎. 2022-10-26T14:08:43Z (#uxejcjq) @ ![](https://twtxt.net/media/8C3Bm4DNHi7XHoPArj76rV.png) 2022-10-26T19:30:03Z (#jq3da5q) @ Well, I think the same of Google. I didn't like DDG so much, so I was looking for options.

Currently I'm very happy with Qwant Lite, Ecosia, and Marginalia. I was using Kagi as a beta user (I think it's now 10 USD/month) but I went back to the 'free' options. 2022-10-27T14:00:40Z (#lqb4vvq) @ how do you know I'm not a bot 🤖? 2022-10-27T23:37:43Z Today's article on statistics:

[When U.S. air force discovered the flaw of averages](https://www.thestar.com/news/insight/2016/01/16/when-us-air-force-discovered-the-flaw-of-averages.html) 2022-10-28T13:37:21Z (#lhndzgq) @ Welcome! Your avatar is amazing BTW 2022-10-28T13:42:43Z What's going on with Yarn/Twtxt?
I leave for a day to attend a few classes and talks and a lot happens here

The human icon 👤 is gone

There are new users 👥, yeah 🥳🎉

Some people start to talk in German (?)

There are philosophical debates thanks to our friend Musk 

👀 and it's only Friday 2022-10-28T13:44:31Z (#gqinkuq) BTW I'm watching that typing new lines is broken again. (On Web, mobile 📱) 
This should be in a new line.
This one as well. 2022-10-28T13:48:19Z (#tl62cva) @ have you documented how the edit button works?
I think it allows you to edit your last twt, but I don't know if there is a time restriction.

I love to edit (to change my mind or fix typos) and I haven't thought editing do change your hash.

Interesting problem. Perhaps you shouldn't be allowed to edit if you have replies. 2022-10-28T13:54:14Z (#gqinkuq) @ thanks!
That's how it looks in my web editor, but it changes when the twt is shown. 2022-10-28T13:56:29Z (#gqinkuq) @ Yes, it's KiwiBrowser, based on Chromium.

It seems it only respects double line changes.


Another line\n

Third line\n
4th line 2022-10-28T14:00:58Z (#gqinkuq) @ it depends on the flavor of Markdown I think https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax#line-breaks

Aaand that's something I don't like from Markdown in favor of Gemtext 😅 2022-10-28T14:10:22Z (#gqinkuq) @ haha lines for you

\n 2022-10-28T14:13:20Z (#gqinkuq) @ 💙 2022-10-28T15:37:43Z In features that could be useful later, what about a way to tag (and perhaps autodetecting if it's not invasive) the language of your content?

That way you can filter the twts you can interact with 🤔 2022-10-28T15:41:06Z (#itdorwq) @ have a well deserved rest! 🥱😴 2022-10-28T17:33:33Z (#ctj6erq) @ Cool ideas! The You've read up to here is something I use a lot... Thinking on that

Could you please explain more about "hide the conversation hash and show some way to get to the yarn"? 😀

1. What would you show instead of the Hash? I'm thinking of something like "Conversation" "Yarn view" or similar

2. What do you mean by "show some way to get to the yarn"? I think there is a button, below the twt for a conversation, or do I misunderstand something? 🤔 2022-10-28T17:38:16Z Dear #

Thoughts on the new Yarn App logo ?
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/HbtHJihU66xVQBm4di6DkQ.png) 2022-10-28T17:42:37Z (#y6ucr5a) @ Haha, I forgot it was possible. I'm aware that Safari and Edge, for example, have that behaviour by default., but I never use it 👀 2022-10-28T18:01:02Z (#ctj6erq) @ Got it!
I thought you were saying this one:

Hmmm, good question. I'm aware the hash is part of the twt, but it can be hidden in the App for readability (I'm thinking of a RegEx or something simpler). How would it be if you hide it on the API? 🤔 2022-10-28T18:03:26Z (#vnfboya) @ sleep soon dude! Or it's gonna be like my case, dreaming that I'm working 🤣 2022-10-28T18:50:17Z (#evpcgwa) @<~eaplmx https://eapl.mx/twtxt.txt> Hey dude! (This is a text for a video I'm recording) 2022-10-28T19:11:22Z (#3j2dr4q) @ Is gitea hosted on Github? 😟

https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/ 2022-10-29T01:05:54Z (#ifhfeqa) @ it's difficult for me, it's like 10pm on a Friday 👀 (I'm in GMT -7)
Could it be on a Saturday some day? 2022-10-29T05:43:26Z (#ctj6erq) @ I would vote on preserving the original twt content, but I've been really busy and I haven't thought enough on that to have a strong opinion. 2022-10-29T05:44:50Z (#ifhfeqa) @ haha, I got to work on Saturdays at 9 am 🥲 2022-10-29T05:54:14Z What is a decentralized organization? 

> To preserve the community aspect of Gitea we are experimenting with creating a decentralized autonomous organization where contributors would receive benefits based on their participation [...]

https://blog.gitea.io/2022/10/open-source-sustainment-and-the-future-of-gitea/ 2022-10-29T05:57:28Z (#rwoptaa) @ hmmm, perhaps the twtxt URL could be a UUID, like an unlisted link and you share that link with people you want to share access.

I do that a lot with Google Docs to share access to non critical documents.
Obviously if someone makes the URL public, anyone can see or edit the content. 2022-10-29T06:14:56Z (#ctj6erq) @ 👌 2022-10-29T13:13:08Z (#lt34ixq) @ I like the ideas of Doctorow but I don't completely agree on this one.

In this case is like if you register a perfume.
Could a Pantone Rose Perfume be created? I guess so, b/c it's not only a name (which is a brand), but the recipe to reach to that smell. It's not so fair under the current IP legislation that someone else can use your work and sell the same perfume as theirs. Would it be plagiarism IMO. 

Again, it's polemic, but in this specific case I think people don't understand what's behind licensing a Pantone.

I leave a discussion on that: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33370265 2022-10-29T13:22:26Z (#lt34ixq) Aaand that's because Pantone is more about the physical ink to reach that color than the RGB/Hex value and name for it.

Is unfair that Photoshop charges you for something that previously was free? I don't know. 
Before PS had a single payment and now it's a subscription. I think there comes the main rant. 2022-10-29T13:23:47Z (#s7vlpna) @ come on dude!

Spain <-> Spanish

Hehe 😁 2022-10-29T13:25:06Z (#s7vlpna) @ hehe, now I need this

https://hamee.com/products/otamatone-musical-toy-sanrio-aggretsuko-rage-from-maywa-denki 2022-10-29T13:27:54Z (#c7heyxq) @ they are even talking of DAOs that are even worse 😑

I mean, meritocracy sounds good in theory, but I think in practice everything (could) go wrong... More in Dev communities. Let's see what happens 2022-10-29T13:29:12Z (#sf7m26q) @ thank You, yarners and Devs for this amazing platform and community. 2022-10-29T13:42:37Z (#sjv7a5a) @ Thanks for sharing.

Usually I don't like to rant against the government but this one, aaargh!

70%+ of the Mexicans don't like the DST, Americans neither. So the last few months it has been a thing here. But the timing, Damn!

In fact, if you don't tell me I didn't know! Has finished to be official just yesterday, 2 days before the DST change! And now ICANN has made the change really quickly, I'm gladly surprised. I was betting that they wouldn't have time to react. 

That said I think it's gonna be like with Chile 🇨🇱 a few months ago. They had a similar rushed change and all the systems where broken and patches had to me deployed for the calendars.

Well. That said, I'm in Chihuahua, so my timezone will sync the center of the country which is good, and we are reverting changes from my childhood, haha. 2022-10-29T13:44:34Z (#lt34ixq) @ yeah, subscriptions are insane. I understand why do companies need them.

But the way it's worded "We charge you periodically for your convenience" is irritating. 2022-10-29T13:45:45Z (#sjv7a5a) And we won't have DST anymore, yeah! 🎉🥳🎈 2022-10-29T13:52:27Z (#sjv7a5a) @ and yeah, the current administration (leftist populist) is proposing half-baked laws for everything. So... What can I say?

My state is in the border but my city don't. So it's gonna be a mess if I have to work with friends close to the border. There isn't even a Mexican Timezone for them, so I'll have to pick one from USA.

Basically this current map is gonna change completely... With 2 days notice 
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/uvmAoEaVb5q5ceHwab2tPf.png) 2022-10-29T13:53:06Z (#sjv7a5a) Sorry guys, enough rant for today! 2022-10-29T13:55:36Z (#sjv7a5a) @ I don't have a clue of your side of the word.
Here it helped that USA was looking for that change. Perhaps if other nearby countries in your side look for it, would be easier.

Here, as the law proposal said, were 15 years of people being against the DST, and a populist government made a rushed fix now.

🙃 2022-10-29T13:58:21Z (#lt34ixq) @ this 👆 2022-10-29T14:00:25Z (#dd3wnxq) I was thinking about it the other day.
Twtxt spec requires the Z (Zulu) Timezone. But what about posting the local time, and the server/client makes the conversions.

That's even better if you travel around and your local Timezone changes often. 2022-10-29T14:03:10Z (#sjv7a5a) @ 👆 this is Spanish BTW 😆🤣 2022-10-29T14:05:34Z (#dd3wnxq) @ 😮 2022-10-29T14:06:54Z (#dd3wnxq) Then you can show the Timezone based on the last Twt. Is not as specific as having a ICANN Timezone, but I think is precise and dynamic enough. 2022-10-29T14:09:43Z (#ykkayea) Hehe, I've just checked. I mean saving that value IN the twtxt.txt file in each twt (I don't know it that break things, I guess so) 

I've used the Yarn local Timezone setting and works great! 👌It's accurate with my (current) time zone 2022-10-29T14:12:59Z (#sjv7a5a) @ yep 🙂
It's gonna be a funny week over here.
But it's the Weekend, my future me is fixing that on Monday 😉 2022-10-29T14:24:57Z (#dd3wnxq) @ no worries, my point goes on saving the Timezone on the Twtxt file, instead of adding a Metadata (which is going to be outdated if you travel to another Timezone)

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/72JJ8LXbXoyKC7VzAZKYGX.png) 2022-10-29T14:27:02Z (#dd3wnxq) That way, the CLI tool or Yarn could take the current Timezone convert it to your local time and say "this user has this Timezone, is X hours behind you, it's 4am for them" 2022-10-29T14:29:23Z (#dd3wnxq) I'm reading in a twtxt spec that the time offset is allowed and I remember somewhere else asks to use the Z timezone (UTC). I'm confused now.

https://twtxt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/twtxtfile.html#format-specification 2022-10-29T18:28:57Z (#7usypfq) @ I could suggest unfollowing people, using a plugin to disable suggestions (for polemic and engaging topics), and hiding ads, and Trending topics...

I use Twitter as a tool since I find appealing conversations with friends and I expose my products as a creator. That said, yes, it's a 'toxic' platform by design and it's easy to use it for it's intended purpose, get engaged in useless conversations (IMO). 2022-10-29T18:29:30Z (#lt34ixq) @ 🤣 2022-10-30T09:45:57Z (#rmylc3q) @ Site reliability for a Bank 🏦?

Sounds serious, congrats and best wishes! 2022-10-30T13:06:05Z #

Do you use an alarm to wake up? 2022-10-30T20:58:42Z (#4u3c6bq) @ I used something related with internet or digital telecommunications until 1993 (I remind browsing a web page about Michael Jordan)

But BBS and Teletex has been always appealing to me, like some ancient technology I never used. 2022-10-30T23:09:09Z (#xurjy2q) @ reinventing the crypto wheel, huh? 😆 2022-10-30T23:10:58Z (#scxyieq) @ is it about hiding the twt violating the rules? (since in some cases you can't modify the twtxt.txt) 2022-10-31T00:58:16Z (#5ne755a) @ this sounds to me like the current moderation scheme for Mastodon. I guess it's good enough for now. 

Indeed I'd like to know the philosophical difference between Mastodon and Yarn, since I think these are main competitors in a similar but not exactly equal space.

With those ideas and values, defining a 'fair' moderation scheme is easier IMO. 2022-10-31T02:07:50Z (#5ne755a) @ Right, I forgot of that page

I'll remark the following:
> Keep it as simple as possible
> Do not compromise on data security and user privacy
> Software should be lightweight
> Self hosted software is preferable over cloud services or SaaS
> Ship early, Ship often

I'd stay with **Keep it as simple as possible**, but not more than that. And Lightweight. 

I have worked on apps rejected by App Store due to lack of moderating features. I'm aware it's tricky. I think the decentralized part could be managed like with Feed readers. 2022-10-31T03:18:45Z (#5ne755a) @ Yeah, sorry, I was throwing random ideas on your previous conversation.

I'll follow on what you all decide, to be in the loop, and we could talk later on how it would impact future versions of the mobile app. 2022-10-31T15:58:28Z (#av2eurq) @ something I'd like to be part of, is a Reddit like service. You know, ranked forums promoting newest and most interesting content. 

I found https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy (made with Rust) but I don't like the current community of instances. Simply they don't talk about my interests.

And that makes me think a lot on the community you have to create to have a minimum network effect to sustain it. Too small and dies in the oblivion, too big and dies of toxicity.

Interesting hobbies we choose! 2022-10-31T23:05:46Z (#xw3c3jq) @ sorry, I don't.

Reading about it, I think it has an interesting premise, but I can't find why should I use it https://perkeep.org/doc/principles

What's your intended use case for it? 2022-10-31T23:07:03Z (#d6alaoq) @ Damn technology! 😛 2022-10-31T23:08:28Z (#itowmgq) @ hehe, I used Google Groups and a bit on Microsoft Mail but I was never a user.

In fact, I'm aware some retro and tilde communities still use it 2022-11-01T00:18:49Z #

Rust or Go? And why Go? 2022-11-01T01:45:35Z (#kp4v2wa) @ I guess I need to do something useful on Go since I have only learned the basics and I didn't reach all this awesome you mentioned.

Rust was too much for me at this stage, but it's the _hot language_ right now, so I always have the doubt if it's something sensible to learn next year. 2022-11-01T01:45:45Z (#kp4v2wa) @ hehe 😁 2022-11-01T01:48:44Z (#kp4v2wa) @ I tried to learn Scala when it was trendy (I think it was when Twitter switched from Ruby to Scala), but the lack of documentation in Play Framework was a roadblock (I kind of hate Java, BTW). By 2022 is Scala any good? 2022-11-01T01:50:20Z (#kp4v2wa) @ That's why I dusted off PHP 5.6 to learn the updates on 8.1 👀' 2022-11-01T01:51:40Z (#kp4v2wa) @ I like Python so much, but the performance is horrible for a big scale. I was betting on Nim but doesn't have all the benefits you mentioned before. I think, and a trust you, that Go could be that Python replacement. 2022-11-01T03:11:35Z (#kp4v2wa) @ I agree! I like C# a lot, but I'd go with Script languages (Python, JS, PHP) for quick prototypes. Even working JSON with recent versions of C# takes a lot of Dev time. 2022-11-01T03:27:46Z Good night everyone... Enough internet for today!

😴 2022-11-01T12:33:26Z (#62y6xma) @ I use it as a glorified notepad with Markdown support.

The search capabilities are great. It's faster that Notion (which I disliked very soon), more convenient than taking notes with a code editor, since it manages the folder structure and links between files.
Syncing notes between Android and PC is quick. Sadly I had problems Syncing images, with Google Drive, so I only use it for texts. 

I've heard it's an amazing tool for https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zettelkasten 2022-11-01T13:35:30Z (#ua5imda) @ If we talk about all the Msg apps, I found:
Messages by Google (SMS), Google Duo (Voice call on Android), Google Chat, Google Voice (VoIP Phone?)

Why? I don't know why... Perhaps a matter of novelty? "It's new! Let's try it!"

The only thing I know is that making short-lived products is what Google does
https://killedbygoogle.com 2022-11-01T18:06:41Z First class in my _alma mater_, done! 😀

Teaching Python to future attorneys... 😬 2022-11-01T18:09:17Z (#62y6xma) @ I didn't write about how to get started...
I guess I haven't learned it yet, sorry 😅

The first steps are installing it, deciding if you want to pay for the sync between devices, or use a free alternative (I use Google Drive 😬), installing Omnisearch, and typing notes! 2022-11-01T18:43:00Z (#s3ahunq) A 'strange' approach of my university, about giving a deep-dive to students of Social Sciences on how to use technology, creating a Mobile app with No-code, and basics of Python...

I have mixed feelings, but I think is something useful for them to know.

My general idea (for any university) is that between 18-25 years is not the best moment to decide what you want to do professionally 'for the rest of your life', so... 2022-11-01T18:49:34Z (#2uxogza) @ Well, there is the **Zen of Python** https://peps.python.org/pep-0020/ But I don't know how current it is. 2022-11-01T20:17:37Z A brief story of the Windows Taskbar... Watch for the minute 10 on how it was previously a tab system (like today on browsers) 

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ2FFPzsn6s 2022-11-01T20:19:01Z (#2vtjc3q) I've been using Edge with a lateral tab system (indeed my taskbar is at the left)
Feels much better for me than having the tabs at the top. 2022-11-01T21:41:43Z (#dk6iz5q) @ Hola from 🌎 2022-11-01T21:43:51Z (#62y6xma) @ check this https://forum.obsidian.md/t/icloud-disabled-for-obsidian/17395 2022-11-01T21:55:19Z (#62y6xma) @ Hmm, I'm seeing that on iOS you have a very limited access to the file system.
On Android you can sync with many tools, SSH, Dropbox, Google Drive...

Damn ! sorry mate 🫤 2022-11-01T21:56:38Z (#62y6xma) could you try the following? https://help.obsidian.md/Getting+started/Sync+your+notes+across+devices#Sync+your+notes+on+iPhone+and+iPad 2022-11-02T04:50:14Z (#62y6xma) @ it's called iOS... 🤔
I haven't used it since version 10, so I don't know if in current versions that has changed. 2022-11-02T04:52:36Z (#62y6xma) For instance it happens the same Syncing music. That's why I started using Spotify Premium, it was the only convenient way I found to download music when I traveled.

I think iCloud has improved, but that's the only way I know of syncing a limited file system. 2022-11-02T04:58:15Z I found a book about finishing things and in the first chapter a wild test appeared:


I got 2.3/5 🤔 2022-11-02T05:01:20Z (#62y6xma) researching quickly on this, I found that you can open files from Dropbox, but I think apps can't see files between them. I don't have a current device to test.

https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT206481 2022-11-02T05:06:22Z @ your web site looks down? 2022-11-02T17:20:48Z (#eafq63a) Related reading:
https://angeladuckworth.com/qa/ 2022-11-02T23:57:28Z (#g2frmqa) @ working on the Yarn mobile App.

thanks for asking! 2022-11-03T00:03:12Z This is scary and amazing

**GPT-3 on Google Spreadsheets**
https://nitter.it/shubroski/status/1587136794797244417 2022-11-03T01:32:46Z Does anyone want to try the current alpha of the Yarn Android app?
- New name, new icons, and logo
- Default instance is https://twtxt.net
- It doesn't delete the login info when there is no Internet connection or on Airplane mode
- Splash screen now adapts to Light or Dark theme, based on your Android settings

Most of them are proof of concepts... Needs to be improved, but I want to know from real users, how the implementation feels.

Get it here: https://eapl.mx/files/yarn_app_20221102.apk 2022-11-03T01:33:34Z (#g2frmqa) @ Thanks dude! BTW, is there an RSS feed? Cool! 2022-11-03T01:51:38Z (#g2frmqa) @ 😮 2022-11-03T03:48:05Z (#s23nrcq) @ 👀' 2022-11-03T04:13:43Z #

Instead of limiting twts by number of characters, do it by num of words, 42 for instance. optionally 69 2022-11-03T13:16:24Z #

Light or Dark theme? (on your devices, PC, Mac, Phone)
And why Dark? 2022-11-03T13:20:44Z (#hib3ktq) @ Good luck!
I hope it compiles quickly on Mac. BTW could you activate the dark splash screen on Xcode? 🙏 You can see how [here](https://medium.com/flutter-community/splash-screens-for-dark-and-light-mode-in-flutter-eb85f1aa025)

I have an old Mac mini with Mohave, but I think is gonna be only a few clicks for you... 2022-11-03T13:30:29Z (#qdiqjyq) @ Well, I missed context. I'm talking about soft limits (based on Twitter obviously) recommended by the [spec](https://twtxt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/twtxtfile.html#format-specification) and that a few CLI follow

> A status should consist of up to 140 characters, longer status updates are technically possible but discouraged. twtxt will warn the user if a newly composed status update exceeds this limit, and it will also shorten incoming status updates by default. 

This random idea was inspired by Les Misérables (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_longest_novels#Comparison_of_methods) and https://nicheless.blog 2022-11-03T13:33:07Z (#s23nrcq) @ Change aversion?

It's not that took hours to read the words, but to make it as natural as it was on Twitter, I think. 2022-11-03T13:37:12Z (#yxsa4oa) @ [Time… a programmer's worst enemy](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=iMVgvkVJuDI) and [Falsehoods programmers believe about time](https://gist.github.com/timvisee/fcda9bbdff88d45cc9061606b4b923ca) come to my mind 2022-11-03T13:38:28Z (#abep6wq) @ This is a really good idea! I use the free cloud version, but I think I should have an instance for my team (and perhaps later for my non-techy fam) 2022-11-03T13:42:31Z (#abjecua) @ I like to have separate devices for each activity. That way a can switch more easily of context and stop working when I should be doing something else

That said, currently I only have a single 'decent' laptop PC that I use for everything... At least I have 2 phones, one for work, and another for personal life 🤔 2022-11-03T13:44:19Z (#abjecua) P.D. Don't have a work computer where you eat, you sleep or you have leisure time.

# 2022-11-03T13:59:22Z (#s23nrcq) @ I've seen that most of the boomers in my country forwarding emails now moved to Whatsapp...

Supposedly most of the users have 25-34 years 🤔
https://www.statista.com/statistics/283119/age-distribution-of-global-twitter-users/ 2022-11-03T20:39:02Z (#5qm4mhq) @ I love your screenshots, and your blog entry is very informative. Thanks for sharing! 2022-11-03T20:41:27Z (#5qm4mhq) @ 2022-11-03T20:42:29Z (#5qm4mhq) hmmm it seems the GIF didn't load 2022-11-03T21:18:33Z On moderating social media (from Reddit's ex-CEO)

https://nitter.net/yishan/status/1586956145813377024 2022-11-03T23:14:07Z My Mac Mini 2014 can't install XCode since it requires macOS 12 which I need to install first 🫤

At least the Mac is still usable, kind of slow due to the HDD, but fast enough after the Full Factory reset.

# 2022-11-03T23:26:13Z (#4bnzloa) @ calculate my taxes 2022-11-04T00:54:14Z (#xucdwea) What about https://classicreload.com/qbasic-gorillas.html ?
I loved that game as a kid

QSHIPS also looked nice
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ZkN0waodQbE 2022-11-04T03:14:44Z (#xucdwea) @ oh, it seems the amazing soundtrack is missing in that version 😥

I used to play with a cousin for hours, we even made a song for waiting the banana was falling down to the target... 2022-11-04T03:15:42Z (#xucdwea) @ Nibbles was cool as well! When the mythic snake game on the Nokia phones arrived I thought "I've played this before!" 2022-11-04T04:53:03Z Well, after a few hours updating now I have a Mac with macOS 12 🥳

it doesn't look that bad, as the transition from Win 10 to Win 11 which is awful 😑

For everything else, Xubuntu 😅 2022-11-04T12:00:06Z (#t7hm3dq) @ # there is no Mexican Halloween 🎃
But the Day of the Dead (Nov 2nd) is pretty cool (as you can see in the Coco movie)

Talking about the food, yep, it something you miss being in Europe, although I found a few nice places there.

I friend send us this img, it's a peculiar tradition of cooking for your dear dead relative, friend or celebrity
![](https://twtxt.net/media/P23gzCkC7jWPuYco6mB8B8.png) 2022-11-04T12:03:54Z (#t7hm3dq) and tapas are not mexican, I guess they are argentinian or spanish, that said, they are awesome 🤤

I need to go out for lunch this weekend, in Germany I tried some amazing kebabs 🌯 for the first time, I'm fan now 2022-11-04T12:06:11Z (#gctzthq) @ don't overthink ? 🤔 2022-11-04T12:14:16Z (#ip5za2q) @ https://www.saksoft.com/blog/rss-vs-atom/

I got to say that in the last few years I've used Atom almost exclusively. I remind parsing XML RSS feeds by hand 15 or 20 years ago, so I could say it's a really old format by Internet standards.

That said I switched from read only feeds to microblogging or chats. Reading offline is nice but I don't do it enough nowadays. 2022-11-04T12:19:20Z (#d6alaoq) @ ![](https://twtxt.net/media/oXd52MNtzjvvi97EEWoFR.png) 2022-11-04T12:19:57Z (#d6alaoq) and ![](https://twtxt.net/media/uTRMf6pftbzFEf3AxhFng4.png)

😅 2022-11-04T12:38:42Z (#gctzthq) @ I forgot! I send you good vibes... 😃

I'm thinking of getting a challenging employment but then I guess I'll feel alike 😵‍💫 2022-11-04T21:07:25Z (#cjmntpq) @ and not only in engineering.

Today I had a surprise conference from the National Electoral Institute and the presentation was full or Acronyms. Tha target was students which obviously don't know what a GTFO is... 🙄

I think companies use them as a Branding. Instead of the Deployment process use OSDEAIDS, a.k.a. Our Super Duper Extreme And Improved Deployment System.

I know they save time, but have a deep learning curve 📈 2022-11-04T21:09:27Z (#cftsa4q) @ all my respect to my friends and devs in general knowing ASM... Wow!

I only learned to turn LEDs on PIC Microcontrollers, and moved quickly to C 2022-11-04T22:20:55Z (#t5ntmoa) @ these few first notes are mythical but it's not an easy song, starting about the 0:50 mark


I guess I never mastered the whole song, but _anyone_ knows how to play the first 9 notes 2022-11-04T22:27:26Z (#t5ntmoa) and eventually you want to play crazy tunes like https://youtu.be/32YX6qhTGi8

and no, it's not so easy at is sounds in the first few seconds... Damn Bethoven 🎼🎶🎵 2022-11-05T16:39:18Z @ What was the name of the service you mentioned a few days (weeks?) ago to manage authentication?

I want to bookmark it but I can't find it 2022-11-05T19:09:26Z (#puawfua) @ Thx! 2022-11-05T23:38:18Z I'm bored and unwilling to do anything...

😵‍💫 2022-11-06T00:04:05Z My thesis was on digital/electronic voting (about 10 years ago)

There is an interesting problem there: How could you replace the paper ballots with a digital device? You'll find a few benefits like a fast counting and transmitting the data without moving the ballot box to a central place.

The disadvantage is assuring the secrecy and freedom when you are voting. It's easy with an inert paper, extremely difficult with an electronic device. How could you be sure the vote is correct if it's secert?

I found an interesting proposal (I have to read it deeply) on how to fix this problem that has been 'looking for a solution' for decades:
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/e2e-primer.pdf 2022-11-06T00:08:14Z (#pd4brpq) To make it more interesting, the vote has to be anonymous and untraceable. Yes, we know who went to the election, but we shouldn't have a way to know your decision.

And you must be sure that every vote was counted correctly. Interesting design problem. 2022-11-06T00:41:42Z (#pd4brpq) @ That's true!

My grandpa was a citizen invited to help with the voting in the neighborhood (I don't know the title in english, but something like ballot box Secretary), and I took the training with him. It was nice, both could understand it quickly.

The current process is an hybrid between ancient processes that anyone can understand and modern tech. And it works for the process of auditing, with technology on top to have results in a few hours.
But it's damn expensive 🤔 2022-11-06T00:50:24Z (#pd4brpq) as we can see in the last question here:

digital/remote voting is not ready for massive elections. Regardless my country, and many countries are thinking on using it due to the expected cost reductions.

it's gonna be an interesting case to study after. 2022-11-06T01:30:50Z (#2pc7nya) @ which one? 🤔 2022-11-06T01:47:01Z (#2pc7nya) @ I guess you are behind... Please take a took at it.

I tried to run the project in Xcode from the last commit but it gave me errors, I guess I need to install the whole Flutter environment. 2022-11-06T02:07:48Z (#yux6gca) @ For _Mentions me_ and _No replies_, I think is self-explanatory. I guess _Local onl_y will require further explanation, perhaps _twtxt.net/domain.tls only_?

That said I'd like to have an option '_With replies_' or '_Active conversations_' 2022-11-06T02:25:50Z From my FitBot:
21 hours before the week ends

I'm in Ruby league
This week I've burned 273.5 calories
91 to stay in this league
And 246 to jump to the next league

🥳 2022-11-06T03:01:27Z (#77ruorq) @ hehe, yes. I _need_ to exercise and having a measurable goal every week works for me. 2022-11-06T03:03:25Z My wife is watching **Titanic** once again...

Stupid emotional movie 😢🍿 2022-11-06T05:07:09Z (#yux6gca) @ 👌 2022-11-06T11:16:31Z (#yux6gca) @ 
Hmm, I can't find those labels on mobile... I reloaded, sign out and login, tried the mobile view, then the PC one (with the AMOLED theme on my phone 🤳), am I missing something?

I could try on my PC in a few hours if that's the matter 

![](https://twtxt.net/media/ZzBXiA5rShr2iy4N9nHn5J.png) 2022-11-06T12:27:40Z (#yux6gca) @ well, yeah, the Web is going extremely fast and the mobile app/API is very far from having all those features 😵‍💫

Could we try with a PWA to reuse those skills? 🤔 2022-11-06T12:34:47Z (#yux6gca) @ It's looking good here


BTW, do those filters work for Timeline and Discover, right?
Being Timeline your following list and Discover all the local (twtxt.net) following?

I think I've never understood the difference behind the scenes. 2022-11-06T12:36:43Z (#otnzt2q) @ welcome to Winter (time) ❄️🥶 ! 2022-11-06T13:44:56Z (#otnzt2q) @ damn, not even 5! 

Here with the new timezone (moved from MT to CT, and DST no more 🥳) we have this 🌞

Not that bad I think, I guess it would be 5.15 with the previous time 2022-11-06T13:47:51Z (#xxntema) @ interesting! I haven't seen these customized calendars here but sounds like a great gift for my family, my mother is fan of tearing off calendar sheets every day 🗓️ 2022-11-06T13:50:48Z I guess it's a good time to buy (or make) a Season Clock ⏰

Mentioned almost at the end here:
https://text.eapl.mx/my-favourite-strange-clocks 2022-11-06T20:51:48Z (#tqapeoa) @ I'm serving my twtxt in Spanish on Gemini as well, and perhaps we could serve Yarn/twtxt.net on a proxy.

I like that the 'protocol' goes beyond federalization and it's mostly decentralized, with some inherent disadvantages like discoverability, so you can federate it, have pods, instances, directories and such. I'm missing some interoperation like on ActivityPub but not having it is a kind of feature.

For me is like a self hosted blog with RSS. 2022-11-07T03:05:43Z (#ghti5ta) @ I have implemented TOTP on Python and PHP (and a decade ago on Java J2ME), if any of you need help with the UX @ me in the issue. 2022-11-07T03:06:32Z (#ghti5ta) @ 
a) Yes
b) For sure
c) Please add FIDO2/Passkeys for hipster purposes 2022-11-07T18:51:00Z (#hvumucq) @ I used this one https://github.com/chubin/wttr.in for a few years
But the script you sent looks much better!

I got to say I don't check the weather anymore unless I'm going to travel, I disabled any widget on Win and Xubuntu... Anyways, I'll try that script, thanks for sharing! 2022-11-07T18:52:36Z (#hvumucq) does it work with ZSH? 2022-11-07T19:02:40Z (#hvumucq) The installer is not working with ZSH but the script seems to work fine...

This is amazing BTW
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/Z5ivnLq4F3yEqH7ruzTtJS.png) 2022-11-08T00:08:56Z (#wsj4ayq) I wonder how you guys manage to do so much with a full-day job, kids, and such. My respects, as always :) 2022-11-08T00:11:43Z (#glf7isq) @ I have a single account on @
I have 3 on Twitter and 1 on Mastadon, but here I don't see the point of having multiple accounts or many accounts on multiple pods 🤔

Just to know, what would it be a standalone app? A mobile app? 2022-11-08T00:13:19Z (#glf7isq) @ we talked about that idea on Gitea, but we were going to ask people how _useful_ they feel it is... 2022-11-08T00:16:05Z On things you don't need to know but I'm going to tell anyway, I'm a bit sad b/c our current income is not enough to buy the house 🏠 my wife (and I) desire.

I need a better income next year 😬 # 2022-11-08T00:31:21Z I'm loving the way Microsoft Edge allows you to see the tabs vertically. Perhaps it's available on other browsers, but I haven't seen it.

Disclaimer: My Taskbar is vertical as well.

![](https://twtxt.net/media/8Kym3zcnUdTrxfLyNrT3Pd.png) 2022-11-08T00:55:05Z (#qb6q6ca) @ I tried Vivaldi but I didn't get hooked. I heard of it over and over again. I guess I need to take a look again! 2022-11-08T18:32:19Z Hmmm... 
Go instead to the lower limit of [Miller's Law](https://lawsofux.com/millers-law/) (about having 7 +/- 2 options)

That means max 5 elements.

![](https://twtxt.net/media/8jvsBceAhZbWvFjLdyiHKM.png) 2022-11-08T18:34:13Z (#ag3ln3a) @ Oops, I haven't seen this twt. Please look at [#3dgf3ma](https://twtxt.net/twt/3dgf3ma) 2022-11-08T18:56:33Z (#upimdhq) Thanks everyone! I had a tough but important talk with my wife after receiving the negative from the bank, and we'll lower the expectations while we work as hard (and relaxed) as we can.

🙂 2022-11-08T19:02:14Z (#upimdhq) @ That's part of the plan. Sadly the monthly payment for that house is 2-3x the cost of the rent. The interest rate is about 10.5% yearly (I guess it's not huge, IDK how it is in your countries)

Here by law, the debt must take up to 20 years (WTF!) to be paid, so shouldn't be longer than an average lifetime. But if you are unable to pay at that time, they don't give you the credit, so you feel like you have no options.

Well, enough ranting. That's how it is, so we'll keep looking for options 😄 2022-11-08T19:08:19Z (#upimdhq) @ 450k-720k USD? Sounds to me like a big number!
A decent house here is about 50k-100k. With 500k you can get a small mansion in important cities.

Also, the average wage in my country is about 500-1,000 USD/month, so I guess it's a matter of numbers. Thanks for sharing, it gives me perspective.
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/CF2LwcncmYAFsBs684kG39.png) 2022-11-08T19:09:48Z (#hib3ktq) @ Haha, that's amazing... Could you raise an issue on Gitea, please? 😀 2022-11-08T19:44:28Z #

1. Listening to podcasts on an Audio cassette player like [Amazon - fosa Car Audio Cassette Adapter SD MMC Mp3 Player Adapter with Remote Control](https://www.amazon.com.mx/fosa-Cassette-Adapter-Player-Control/dp/B07D11PBTT)

2. Streaming my favorite podcasts on a domestic FM transmitter, so I can listen on an FM radio w/o bringing my phone.

3. Sharing previous thoughts on audio and music formats: https://text.eapl.mx/re-compact-discs 2022-11-08T21:14:48Z (#3uqj6fa) @ haha, it is 😆 2022-11-08T21:17:00Z (#3uqj6fa) @ what was horrible ? audio quality, troublesome setup ?

What did you use for FM transmission ?
I wanted to setup one in my university so it's a kind of pending project 2022-11-08T21:26:29Z (#3uqj6fa) @ Is that really happening with your original CDs/disks?
I thought the lifespan was decades 😮 is it perhaps a matter of humidity?

I threw away all my CDs and DVDs so I don't have that problem anymore, but I wonder what would happen with my grandpa's discs. And yeah, moving home with physical media, music 💿, books 📚, magazines 📜, is troublesome.

I leave a few links on the topic, if anyone is interested 
https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-lifespan-of-DVD-and-Blu-ray-discs/answer/Ralf-Quint?ch=15&oid=105837512&share=f59282dc&srid=23zL&target_type=answer 2022-11-09T13:42:13Z (#s44j6dq) @ I've used FreeTube but I don't love it, it's too limited. I'll try DuckPlayer when it's available for Win.

Just to know, are you involved with DDG in some way? 2022-11-09T13:43:30Z (#hib3ktq) Here 😉 https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/app 2022-11-09T17:14:14Z (#3dgf3ma) @ Chip style design? What's that? *intrigued* 🧐 2022-11-09T19:43:13Z (#3dgf3ma) I wasn't aware of this term, cool!

A random example I found out there:
![](https://twtxt.net/media/R5wzkAEmKCZuoPNs7MrMDK.png) 2022-11-09T21:43:56Z (#3dgf3ma) @ Looks amazing! I'd only add the checkmark from my previous image or any other way to know if something is toggled on or off. At first sight it's difficult to know if _On twtxt.net_ is on or off.

In terms of a11y, I have never done that, I guess instead of `` it could be styled checkboxes due to the on-off nature.
More info here: https://www.a11ymatters.com/pattern/checkbox/ 2022-11-09T21:52:14Z (#rgp5fra) @ @ Pinterest is amazing! In fact, I've replaced FB, Reddit, and Google Photos with it.

It has its own problems, but my main use case is discovering related images. For instance, memes and funny pictures for my wife, visual ideas for work, or even random comics and photos just for the sake of it. It autodetects language, so it'll mostly suggest content in languages you already know, and it has few ads.
Also allows you to store your own content public or privately, so I use it to save or pin my own content instead of putting it on a shared Drive Presentation, or a random chat.
I don't use it that much to save websites, but I see a lot of people doing that.

Finally, I don't know if a Self-hosted Pinterest is useful for me. To manage my own content I'd look for a Google Photos replacement, and I'll miss the discoverability from other authors. 2022-11-09T21:52:51Z (#rgp5fra) @ @ Pinterest is amazing! In fact, I've replaced FB, Reddit, and Google Photos with it.

It has its own problems, but my main use case is discovering related images. For instance, memes and funny pictures for my wife, visual ideas for work, or even random comics and photos just for the sake of it. It autodetects language, so it'll mostly suggest content in languages you already know, and it has few ads.
Also allows you to store your own content publicly or privately, so I use it to save or pin my images instead of on a shared Drive Presentation or a random chat.
I don't use it that much to save websites, but I see a lot of people doing that.

Finally, I don't know if a Self-hosted Pinterest is useful for me. To manage my own content I'd look for a Google Photos replacement, and I'll miss the discoverability from other authors. 2022-11-09T22:00:19Z (#3uqj6fa) @ Oh, thanks!

I'm aware that those cheap devices FM have awful quality and low range.
I'm thinking of something like: https://www.amazon.com/-/es/05B-Transmisor-estaci%C3%B3n-0-138-supermercado/dp/B0B251XK2R/

But I'm seeing bad reviews, on a lot of static and bad audio quality. And again, now Bluetooth has much better quality than FM can give, so it's more for nostalgic purposes, like LoFi music, artificially adding noise.

For DVDs, damn, we'll need to make backups, especially for content hard to find again Who would think? 2022-11-09T22:03:19Z (#3dgf3ma) @ @ is there any way to remove @<~eaplmx https://texto-plano.xyz/~eaplmx/twtxt.txt> (texto-plano)? It's a 'dead' twtxt currently. I only use @ (English) and [me@eapl.mx](https://eapl.mx/twtxt.txt) (Spanish) 2022-11-09T22:07:07Z (#3dgf3ma) @ Here is an example: https://codepen.io/quinlo/pen/ReMRXz

Found here: https://www.sliderrevolution.com/resources/css-checkbox/ 2022-11-09T22:12:16Z (#4pz276a) @ mega-microblogging? 😅 2022-11-09T22:21:15Z (#wgoglpq) @ Hmmm, let me split it into 2 things:

1. **darch** was replying to [#3dgf3ma](https://twtxt.net/conv/3dgf3ma) and tagged the wrong _eaplmx_. I've seen that sometimes Yarn Web tags the wrong people. I don't know if that's the case here.

2. The account in texto-plano appears in `twtxt.net` as a mention suggestion although I've unfollowed it. I don't know if having a lot of 'garbage' accounts is a matter. 2022-11-09T22:24:27Z (#4pz276a) @ You need to stop changing that page very often, every time I read it is different! 😋 # #

That said, having the option to micro-blog with an emoji, or mega-blog with a decent-sized post is cool IMO. 2022-11-09T22:25:46Z (#wgoglpq) @ https://texto-plano.xyz/~eaplmx/twtxt.txt
I could remove it if `yarnd `needs to find a 404 2022-11-09T22:44:53Z (#ctx4zca) @ sounds like a cool project! 👌 2022-11-10T15:02:36Z (#yux6gca) @ I'm thinking that a future filter could be 'twts in languages I know' 2022-11-10T17:04:26Z (#5vaid6q) @ What's image mockup tech? A preview of how you will wear some frames? 😮 2022-11-10T17:04:45Z (#jwwx6iq) @ 🤩 2022-11-11T10:24:43Z (#eo6dbga) @ These are the most decent times I found for most of us
(Mexico City is Americas Central Time, and I guess Sydney is a good reference point for aussies, I'm sorry if not 😬)

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/mpMqBUGy2ExiHeePfVq4ek.png) 2022-11-11T10:27:38Z (#eo6dbga) @ I work on Fridays, usually have a bit of family time on Fridays afternoons and I have classes of Saturday mornings (GMT -6)

Ssturday's evenings are the best for me. 2022-11-11T10:32:29Z (#eo6dbga) @ I wanted to make a similar table, mainly for organizing meetings with countries in the Americas 🌎) and for dealing with random DST dates and such... 

Your table is amazing! Kudos 😃 2022-11-11T10:42:32Z (#lvyyusq) @ in my videos I'm going with twt=tweet, and twtxt=tweetext

It reminds me of the Web 2.0 trend like on Flickr 😅 2022-11-11T13:14:09Z (#eo6dbga) @ if I remember correctly someone suggested a tool to ask for time preferences, and supposedly it gave you the best options for the group.
I signed up for one but never really used it. 

We could try for the next one... 2022-11-11T16:14:40Z (#35bnlha) @ *researchs on what is Deno 👀 2022-11-11T16:15:54Z (#n6hmfdq) @ cool! I made one on Python 3.10, maybe I should share if it's useful for someone 2022-11-11T17:19:17Z (#35bnlha) @ oh, nice! What do you do there? 2022-11-12T00:02:03Z (#gg7k7aa) @ I got to make one with automatic DTS updates 🤔 2022-11-12T00:17:38Z (#f2wm6vq) @ why not? I have to attend a quick meeting in the neighborhood in 40 minutes, but I could try! Otherwise, I could save the same hour for the next one. 2022-11-12T00:23:21Z (#f2wm6vq) @ sorry! 11 pm here, kind of late, and I need to start tomorrow at 8 am ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ 

2300 - 0200 UTC works for me (Friday or Saturday nights), if that's an option for the next one 🙂 2022-11-12T00:49:54Z (#f2wm6vq) @ This is the best I found, please take a look: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e71VJKAb 2022-11-12T00:54:34Z (#f2wm6vq) It allows you to pick a few options in your local time, and I think it automagically picks the 'best' time

Please submit your choices to see how it works 2022-11-12T01:04:46Z (#l7l2iaq) @ I've been thinking for ages about doing something like this.

Every commercial option I found requires Personal Information, has ads, and such. Maaaaybe there is a FOSS alternative, but I haven't found any yet.

Doodle could be a Proof of Concept, but definitely not ideal. 2022-11-12T01:20:58Z (#l7l2iaq) @ I'm in... 2022-11-12T01:28:45Z (#l7l2iaq) @ yep, at least let's start discussing it soon. I'm thinking of something quick and perhaps dirty, but good enough to avoid NOT having the call. Perhaps we'll only use that tool once, maybe every week we'll need to check for availability.

What do you have in mind? 2022-11-12T02:40:20Z (#l7l2iaq) @ yeah, looks like a much better option

Sondage - Yarn Weekly Call - Framadate
https://framadate.org/lAvPm7WSMdL6MY9vpZ8BuwVd/admin 2022-11-12T02:42:08Z (#l7l2iaq) although I can't find to automatically convert the UTC time to your local time 🤔

But I'll keep researching on that tomorrow, see ya! 2022-11-12T14:55:10Z (#pvtkvqq) @ looks very German 😉 2022-11-13T00:15:55Z I share with you my first useful thing with `golang`
https://go.gemugami.com <- temp URL, will change later

A timetable updating automatically by the `ICANN's tzinfo` database. So it should reflect _unaware_ DTS changes in other countries.

This timetable is fully inspired by https://mckinley.cc/time.xhtml of @ 2022-11-13T20:10:09Z I'm stupidly angry because a stupid race...

That's all the twt

# 2022-11-14T00:59:33Z (#vhvmpfq) @ maaaaybe 😬, it was the national gossip here 2022-11-14T01:00:36Z (#vsup5ja) @ I did that in college... So, go for it, but don't forget to pass the exam 🙂

What kind of music or content? 2022-11-14T02:25:16Z Github Acceleration for Open Source projects 👀
https://github.blog/2022-11-09-an-open-source-economy-built-by-developers-for-developers/ 2022-11-14T04:49:42Z (#67kgyzq) @ haha, it should be Accelerator, Damn autocorrector

Anyway, it could be interesting for someone 2022-11-14T16:44:10Z (#gypx24a) @ it generates HTML dinamically, it's a `golang` executable with embedded templates on it's own server, proxied by `nginx`

Basically I was following this and some other tutorials:

Any advice is appreciated 😁 2022-11-14T20:40:43Z (#vhvmpfq) @ It seems to be a score to settle + a childish attitude from him

The aftermath was a mediatic problem for #, strong words from #, and a PR message of "nothing happened here, look somewhere else"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi9cLQBIhWc 2022-11-14T22:54:48Z (#vsup5ja) In an unsolicited tip, trying to study a few hours before is useless. You got to practice 3-5 times the same exercise, days before 🤪

IMO passing is enough, I can't remember anything of the differential equations I studied 15 years ago 🤔 2022-11-14T23:02:00Z (#rz32kja) @ Shut up! I know almost nothing about how to fix a 'modern' car... 😅

My father-in-law always claims to me the only thing I know about cars is how to turn them on. 
Disclaimer: My FIL's father was a car technician, and he worked in his father's workshop ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2022-11-14T23:04:48Z (#rz32kja) I try to be empathetic with people knowing way less than me (I have like 30 years of using computers in an intense fashion)

And bringing an old conversation to the digital table, as we need training and to have licenses for cars, I think it's dangerous that anyone can have electronic devices without enough training or regulations. Especially on matters of crime and personal information leaks.😐 2022-11-14T23:05:15Z (#nxywuxa) @ hehe, pretty similar name here 2022-11-15T01:19:22Z (#zaqyjia) @ hmm... For instance, I have the same file served on

And it's the same with my blog `https://text.eapl.mx` and `gemini://text.eapl.mx`

So the _trick_ I've used is linking to `//text.eapl.mx`

Do you think this would work?
`# url = //eapl.mx/twtxt.txt` 2022-11-15T01:31:42Z (#zaqyjia) @ I've changed it from `# url = https://eapl.mx/twtxt.txt` to `# url = //eapl.mx/twtxt.txt`... Let's see what happens 2022-11-15T01:52:30Z (#zaqyjia) @ I agree... It has little activity, but I'll do it for science! 2022-11-15T16:37:05Z (#ci6uyba) @ I think that's an oversimplification 2022-11-15T16:37:36Z (#vhvmpfq) @ expensive to watch on TV? 2022-11-15T16:54:31Z (#ci6uyba) @ the answer is too long for a twt, but basically the collective power is tied to the source of power. That means the investors and owners. In a cooperative model the union has shares, votes and power, in traditional models there is the collective power of the group but not deeply connected to the source. 

I don't say it's not important, please do that (like in my industry of videogames full of problems) but know deeply how power works. Simple solutions to complicated problems is populism. 2022-11-15T17:02:32Z (#vhvmpfq) @ it's the same here, only the race in Mexico was broadcasted in public channels.
Luckily the paid TV subscription is only 7 USD/Month here, and you get a few faces a year 2022-11-15T18:45:20Z (#nxywuxa) @ TIL Rote learning, cool! 2022-11-15T18:47:31Z (#nxywuxa) @ Yep, the name in Mexican is something like "throw up in the exam" (and forget afterward) 2022-11-15T18:49:27Z (#pxnfqia) @ I like to split my notes between random thoughts, against deep and shareable articles. So I think it's nice to give your readers the option to choose. 2022-11-15T19:38:05Z (#nxywuxa) @ well... is to survive in the next subject, or to get a scholarship 🤷 2022-11-15T20:01:53Z Talking about unions in videogames

https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkgv48/activision-blizzard-is-trying-to-stop-a-union-vote-at-its-albany-office 2022-11-15T22:57:51Z (#nkrwwha) @ What are you trying to do?
Having the timeline from a Mastodon instance as a twtxt.txt file ? 2022-11-16T01:19:47Z (#nkrwwha) @ I never used it... It looks like it shows a limited amount of toots (I don't know if it's limited by num of toots or by date range) 

https://mastodon.online/@eaplmx.rss 2022-11-16T16:03:55Z (#vevpkhq) Yeah, it's an amazing picture. I live far away from the sea 🌊, so it's always refreshing to watch that mix of sky and water. 2022-11-17T15:27:28Z https://restofworld.org/2022/latin-america-startup-developer-scarcity/

An interesting approach to the present, and possible future of the Mexican dream. A lot of CA and US citizens going to MX for a cheaper way of life, working remotely with fewer taxes. And also for Mexicans working for foreign companies. 2022-11-17T15:29:31Z (#b7ptmsa) @ it was the dream toy for a nerd kid. (Was it the early 2000s?)
Like a Palm Pilot + Game Boy + Walkie talkie + IM 2022-11-18T04:18:16Z (#d2jih3q) @ ![](https://twtxt.net/media/6vEX6qiBg3PhTAkXyrVx3f.png) 2022-11-18T17:24:20Z (#nkc75ra) @ status.cafe is a cool service from the smol net, but I don't see why not doing that with a twtxt file 2022-11-18T23:39:55Z (#eb6oqxq) @ I have a flu, so I'll die slowly tonight 😵‍💫, but I'd love to be in the next one 😀 2022-11-19T03:20:18Z This looks like an interesting audio player, a bit expensive but a good replacement for the phone

https://www.hidizs.net/products/ap80-high-resolution-portable-music-player 2022-11-19T03:48:51Z (#ys6zhea) @ I always wanted to have an iPod with a Click wheel.
Sadly I only could use the iPod Shuffle, a few iPod nanos and an iPod Touch. In fact it would be a great to project to upgrade a Classic with that flash memory. 2022-11-19T13:21:27Z Morning everyone 😴😌

Since I wake up with the sun and this changes through the year, or depends on your position, I made a _clock_ that says it's 7am at the sunrise 🌅 
So I always wake up at the 'real' 7 🤪

https://gemugami.com/solar/ 2022-11-19T17:38:23Z Today I was discussing in class about Tetris, and I remembered a game we made in 2020, a frustrating Tetris

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gemugami.bastardblocks 2022-11-19T19:53:42Z (#ys6zhea) @ You mean the mechanical one? I didn't use it, but I suppose it wouldn't feel great to the touch, compared to the most recent versions, feeling like touchpads. 2022-11-19T20:00:51Z I have a bot where you can register your exercise routines. So now I have a few months of data, and I'd like to do something with it.

I think the gamified contribution graph from Github could be something interesting (to see how often you exercise and how intense it was)

Currently, I have this graph of burned calories each day and a sum, over a timeline, but I think it does communicate anything interesting:
![A simple graph of the amount of burned calories across time](https://twtxt.net/media/khfbWfioGd6wvQTqBgFLbf.png) 

Any ideas? 2022-11-19T21:58:19Z (#ys6zhea) @ 🧐😀 wow, I didn't remember all those names and generations 

I think I only used from the 4th and beyond 2022-11-19T22:03:31Z (#dsnu5rq) @ currently the bot gamifies the amount of calories to burn every week, if you do enough you climb to the next level (harder) otherwise you go down to a simpler league (greatly inspired by Duolingo)

But it's only at a weekly level, I'd like to have something like "you made it greatly this year" 2022-11-19T22:13:03Z (#dsnu5rq) @ well, it's extremely simple, it asks how many calories you burned and the timestamp is recorded automatically. That's all

I get the calories from the elyptic and from some apps with routines, so perhaps the value is not very accurate but it allows to compare if you are exercising more than before. 

If anyone here wants to take a look:
https://t.me/gemu fitbot (For Telegram) 2022-11-19T22:27:23Z (#g75bo5a) @ I've been thinking, and discussing in class as well, how much an information tool can improve the lifestyle of a population? Basically, what problems are we solving with technology? 

It's about transmitting bytes in form of words, images and basically multimedia. I had the same thought for my hobby and profession of creating games. How much a game improves someone's life?

But anyway, we, as a society, need the entertainment the social media and technology in general, offers. 2022-11-20T00:09:53Z Golang so far: Routing, templates, modules...

Basically learning how to do the same I already know in Django/Python 👀' 2022-11-20T02:13:27Z (#icbydfa) @ yeah, there are still a lot of _tricks_ to learn. I tried to read the code for yarn but it was overwhelming 😅, I'll try again soon

So far Go is looking to me like a really interesting and mature language/platfoe. , related to the last time it tried (2012 perhaps?) It has been a pleasant experience 😃 2022-11-20T02:18:10Z (#bawug6q) @ hey, thank you for playing! 😁

It was a nice experiment on finding the sweet spot between not that frustrating, being an interesting puzzle, and making you rage quit after a few tries. 2022-11-20T03:39:44Z (#kskfqla) @ nop 😶 2022-11-20T03:43:23Z (#kskfqla) as we discussed in the `Gitea issues`, perhaps is a good moment to look for new keys and a new organization in Play Store. 2022-11-20T03:46:12Z (#dsnu5rq) @ great ideas 💡! Thanks for sharing 2022-11-20T12:54:02Z (#g6tz6nq) @ 🤯

And a lot of people who don't know who you are and what your thing is 2022-11-20T15:41:58Z (#w4mfnsq) @ not a clue, but YouTube took me to [De-Konstrukt's Foundations](https://youtu.be/9J6xkrgIUDg)

I have no idea what that means... Deconstructing music 🎵? 2022-11-20T16:44:36Z (#l4by63q) @ soccer time! 2022-11-20T16:47:22Z What's going on? 🧐
![errors on twtxt.net today](https://twtxt.net/media/QqBuXBTcyNigGtim2wC3bU.png) 2022-11-20T18:22:43Z (#lferlna) @ is it any good?

I'm very happy with Edge's vertical tabs, although there are a few concerns with privacy. I haven't found a good replacement on Win and Xubuntu 2022-11-20T18:24:58Z I remember that around 20 years ago, browsers had an option to manually select which cookies are you receiving, but now I can't find that option anymore...

Does anyone here know which browsers still allow this, or if there is some extension to do it? 2022-11-20T23:33:11Z (#2pzhxbq) @ 🤣

Perhaps a kangaroo 🦘 tripped over the cable 👀 2022-11-21T19:19:53Z I love these visualizations (Voronoi diagrams alike)

https://arantius.github.io/web-color-wheel/ 2022-11-21T19:28:53Z Web, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, and web3 are 'silly' names for the most used and trendy technologies.

What about skipping web 4 and going straight for Web 5, supposedly with the best of the 2 and 3?

https://thinkingweb5.beehiiv.com 2022-11-21T20:37:38Z (#g6tz6nq) @ I guess I have longer showers 2022-11-21T22:01:52Z (#mhd56mq) @ more buzzwords it seems... 2 + 3 2022-11-21T22:04:01Z Holiday here (Revolution day) and a good time to cleanup the house, put up the Christmas tree 🎄, and not working that much...

How is your Monday going? 2022-11-21T22:04:33Z (#mhd56mq) @ are you ok? 😯 2022-11-21T22:08:06Z (#vh5pwrq) @ hmm... I have mixed feelings... Like reinventing the wheel to learn vs using an already round one...

It's a hard conversation, and as with education it depends on your context and ideology but you can and should 'force' it in your organization 2022-11-21T22:19:52Z (#yhkzh2a) @ you live in the future! 🤯 2022-11-21T22:21:09Z (#qq25qya) @ ![That's the joke - The Simpsons](https://twtxt.net/media/b7hFhz8DHW9QaFtxte2FRB.png) 2022-11-21T22:26:57Z (#vh5pwrq) @ I see the opposite here, copying and pasting lazily instead of creating reusable code.

I mean, having a dependency to know if a number is odd or even is excessive https://www.npmjs.com/package/is-odd-or-even

But at the same time if your language or runtime gives you these quick snippets is usually better that your own code, due to those "things you didn't know you don't know". That's why I have mixed feelings on copying and paste vs using a dependency vs reimplementing it yourself. 2022-11-22T06:16:24Z (#mhd56mq) @ it seems the number 9 is cursed [YouTube - Why Apple skipped iPhone 9](https://youtu.be/iGR2UinGkY8) 2022-11-22T13:12:30Z (#mhd56mq) @ I've seen that with 6 and 13, didn't know the _ennea_ was a thing! 😮 2022-11-22T19:35:35Z (#rpyrpra) @ what is it ? 2006 😛 2022-11-22T19:41:59Z (#rpyrpra) @ I received and sent tweets by SMS, I guess in 2008 or so...

Today, here, SMS are practically dead, only used for 2FA and marketing (both use cases wrong IMO)

Even when they are free, no one uses them, I think due to the lack of images and attachments in general.

I vaguely recall a project of Internet of Things sending control commands by SMS but I think they moved to AM radio frequency being cheaper and more reliable. Interesting question of how SMS are used nowadays... 2022-11-23T19:23:06Z (#zffutwq) @ I don't agree completely with the concept of wearing out (like audio CDs vs LP or audio cassettes) degrading quality over time.

But in terms of accessibility, I fully agree. Now I can't play either CDs or LPs since I don't have a player. I'm using digital media like YouTube/Spotify for my old music. But I also have SD with music from 20 years ago... 

Basically, I like both media. 2022-11-23T19:27:46Z (#zffutwq) and on books, I like digital books on my Kindle, mainly for novels and readings without images. Physical books for art references, books that I love, and content with many pictures. And finally PDFs for everything else, mainly disposable content. 2022-11-23T19:33:02Z (#we6if3q) @ hmmm... After programmed obsolescence, limiting the lifespan of the products you buy, now with Subscription paywalls you get limits during the lifetime of your product.

So basically you are buying a restricted product, and most people can't do anything due to a lack of options at reasonable prices... What can be done? 2022-11-23T19:36:09Z (#w4mfnsq) @ 😵 after reading it sounds too obvious...

No idea what a _college ready foundation_ is, tho. Is perhaps this one? https://collegereadywi.org 2022-11-23T23:09:45Z (#zffutwq) @ I don't disagree... It's like the difference on owning a house vs renting, and basically renting anything where you can get kicked out almost in any moment. it depends on the contract you are signing.

That said, you can own DRM-free content, being hosted in a marketplace, or saved on your devices.

DRM is a long topic for a twt, but as a creator I don't want my content to be pirated that much, at least not being extremely easy to pirate making the people prefer one click for a free download vs paying, let's say, 2 dollars.

I don't know about the marketplaces you mentioned, only GOG and Humble Bundle for games, and some others for games. I'll take a look, that's for sharing! 2022-11-23T23:16:58Z (#we6if3q) @ yeah, obviously monetary interests shape the products availability and regulations are useful for control those interests. (Although my anarchist friends are not that happy of fighting companies with state power, but that's another convo)

Recently I watched this video on Apple not replacing Lightning with USB-C, being the main reason licencing fees. And that only changes until EU requires it by law.

I worked for a few industries putting walls on the ecosystem, by design, and I think lack of competence makes it even harder. Mainly for B2C. 2022-11-24T01:19:10Z (#zffutwq) @ Well, I can't agree on that one. It's a 'maybe' since is hard to measure, but IMO we can't say Zero evidence. There are some numbers showing that artificial scarcity has some impact on sales, and obviously, DRM devs want to sell their services, although they are biased. (I'm playing devil's advocate here, making both positions to collide to reach a useful compromise)

My position is that DRM helps to prevent piracy among mainstream users, which would decide on renting Apple Music or Spotify vs using hipster alternatives. We as power users will find the best ratio between convenience and control. 

I assume you've read this one: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Information_Doesn%27t_Want_to_Be_Free
I like it as my reference on the topic. Doctorow as a creator has skin in the game, so he knows about it and is a good influence on me as a creator as well. 2022-11-24T01:25:05Z I'm working on this PoC to vote on the best time for an international call, showing the multiple timeslots in your local time, and getting numbers on preferences among people.
The UI could be vastly improved, but this is what I have so far... I want to see it in action since it's very different to choose between 1, 2, or even 7 days (24 hours each). If you want to help to test it and give some comments send me a reply!

At least I'm learning a lot on the topic...😁
![Screenshot](https://twtxt.net/media/qZFVYNSj7YMXm39fAkQaDd.png) 2022-11-24T17:33:04Z I'm making some training videos, and I'm feeling the pain of taking care of every detail 😅

Having the right illumination, sound, background, camera...
I hope the outcome is great 😃 2022-11-24T17:43:07Z (#wbcubwa) @ I agree! Doodle.com is a great inspiration. Instead of Emojis, using standard symbols like `✓` `(✓)` or `✗`, with the standard traffic light colors, could be a better idea.
Thanks for the feedback!

![Screenshot from Doodle.com](https://twtxt.net/media/twpvjGvMGsYptP5iRr7NJH.png) 2022-11-25T05:37:05Z (#vebflzq) @ Web 3³ 2022-11-25T15:53:08Z Winter is here ❄
![My car dasboard is showing the snowflake ❄ ](https://twtxt.net/media/SAyHhcPTsjtjmhxxLWhV7i.png) 2022-11-25T17:37:39Z (#zxrwsxq) update: We have the first snowfall of the year, yeah 2022-11-25T23:22:45Z (#c7ky5ya) @ Nice! What kind of winter is that? 😛 2022-11-25T23:24:39Z (#amxfboq) @ Well, those are for a private university in México, so won't be publicly available. 

And they told me that the format is gonna be different from what I recorded previously, so next week I'll have to make new shots. 😅

In fact, I don't have videos in English, so I guess I'll have to practice recording a few 🤔 2022-11-25T23:31:00Z (#pysczza) @ I haven't touched the goroutines yet (I played with these like 10 years ago), but I haven't found a case where I need these.

About the modules, those were very non-intuitive to me, coming from Python, C#, and JS. I think the official documentation from Go is not clear enough and has no simple examples...
After a few searches, I reached Stack Overflow and blogs with tips for Modules and subdirectories. Now, I can replicate an MVC model with templates.

This project helped a lot: https://github.com/J7mbo/go-subdirectories-with-modules 2022-11-26T01:35:39Z (#c7ky5ya) @ hehe, I'm just envying your weather... 🥶And having friends in the other half of the world living the opposite season, it's so weird! 2022-11-26T04:43:23Z (#c7ky5ya) @ hehe, agreed! 

At least we only have an UV index of 5 😜![Weather is my city](https://twtxt.net/media/MPx7Sutxic8UrSsYxibn9Y.png) 2022-11-26T04:52:07Z I found a Foosball with a digital scoreboard. 

In college I wanted to make one of these with electronics and PICs, but it was a bit expensive as a student, so never I finished that. 
Later I made one with a tablet and an online ranking system. 

I wanted to build one for table tennis, inspired by one I say online which recognizes a RFID chip in your racket 🏓 2022-11-26T13:48:16Z (#ntkh4bq) @ ouch! That arrow aimed to your head should hurt 🏹🤕 2022-11-26T13:57:13Z (#pysczza) @ I found that part is well documented 🙂

So, to understand the theory I started here

And a few explanations in SO helped me to practice it in my project:
https://stackoverflow.com/a/57314494 2022-11-27T00:47:06Z https://www.kooslooijesteijn.net/blog/make-volunteer-driven-open-source-projects-successful

On how to drive and 'manage' volunteers for your Open Source project 2022-11-27T14:56:54Z (#oqxwrkq) @ I guess preferred is different than 'correct'.

My preference is this one:
> Text 1

> I'd expect this quote to be separated

> And for this case
> I'd expect these blocks to be together

But since I moved from Markdown to Gemtext, I always forget how it works.
That said, I don't generally like splitting the blocks as those are connected on the same idea. 2022-11-27T14:58:26Z (#oqxwrkq) @ I didn't know of the `(...)` trick
I'd take a look on how it works 2022-11-27T15:00:32Z (#62syw6a) @ Django is ♥️

# 2022-11-27T15:01:57Z (#bkpshxa) @ now I need a quick way to see the _source_ of the twt 😛

# 2022-11-27T15:17:46Z Salespeople are not your friends # 2022-11-27T17:28:36Z (#ze4he7q) @ meanwhile, in Spanish
![A stupid meme with llamas](https://twtxt.net/media/45cKyGegKawfSFWdaTKFf3.png) 2022-11-27T17:30:09Z (#62syw6a) @ yeah, I like that ORM a lot 2022-11-27T17:34:18Z (#27ednhq) @ I didn't find any info on that convention, do you have a link? 2022-11-28T17:16:43Z (#qz5hzza) @ Where are you? Washington State, USA? ❄ 2022-11-28T17:42:22Z A nice puzzle game for fans of Poker Texas ♣ ♥ ♠ ♦
https://poklegame.com 2022-11-28T22:49:34Z (#xe67zvq) @ Interesting, thanks for sharing! 2022-11-28T22:50:48Z (#ehpotda) @ Well... I'm in the middle here. It's useful to have automagically some stats of your links (more for the vanity metrics) used a lot by brands and commercial usage.

For people wasting time on their favorite social media... I don't know how useful is that. Aaaand, in free social media, where you are the product, well... It's for granted that you'll be tracked in exchange. 2022-11-28T22:52:58Z (#xe67zvq) 
>Interesting, but unlikely to get traction in practice; only interesting for people hosting their own domain.
>Overall weighted score: 3.9 out of 7 (with 5.0 being the threshold). As is hopefully clear, we highly appreciate the mission of the project, but think it would need more thought and research to make an impact.

What I think is that the project needs traction. Some _network effect_ and social validation. And that's not solved with technology, but with _social engineering_.
I'd recommend inviting/hiring someone with experience growing networks 🤔 2022-11-29T00:23:18Z (#xe67zvq) @ it's easier to point out the problem than fixing it 😅

What I've seen is having a public figure promoting the service in their conferences, public events and such, a biz partner of mine promoted our games everywhere he went... So I think is a matter of finding that guy/gal 2022-11-29T01:27:21Z What's behind the loved Windows 95 redesign from Win 3.11/NT

https://socket3.wordpress.com/2018/02/03/designing-windows-95s-user-interface/ 2022-11-29T01:27:55Z (#xe67zvq) @ time to make new friends ! 😀🧐 2022-11-29T13:44:15Z The maths of friendship (sort of)
https://scribe.citizen4.eu/your-friends-have-more-friends-than-you-e005796841bb 2022-11-29T22:17:35Z (#sjv7a5a) @ Thanks for the catch-up. I live in that state, so I experienced firsthand the change.

Basically, our state had an ICANN region (Mexican Mountain Time/MT), but the government said "Forget that and follow Mexican Central Time".
But as the state on the border, Texas, USA, stays with American MT, that made some trouble between companies and offices.
That has happened before, the municipalities/regions had different start and end for DST for 1 or 2 weeks, but now they have 1 hr offset all the year.
![Municipalities affected in this State](https://twtxt.net/media/vVHWa2ubCV3wsLtC8zAaB9.png) 

tl;dr ICANN timezone `America/Chihuahua` is not gonna be used anymore. Some municipalities are going to switch to `America/Mexico_City` and some others to `US/Mountain`. In the future, when USA removes DST, those states are going to follow. Regions on the border will follow American regulations. # 2022-11-30T17:43:40Z (#dyafgqq) @ and Steve Jobs, and Trump, and Sergey Brin.

Based on https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36376918-ceo-society
People are not trusting anymore on politicians, religious leaders or elders, so they are looking for figures like 'self-made billionaires'

We know that's a romantic PoV, we can watch the amazing keynotes from Jobs and the beautiful products, but that's only a thin slice of what's behind a Public Relations team. 2022-12-01T00:47:35Z I share with you the first 'public alpha' of the tool to vote for the best time on an International Call.

UX needs to be improved a lot, but I'd like to start understanding if this is the right compromise between simplicity and effectiveness.

Help me to break it, and share your feedback or ideas!
https://meet.gemugami.com/e/TJxRajE56MgFHFV 2022-12-01T14:57:45Z (#lwj2rdq) @ well, it's similar to giving an e-device to a toddler or an early child (2-6 years old)
They are receiving permanent changes, yet to be discovered.

I'm with @ on allowing to use some devices (not a toy) only with the supervision of a responsible parent, usually an adult. It's like being alone outside the home, crossing the street, talking with strangers, and such. Has to be taught at home, but (citation needed) it's not often done. 2022-12-01T14:59:10Z (#rgv7q3a) @ you can watch current results here:
https://meet.gemugami.com/r/TJxRajE56MgFHFV 2022-12-01T15:04:43Z (#rgv7q3a) @ On chrome-based browsers, it's getting your time zone automatically. I'm watching that on Firefox is not working, I'll take a look, perhaps the JS function is different in other browsers.

For the next part 
> royally, and utterly, confusing
I laugh a bit at this one 😅
I agree. It's confusing, you get dizzy watching so many options, I'll explain in another twt. If anyone has some ideas on how to reduce that confusion, that would be great!

> my two pence
hey, glad to receive pence instead of cents 😀 2022-12-01T15:14:30Z (#rgv7q3a) Thank you for the feedback and your votes (Bananas, Søren Peter @, prologic) !

On the programming side, this problem is not that challenging (yet). Ask availability to your friends, and make some statistics with it, sum, sets. I think this will be done quickly.

On the product design and user interface sides, it has been challenging.
It's different if you ask to decide between Tue 9pm, Wed 9pm or Thu 9pm. vs. deciding two days, vs a whole week (24 x 7 = 168 possible options)

We have discussed getting inspiration from Doodle and Framadate but I find that is difficult to make it accessible, and for a week's view those are also confusing.

Currently, I'm focusing on the use case of deciding on a Weekly call on Fridays and Saturdays in the mornings or afternoons (about 48 different options), but I'm trying to find a better strategy. Perhaps divide and conquer (Fri mornings, Fri afternoons, Sat mornings, Sat afternoons)

What do you think? 2022-12-01T15:16:15Z (#rgv7q3a) Here I found some open-sourced alternatives https://opensource.com/article/22/4/open-source-alternatives-doodle-polls for inspiration 2022-12-01T17:10:34Z (#7usrroq) @ I tried last year, but it's complicated for me to program every day on vacations. I'd like more like a weekly challenge or something more relaxed.
That said I learned a lot... So I'll try this year at least to look at the answers. 2022-12-01T17:58:15Z https://poklegame.com

Wow, this puzzle game is extremely rewarding... How something 'simple' can be so satisfactory at the conclusion
# 2022-12-01T19:58:13Z (#rgv7q3a) @ thanks !
One goal is not requiring JS (but helps with some automations like finding your current timezone, copying URLs and such)

Using `details` sounds great, I'll take a look! https://www.w3schools.com/TAGS/tag_details.asp

You can find the raw repo here: https://github.com/eapl-gemugami/meetup-planner 2022-12-01T22:54:53Z (#7usrroq) @ damn! I don't know what to say, I hope it's only recoverable losses.

Reading your tweet, I remembered a joke from a local comedian. Something like "News by phone".
It starts with a dead parrot 🦜, you can guess increasing tragedies are told, including a burnt house 🏠.

Sorry, I thought the PC was burnt due to the AoC somehow. 2022-12-01T23:01:57Z (#c2yqswq) @ x2 2022-12-01T23:07:18Z This is mind-blowing🤯
GPT solves Advent of Code Day 1

https://note89.github.io/the-advent-of-code-ai-edition/ 2022-12-01T23:09:02Z (#7usrroq) I meant, the course you were taking 😵‍💫 2022-12-01T23:24:07Z What do you feel when you listen to something you didn't believe it's true?

I can't say a lot, but it's a good reading about your rational and your emotional sides of the brain 🧠.

https://theoatmeal.com/comics/believe 2022-12-02T00:11:57Z (#lwj2rdq) @ I disagree with your disagreement... How about that? Just joking... It's OK to disagree 

I think giving an e-device is worse than allowing a teenager to create a profile on social media. Finally they are having social profiles at school and in real life, not changing neurons and the brain itself. The interesting part is that teenagers reach to be 'public' figures earlier. But again, you have to cross some boundaries like sexual content or bullying, to be really dangerous. Other than that is similar exposure that teenagers have at school, and without some platform regulating content...
Yes, there are suicides, but not for every person, while every toddler is changing their brain and losing skills. (I need to find references here, for sure) 
Is not black and white, both have risks. That's why I say, it's similar. Both require attention from parents, but taking e-devices away is less convenient as they take care of children. 2022-12-02T00:12:48Z (#lwj2rdq) It's the similar to 'I used Internet since I was 8 years old and I'm fine'... Well, we are not normal people 2022-12-02T00:45:57Z (#lwj2rdq) @ I started using Internet in 1993, but at home in 1996 if I remember correctly, with timed accounts from friends in college. Luckily dial up here was inexpensive and unlimited very soon, I can't recall exact details but it started with 24 or 33kbps and quickly to 56k. Sadly DSL took a few years more than in USA to be available. 

Great times! 2022-12-02T00:51:51Z (#lwj2rdq) I got to say that my computer was in a public hall from the house, so I was kind of supervised, but had chance to watch adult content (I'm not a fan), gore and some disturbing stuff for that age. I knew more about computers than my parents and grand-parents, so the risk was there. #

As I have the discussion with my colleagues making games, we can't say that violent games don't influence kids, but neither we can say the opposite. I think the amount depends on the social context, and mainly on family foundations, so it's an extremely hard problem to solve. 2022-12-02T00:55:22Z I'm not felling well today, there was an 'contagious outbreak' of influenza at college, and I think I have it now 😷, or perhaps a simple flu, no idea... 

I guess I'll stop early today, tomorrow will be a better day 2022-12-02T01:10:23Z (#lwj2rdq) @ that sounds way more accurate 😀

I haven't used a modem in 20 years, I think 2022-12-02T01:52:40Z (#3p2hznq) @ this one? 

Being a fan of A*, I didn't know that existed 2022-12-02T01:56:50Z (#6qbqtrq) @ well, I use some 5 Ghz antenna (no idea what technologies or protocols it uses) since there wasn't a pole for cables in the neighborhood. But the most possible thing is that they are using a modem at the end 💁‍♂️ 2022-12-02T03:01:01Z Meet my Christmas dog 🐶 🤶 
![🤶 🐶 ](https://twtxt.net/media/f8spqCSkggqQPVF74G2ren.png) 2022-12-02T13:39:01Z (#z5tu5sa) @ hehe, she can't stand hats and big costumes, but just the clothes are OK 🐶 2022-12-02T13:43:30Z (#z5tu5sa) @ She's only on the tiled floor, and a bit on cement in the 'backyard'.
Nice catch! I thought I trimmed her nails a few weeks ago, but I'll check this weekend. 😃 2022-12-02T13:44:06Z (#z5tu5sa) @ why not!? 2022-12-02T16:33:15Z (#llgzq4a) @ sounds more like a device farm for QA? 2022-12-02T16:34:52Z (#cqsf6gq) @ TIL Conlangs 2022-12-02T19:20:46Z (#gzuilta) @ I'm not feeling amazing 😷, but I could try, I'm single this weekend so it's easier for me.

BTW, What time? 2022-12-02T20:05:06Z (#gzuilta) @ which is Fri 11pm for me (CT), why not? 2022-12-03T02:00:22Z (#gzuilta) @ @ guys, today I'm not feeling well, I woke up at 5 am to take my wife to the airport, and after work I just came to die in bed, well, recovering from the flu and sleep a bit.
Care to try tomorrow? My Saturday night, Sunday morning in Europe 🌅 and an unknown time in AU 😛
I know it's difficult on Sundays, but Saturday afternoons are my best moment 😅 2022-12-03T02:10:09Z (#gzuilta) @ Saturday @ 1200 UTC or Sunday@1200?

It's 6am for me. 🤔
Usually I wake up at 7 on Saturdays b/c I start classes at 10am. Hmm, if I'm out of bed early I'll join! 
Could you share the link again? I should bookmark it! 2022-12-03T17:42:12Z After sleeping like a bear 🐻 I'm feeling much better today. Thanks all for your messages.

This morning I had a routine blood test of like 6 tubes 💉🩸🤨 You know, on empty stomach and such...

So I'll have a good # to start the morning and classes #
![Chocolate Peppermint Tea](https://twtxt.net/media/ZBQhmwRVeGMWF6R2VWGQJH.png) 2022-12-03T17:43:49Z (#vcgx2dq) @ Brrr 🥶 2022-12-03T21:42:01Z (#hqyfl3a) @ +1 2022-12-04T03:09:11Z (#o6gfvhq) @ really? You don't know Air supply? 😶 2022-12-04T17:33:30Z La fin d’un blog et la dernière version de ploum.net
https://ploum.net/2022-12-04-fin-du-blog-et-derniere-version.html 2022-12-05T13:19:33Z (#n4ozcya) @ quite like in 'quiet 🤫' ? 2022-12-05T13:29:54Z I'm trying a dopamine detoxing this week. Mainly for e-devices and social technologies (including chats 😿) 
I really need to concentrate on a course I'm giving about 'Law for creators' 
Let's see how it works... 

Does Dopamine Detoxing Actually Work? - Andrew Huberman
https://youtu.be/w8pg-4c0j3s 2022-12-11T16:03:38Z I've finished all my college classes for this year, yeah 🥳 🎉 2022-12-11T16:09:15Z (#s5xb57q) @ having worked with NFTs for a 'crypto startup' and currently preparing a course on Legal aspects for videogames, that's an appealing topic to discuss.

Disclaimer: I'm open to controversial technologies, sure, taking the collateral damage into consideration. Personal, to my family, to the community and to the humanity. 2022-12-11T16:14:04Z (#s5xb57q) @ yeah, that's something stupid from the first generation of NFTs. Having a certificate that you possess an URL.
It's slightly different than having possession of a file's hash.

And as with everything, that's as useful as the value we give to stuff. Why is a canvas with some paint valuable for us? Because we agree on it, or a group of rich people do. Or just because.

Talking about value, owners, innovators, disruptors, influences, power, value and such its always an interesting thing in this slice of life.

I wrote a bit about that here:
https://text.eapl.mx/quick-ideas-about-isms-and-ownership 2022-12-11T16:20:38Z (#s5xb57q) NFTs + art + money + technology is extremely difficult mix since we are putting together many definitions of art and science. Those not involving money, with another about speculation and opportunism.

Sadly when money is involved, (often) you see the worst parts of humans. But also a huge drive to push things forward, so that's a weird paradox of progress and innovation. 2022-12-11T16:25:57Z (#s5xb57q) @ yeah, IP is extremely difficult due to its intangible nature.

Yeah, it's designed to protect monopolies in a similar fashion on "the land is from the nature, why should someone could possess the land, and what is on top of it"

No, it's not made to promote creation, but to restrict. It's a restrictive regulation, but somehow needed and not so updated for 2022 needs. Yeah, things like 'Information wants to be free' is a colliding reality, between previous generations of owners, new creators and a public willing to find the path of least resistance. 2022-12-11T16:32:37Z (#s5xb57q) @ that definition could be outdated, you'll have to read the licence to know what rights are you geting when you pay for something in a traditional platform or on a 'crypto contract'

For instance you could copy a book on epub format, but you _shouldn't_. And you could just pirate it since is just a bunch of bytes, but maybe you want to _legally_ buy it without DRM. 

Sometimes you get rights to sell your current copy, sometimes you own 'Related rights', etc. Sadly it's not a simple regulation but things like Creative Commons is a good starting point to know more about Copyright (US/UK) and author's rights (Europe, Latam) 2022-12-11T16:35:15Z (#tszxplq) @ hehe, my wife had clinical anxiety so she doesn't stand on having to wait for the presents. I hide those until Christmas 🤶, 

But for me, I like to have wrapped gifts 🎁 for months, it's exciting! 2022-12-11T16:35:47Z (#aybkk4q) @ haha, Christmas Bender 😃🤟 2022-12-12T16:50:00Z Ha! This is just amazing. I like to over-engineer simple stuff too... 😅

Over-engineering Secret Santa with Python cryptography and Datasette
https://simonwillison.net/2022/Dec/11/over-engineering-secret-santa/ 2022-12-12T23:42:49Z (#5zbx3wa) This happened during an event in Guadalajara, México a few years ago.

I randomly recalled when you said QR Guerilla Marketing

![Polemic usage of QR codes](https://twtxt.net/media/b8etLFeKhHLDVWHBjp4ftQ.png) 
https://www.informabtl.com/se-disculpan-por-ponerle-codigo-qr-a-gluteo-de-mujer/ 2022-12-13T14:33:14Z Internet's Echo chambers 101

![](https://twtxt.net/media/NTUuBiNoP5vPP7gBVwEWYd.png) 2022-12-13T20:42:16Z (#7iworcq) @ ![](https://twtxt.net/media/YcGMmCPp8BmcHsbF2zHfWU.png) 2022-12-13T20:52:32Z (#7iworcq) @ I think saying "There is no such thing as an echo chamber" is an example of the image. Are you open to a different opinion? And obviously, to different evidence? 2022-12-13T21:10:07Z (#7iworcq) @ I've found that many disagreements start with definitions.
What's an _echo chamber_ for each one of us? (Or any polemic topic)

We are often talking about different things using the same name. 2022-12-14T00:04:28Z (#7iworcq) @ Is it about 'winning'? Or is it about getting closer to the truth? 2022-12-14T00:06:57Z Ah! Dear yarners... Today I had a chaotic day... I don't work well with artists lacking structure, planning, and such. And, as you can imagine, we have a commitment this Wednesday, planned a day in advance.

That's all...
# 2022-12-14T00:19:24Z (#7iworcq) @ Yeah. I find that definition too broad and ambiguous (Is it _only_ the same opinions? There are _no_ opposing views, at all?). And I think that leaving a subjective metric, on when it is and is not, won't help.

How about?
> An echo chamber refers to situations in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system and insulated from rebuttal. By participating in an echo chamber, people are able to seek out information that supports their existing views diminishing opposing views, potentially resulting in an unintended exercise of confirmation bias. 

> An echo chamber is an epistemic construct in which voices are actively excluded and discredited. It does not suffer from a lack of connectivity; rather it depends on the manipulation of trust by methodically denying all outside sources.

And we would need to go deeper on understanding what an epistemic construct is, but I think that's too long for a twt. 2022-12-14T00:23:20Z (#7iworcq) @ Why? 2022-12-14T00:32:50Z (#7iworcq) Disclaimer to my friends, and not-so-friends: I posted a comic about a controversial topic. The conversation could go on a 'memeistic' side, or extremely deep, philosophical, intellectual, and rational. Usually, I like both approaches.
I don't want to win any argument. I'm not in the mood to show "You are wrong" (something I do at work, why should I do that here?), although I'm almost always open to learning something new.

If instead of being humorous, is striking a sensitive chord, well, it wasn't targeted for you. And that's OK. If you want to hear different opinions, nice! You want to keep your beliefs, even better. What to have a clash of scientific evidence? Well, we can do that another day.

Love you gals/guys. 2022-12-15T15:53:41Z (#okoq7yq) @ hmmm... I learned C for microcontrollers (I loved it coming from assembler) something like 20 years ago.
But currently, I don't feel incentivized to do something interesting for PCs, and for microcontrollers they went to MicroPython and some others. I agree with @ says that is too low-level.

What I can suggest is reading _Head First C_, which has been to me a good starting point for new languages. I think they could take a look to pass the exam

I know a lot of tech engineers don't want to create stuff by programming, but more to give maintenance to current systems, and that's OK

Although I tell my students "at least try to pass this requisite", it's gonna help to understand how programmers think. 2022-12-15T16:01:46Z This week has been crazy with the Workshop to design Board Games.
But it has been a pleasant surprise to see that many young people (even kids in elementary school) being creative in this media 😁 2022-12-16T16:11:22Z I'm having a few discussions with my Latin artist friends on Stable diffusion, automation disappearing jobs, inner fears, and such.

Rather than wasting time on social media, my idea is to learn, to get to a knowledge level of a 'better life' (whatever that is), or at least exercise a dialogue and perhaps a debate. Since everyone is discussing different reasons and motivations, this is a phrase I like to remind before the talk gets violent.

> Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. They're either speaking or preparing to speak. They're filtering everything through their own paradigms, reading their autobiography into other people's lives.

It's exciting to spend time discussing with strangers and with friends, which has happened for ages, even before the **Internet** TM. With due moderation is a good hobby, but that's the tricky part. Not getting engaged with an ideology showing our own weaknesses disguised as knowledge and beliefs. 2022-12-16T16:12:10Z (#l63rkuq) tl;dr Enjoy the discussion, be kind, be empathic, and choose your battles wisely 😁! 2022-12-17T16:31:14Z He, what an amazing ad

https://xkcd.com/2712/ 2022-12-17T16:33:00Z (#35oynwa) @ 😄 2022-12-17T16:46:28Z (#35oynwa) @ reading this story was wholesome. I think your daughter is lucky to have you 😊 

I remember being a curious 6 years old kid in the 90s, learning QBasic with the tutorial included with Ms-Dos 6.22 (didn't know English yet, so there were limited docs and books) precisely with that classic number guessing game. Later in elementary school they teached us GW-Basic and Logo. 

Sadly I had no relatives interested in computing at that time. But they were supportive on that strange hobby. So I always remember that moment with pleasure. 2022-12-17T16:51:40Z (#hyfxvda) @ I agree on starting up again next year, I have a lot of overlapping videocalls, recordings and parties (posadas). Also most people here stars to receive relatives and prepare for winter parties so it's hard to sync times.

I was thinking on randomly opening a video chat room if anyone here wants to join, but this week I finished exhausted. Perhaps next week? 2022-12-17T16:52:50Z (#hyfxvda) @ oops, I hope you recover quickly 🙂 2022-12-17T16:57:01Z (#hwp4cqa) @ didn't know about that holiday, interesting.
I don't like to be that radical with DRM, but having a DRM free option is always a requirement to me.

It would be interesting to write a bit about DRM free options and why is it convenient for creators and audiences to prefer DRM free products. 2022-12-18T15:41:42Z (#hyfxvda) @ damn, then I wish you a lot of patience. I've been on a few slow rehabs and I was very desperate. Perhaps it's for the best, to slow down a bit. Best wishes. 2022-12-18T15:43:30Z (#hwp4cqa) @ looks like a great guide. I'll bookmark it to check that later.

BTW, do you know a guide on how to create sustainable DRM free products? More aimed to creators. 2022-12-18T15:44:57Z (#kdglsha) @ Only 7 days more! 🎄🎁🎅🎂⛄❄️☃️ 2022-12-18T15:46:14Z (#4h2hsqa) @ a Jitsi or Zoom room. 2022-12-18T15:51:16Z (#hwp4cqa) Here I found a bit on the subject
https://www.defectivebydesign.org/faq#compensation 2022-12-18T20:58:33Z >Considering yourself a scientist is equivalent to putting a sign in a cupboard saying "this cupboard must be kept empty." Yes, strictly speaking, you're putting something in the cupboard, but not in the ordinary sense.

How open are you as a scientist?

http://www.paulgraham.com/identity.html 2022-12-19T04:27:24Z (#56ba4ra) @ +/- 0.0 2022-12-19T12:16:43Z (#2xfrmrq) @ what is that? I bet it isn't https://physionet.org 2022-12-19T17:10:34Z (#2xfrmrq) @ gotcha! 2022-12-20T01:11:20Z (#c6yyvda) @ well, I think that's something coming along with fame from Yarn and freedom from them. Some people like to stay with simpler things even if they are obsolete, incompatible, and such. They has an option to not follow an improvement and to stay with the version 1.0 of the spec, and that's OK in my book.

I agree to disagree, even if I really like the extensions, let's say 1.1, not being able to communicate with people following forks or modern protocols. Their loss. 2022-12-20T01:14:13Z (#c6yyvda) @ 😆

No one using Yarn extensions, it seems 2022-12-20T01:20:23Z (#c6yyvda) and very often it comes from people rather that tech or specs.

Could be something like
"I don't like ~prologic and/or I don't like yarn.social, I won't use that because I like things by my way"
It's stupid, I've felt that, and now I try to ignore it a bit, it's bad for our health to listen every feedback, IMO 🤷‍♂️ 2022-12-20T15:19:44Z (#w6f7o7a) @ yeah, valid and worthy points. I personally agree on most.

Yarn.social at this moment is 3 things.
1. The convenience of the software, a web site, their front-end, the 'invisible backend', an incomplete mobile app. If I'd manage the twtxt file with any other software, for me at this moment I couldn't have conversations with you. 
2. The interoperability with older txtwt files. For instance I can read here my twtxt.txt hand made raw file to see if it works. Almost no one replies there but I know it works.
3. The community, the stupid discussions, the learning, the meaningful experiences, Gitea. People behind a simple text file and micobrogging protocol.

So yeah, as projects grow they start to be attached to _a brand_, they create organizations, institutions, knowledge bases, rituals, and intangible things we don't feel attached to. There are a few anarchist people (as in skeptical of authority and seeking to abolish institutions) not wanting to follow rules, groups and such. 2022-12-20T15:26:28Z (#c6yyvda) @ well, I find that's a problem of leaving that open. Using should vs must. Leaves that to different interpretations. 

>A status should consist of up to 140 characters, longer status updates are technically possible but discouraged. twtxt will warn the user if a newly composed status update exceeds this limit, and it will also shorten incoming status updates by default. 2022-12-20T15:38:02Z (#c6yyvda) @ you once told me in [#xu4dh4q ](https://twtxt.net/twt/xu4dh4q) 

>let’s remember that textual forms of communication sometimes don’t carry intent very well let alone emotion 

I was grateful at that moment b/c I was personally engaged with someone I disagreed on their vision of the world and way to say things. 

Perhaps you are being emotional to some random person (I don't know if it's a friend of yours) saying Yarn is a monopoly. Maybe is uninformed. Perhaps they doesn't want to change. It could be their way to cope with their boring life. IDK.

Yeah, it's frustrating when you do something with love, tender, spare time and it's rejected or receives bad adjectives. I've been there with games.

I could only say, take it from who it comes from. 2022-12-20T16:01:10Z (#c6yyvda) @ you once told me in [#xu4dh4q ](https://twtxt.net/twt/xu4dh4q) 

>let’s remember that textual forms of communication sometimes don’t carry intent very well let alone emotion 

I was grateful at that moment b/c I was personally engaged with someone I disagreed on their vision of the world and way to say things. 

Perhaps you are being emotional to some random person (I don't know if it's a friend of yours) saying Yarn is a monopoly. Maybe is uninformed. Perhaps they doesn't want to change. It could be their way to cope with their boring life. IDK.

Yeah, it's frustrating when you do something with love, tender, spare time and it's rejected or receives bad adjectives. I've been there with games.

I could only say, take it from who it comes from. It's not easy when your head is hot, but a few days later it won't be a big deal. 2022-12-20T16:45:01Z #

Do you remove the tips of your bananas 🍌?

Why, why not? 2022-12-20T19:40:38Z (#cp67gsq) @ I've found A to be simpler (to me) unless I'm a monkey 🍌🐒 # 2022-12-20T19:42:52Z (#w6f7o7a) @ Well, it's a two-edged blade for me.
I knew of twtxt.net thanks to the twtxt spec (coming from Gemini). But I see how people could think "it's not the original spec, shouldn't be named twtxt" 2022-12-20T19:46:16Z I'm writing a Game design proposal and I came to a topic I love
![Accuracy vs Precision](https://twtxt.net/media/or6izHohwyKUG6LNGerbp5.png) 2022-12-20T20:00:17Z (#4pbr3ua) @ hehe, not really but it's a great idea. I like the physics of bows, catapults, and the expansive effects of some weapons like shotguns.

In something more boring, I'm estimating dev times, and I needed to explain Standard deviations of time estimates, ha! 2022-12-21T12:26:16Z (#okoq7yq) @ as an university professor, I've found that classrooms are the worst place to learn to code, program or dev.

There is not enough time to personalize teaching, from the current knowledge every student has, up to the semester goals (usually standardized). People is stressed on learning a lot in a few months, throwing up everything into the exam, so usually that isn't meaningful and internalized learning which programing requires in the long term. 

What has worked for me was to record short videos with step by step explanations, so the students can watch and rewind at their pace, and then we have office hours to explain anything the student didn't get.

Something like:
1. Watch how I do it
2. Try to repeat that
3. Try to do something different alone
4. You are by yourself now! 2022-12-21T12:31:09Z (#okoq7yq) I've also found that, at least here, Computer Science or (Management of) Information Tecnologies are not related to creating or architecturing software, but on understanding and maintaining current ones.

Which is not that bad, you cannot create something if you don't know previous solutions or implementations... 🤔
Again, there is simply not enough time in 3-5 years of intense education to learn to 'program' 2022-12-21T15:44:33Z (#4fkqpga) @ sounds like a really interesting research! By any chance is that paper publicly available?

Not wanting to criticize anything on your paper or your numbers, and based on a book I'm reading, Factfulness, I'd like to know an average and also the standard deviation or a distribution graph on _time to learn to program from scratch_. Usually the average hides the diversity on the sample. 2022-12-21T15:51:16Z (#4fkqpga) @ hehe, yeah!

There are a lot of books on the subject such as https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4983932-10-000-hours

Now I think 10,000 is saying something like "more time that you'd expect of intended practice, multiplied by talent"

An interesting discussion I heard in a podcast, was that the expertise level grows _"logarithmically"_ (I think that's the right word). Learning from 0 to, let's say, 50% takes a year. 50-75% another year, and so. The last 95-99% takes decades of intense and purposeful practice. 2022-12-25T16:46:48Z (#6nabnda) @ hey!
I've been a bit disconnected from here by a lot of preparatives, reunions with in-laws and eating as unhealthy as we could. 

Today is the calm day here, so the usual, opening the remaining gifts, playing with those, wakening up late, and eating a bit more healthy.

Best wishes everyone! 2022-12-25T16:47:08Z (#6nabnda) @ hehe, I can relate 😅 2022-12-27T13:43:01Z (#kvq5ccq) @ merry Christmas! 🤶🎄🎁😁 2022-12-27T13:46:26Z (#ww7bbma) @ @ congrats both! Every year is something worth to celebrate, IMO mariage ain't easy, but it's a nice compromise between love, growth and battles. I wish you many years more together. 2022-12-27T13:47:52Z (#plib6eq) @ hola!
Como te va? Que tal has encontrado twtxt? Cualquier duda arróbame! 2022-12-27T13:53:42Z (#okoq7yq) @ yeah, the compromise between the essentials, or the foundation to build knowledge on top of it, is tricky.

And I also agree on teaching to do something realistic.
Currently I'm designing a course from scratch for C# and I'm constantly saying "don't validate this yet", don't preoptimize this now... We've known for years all that real software needs, but at the same time we have to 'lower' the implementation to the current level. 2022-12-27T13:57:51Z (#okoq7yq) It reminds me when I was learning piano. Yeah, I wanted to play the classics or the modern tunes, bu instead as my fingers where pathetic I had to practice with boring and monotone scores to build dexterity for my hands.

I think that's something similar with programming, language learning and such. And again, college gives no time for that.
More anecdotal evidence: I was 3 months in German at college, at the 1st semester, really stressful due to the scholarship. I learned nothing. 2022-12-27T14:01:13Z (#4fkqpga) @ amazing links! 😀

And I got the paper, thanks for sharing! It's about 200 pages. Wow, that's a lot of knowledge. 2022-12-27T14:05:39Z **Current status**
Laying on bed, doing nothing.

Dog and I 'dying' of indigestion. (In fact, our dog visited the Vet, she received a lot of meds for the tummy)

#vacations #winterSeason 2022-12-27T18:25:43Z (#vgxivjq) @ 😆
I think I learnt more asking for a Kebap to some foreign who only knew German and his language, than in college. Being _useful_ things, not gender of random words.

Again, it's a balance between vocabulary and foundations and actual practice in the field. 2022-12-27T18:27:53Z (#ypieqla) @ yeah, it was one of the best movies I watched this year ✈️🧑‍✈️🎥🎬 2022-12-28T00:38:38Z (#vgxivjq) @ 🧐 wow... I didn't know that!

Coming from Spanish which has only 5 vowels and almost every time a syllable is read the same, learning German or French with many different pronunciations for the same letters, or as you say different meanings depending on their context has been mindblowing 🤯 2022-12-28T00:44:22Z (#vgxivjq) Checking my notes, I find that there are as well a few strange traits in Spanish that foreigners could find counterintuitive, like having silent letters, sounds depending on the following vowel, and so...

![Español vs Français](https://twtxt.net/media/Yukby793yX2Uyh8UfMWWbD.png) 2022-12-28T16:09:37Z (#i4ccvaq) @ hey guys, I'm randomly joining the convo before breakfast.

The first thing I thought of was an invite system like lobste.rs... You cannot join randomly, but someone trusting you must invite you first.

I guess we discussed a few months ago the importance of moderation systems (people and tech), and having a 'clear' line of allowed content under the idea of _“in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.”_

So it's not easy, it requires a lot of resources and intent. What do you say? 2022-12-28T18:39:00Z (#4bxnsgq) @ I always wanted a few of these
![AA batteries with USB plug](https://twtxt.net/media/oUEycrmmfaxQwodrGKGzxH.png)

But now cost wise I have some traditional NiCd chargers and batteries for the few devices without rechargeable batteries at home. Like the Xbox controller. Works well enough. 2022-12-28T18:41:38Z (#i4ccvaq) @ as usual I'd start with definitions. What you understand by _censorship_ due to your environment is different than my definition.

So I usually have a glossary in the organization. The basics, what, how and why are we going to moderate... 2022-12-28T20:13:56Z I like this kind of clocks ⏰
https://poleclock.com 2022-12-28T20:15:52Z (#yyswrta) ![Screenshot of https://poleclock.com](https://twtxt.net/media/3iURS9EPYLWhJPPrCowY3Z.png) 2022-12-28T22:45:41Z (#zfa54kq) @ hmm... 
Talking about Web sites, 20 years ago I used Web counters, then Google Analytics, FB Pixel, and many other indie stats systems. I think I had the Apache stats, then WordPress and such, but I wasn't excited by stats dashboards TBH.
Now I think visits are vanity metrics, even for commercial sites, so I rely more on interactions, emails received, replies, and such.

On https://text.eapl.mx I have nothing. No comments section, and no analytics whatsoever. I received a message every 1-2 months, and I think I had a few replies on Gemini (it's difficult to track, and I forgot to add the link in the article)

In my 'personal' podcast I have no stats, it's a handmade Atom file.
For the remaining podcasts hosted on YouTube and Anchor, I have from 20 plays/views up to 9k for some specific topics (mostly design ones disguised as rants). And I think 120 subscribers. 2022-12-28T22:51:33Z (#zfa54kq) @
>I’m not a fan of it myself but having at least a minimal insight should be helpful, what do you think?

It's been tricky for me. If I write for myself, I don't need that content to be public, but if I share it, I expect something from the audience. A discussion or a conversation is neat. A thank you is also welcome.
I've found that having numbers makes me leave projects since only a few people are watching them. I don't know... I switched from carrying about how many people are watching to "at least someone cares'.

I received this year a few comments and IM chats saying '**thanks**' for the free content. That's always _a breath of fresh air_ for the creator. I think that depends on your expectations. 2022-12-29T17:39:46Z (#7s6qzlq) @ I thought you weren't using Gemini nor Spartan, and I felt you didn't like the idea of these toy protocols.
Just for curiosity, has that changed this year? 2022-12-29T17:42:49Z (#7s6qzlq) @ hmm, I don't think it's the "simplest possible" but a mix between the complexity of HTTPS and the old-fashioned simplicity of Gopher. 
I'd say the goals defined here https://gemini.circumlunar.space are well achieved with that spec. 

Sadly the TLS part is difficult to achieve on some retro devices and I suppose that's one of the reasons for Spartan. 2022-12-29T19:47:57Z (#j3jah7a) @ neat 👀! 2022-12-29T19:53:22Z Talking about analytics 🤣

>"Don't compare your progress with others"
 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/EZVSFFem8a3dzN9VJ3rwHU.png) 2023-01-02T02:52:36Z #Pokle #180
poklegame.com 2023-01-02T03:02:03Z (#hmqzika) @ a game about finding Poker Texas hands with similar mechanics to Wordle (yellow is right suit or rank of the card, green is that you find the right card for each position) 2023-01-02T16:01:25Z (#trmql3q) Since the popularization of browsers with tabs in 1999, that has been a problem for intelectual people, I think. 

I'm trying to live a digital minimalism (whatever that means, I've had long conversations about the definition), and having at most 5 tabs open has been challenging to me, but I try. 
I'm looking forward to a soft limit of, let's say, 7-10 tabs. If you get your screen full, you should receive a warning... More than 15-25 would be simply not allowed. It's against the interest of browsers designers (use it more), but I think there should be some extension for it. 

Now I have those endless text files with hundreds of links, more like a black hole than a Reading list. I say also, the habit of cleaning your lists is as good as making it bigger. 

Other useful habits are, trying to write more than reading, avoid looking for new links until you read or delete previous ones, and not subscribing to a new mailing list until I unsuscribe another. It has been a similar pain than to buy new clothes. 2023-01-02T16:06:22Z (#icr3cwq) @ that's the answer. Now I try to close as many as I open, ha...

I think I moved to the extreme of "compulsive cleaning", but, hey, it works... 2023-01-02T16:52:18Z (#trmql3q) @ that's a great idea. A friend of mine made an extension that killed random tabs, but I don't recall the exact details.
I think killing the older tabs could be good enough, or randomly between tabs older than X days. Perhaps with the last 10 tabs, you would notice. IDK

What browser do you use? (Over here, Edge, Firefox, and Kiwi) 2023-01-03T11:56:56Z For some reason I couldn't sleep tonight (I think that strong coffee ☕ at dinner was a bad idea)

Anyway, it was a nice opportunity to settle my ideas for this year. After a few days of vacations, I could define more easily what to aim for, what to work for. My references are the Maslow's hierarchy of needs and [Hierarchy of Hapiness](https://www.sloww.co/happiness-ebook/) as insights on things I might be overlooking. Like social relationships, relationship with money, belongings, impact with creativity, altruism, a learning path and so on.
My main realization (perhaps obvious but what can I say...) is that statistically I have about 30 years more of productive life. There is no rush, but at the same time I need those challenges to live a tasty present.

I'm grateful that this has been a pretty decent life, which is transforming into something new (damn mid-30s crisis). As they say, the best things are yet to come. Or at least, new challenges to overcome. And that's the tasty part of life. 2023-01-03T17:29:02Z (#nxocirq) @ in a personal case, in 2022 I explored client certificates, (I can't recall who suggested that, it was you?). 

I think it's amazing for corporates and perhaps power users. Anyway, I think it's too obscure for a normal employee who doesn't understand what's going on. 

For something closer to the current Web experience I think Webauthn/Passkeys will be slightly simpler to use and to implement, due to the support of main OS and integrated security hardware in PCs and Phones. Or you can use a USB device which is closer to a "car key" being the physical aspect easier to understand than an abstract encryption technology IMO. 

But as they say, why not both? 2023-01-04T22:27:44Z #randomQuestionOfTheDay

>How has the Internet changed your life? For better and for worse 2023-01-07T00:19:54Z 👀 Another book to read this year 

https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25980423-the-internet-is-my-religion 2023-01-07T20:12:22Z (#u46vmva) @ it's really, really tricky.
If we dépend on a machine to automate a life saving procedure we may say it's fine, but automating a suicide prevention line is controversial when it _may_ actually help.

In medicine and science there is a lot of research, dark incentives and placebos in the name of progress... So, I don't know what to think. I've been reading that book _Bad blood_, and basically is, until a huge fraud happens, the law gets updated to prevent another case, and it's a never ending story... 2023-01-07T20:16:56Z (#u46vmva) @ it's not gonna end... It's worth for some people, was predicted for the last few years and it's only going to be used more and more.
Like phones, GPS and navigation, flags memories, quantum computers, telecommunications...
It's even going to become the new "Gods" (citation needed).

I guess that's going to transform completely the way we think. So what's going to happen with people not likening it is, you know, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. 2023-01-07T20:17:40Z (#4ntjhaq) @ congrats! I haven't filled a drive in years 👀 2023-01-07T20:52:32Z (#u46vmva) @ perhaps I sound realistic... And yeah, realistically pessimistic. I'd like to know viable alternatives, not ideal but practical. 

How are we going to stop it?
Like when social networks spread in humanity and we received warnings of its danger. We are using microblogging to talk about it, as we are going to use AI/ML more and more, but so slowly we are not going to perceive their inclusion in society. It's in our keyboard auto correct, our browsers, personal assistants, search engines... So, what can be done? 2023-01-07T21:02:06Z (#u46vmva) @ I agree with that part, lying is wrong, although people like to live some lies, but that's another conversation. 

I don't agree that automating a help line is completely wrong per se... We'll need to define lines on, at this right moment of humanity, what's "right, true, and such" 

Something I don't agree with is polarization of "everything about this subject is wrong" "everything is amazing". 

It's good to be opinionated, I respect different ideas (right or wrong). I prefer to say "Perhaps I'm wrong. Tell me more..." 2023-01-07T21:06:05Z Reading that book about the Telegraph made me thing A LOT on the history of technology. Another book about history of power made me think on our short lifetime of, let's say 50 productive years, how much we can impact in society from what we currently are, to the future of society in 100 years.

Action and thinking... Progress, quality of life, a better world for our families, resources. Transcendence. These are things that have moved a lot of people for the last centuries.

I think the current life speed is faster than it should, but I guess that depends on our reference point. 2023-01-08T02:25:25Z I was listening to a conversation about "fake it until you make it", based on the Theranos case. It's in Spanish, so it wouldn't be useful to be shared here, but the topic made think. 

The idea topic is, don't lie. It's unsustainable. Avoid distorsion fields and "validation circles" when you trust what someone else trusted. Yeah, we have to manage the truth, and we have to know when someone is lying to us (pretty hard in some circles). It's not as easy as "never lie", so many due diligence on our beliefs is needed, even with risk of discovering the truth. 2023-01-08T02:27:37Z But I think I'm too deep into controversial topics.
I guess I'll switch to more mundane topics for a while.

I watched Willow, a fun movie from the 80s. And finished recording a class about DRM and Piracy... Interesting Saturday here. How is going yours? 2023-01-08T02:32:53Z And I'm watching that my grammar is awful in the last twts... 😅 

I guess I'll have dinner first and then I'll switch off the phone for a while.

Enjoy over there! 2023-01-08T14:57:50Z (#4ntjhaq) @ hehe, sorry... It happened once to me in my personal Ubuntu VPS and I couldn't even delete anything, ha! 2023-01-08T14:59:57Z (#ydl7w6a) @ thanks dude! 😀 2023-01-08T15:06:00Z (#3jrqria) @ I like that way, and personally follow something similar. 

IMO it's OK to be opinionated, to respect differences. One example is with Operating Systems. Do you want to use Mac, Win, Ubuntu? That's OK. You say that ecosystem is better? Nice, enjoy it! 

My curiosity goes on understanding the good, the bad and the ugly parts of the tech we use, and, why not? Having a great conversation with a beer or our favorite drink when it's more convenient to both. Calling is caring 🙂 2023-01-08T20:35:22Z (#3jrqria) @ I like calls, but I don't like to be interrupted.

What has worked for me, and many from my generation is a short msg like "Available for a call? / Sure"

Also https://eapl.mx/15 has been really useful to have a call in the future 2023-01-09T14:42:11Z Since I'm again collecting dozens of links to read later in my Telegram Notes, I'll try a different approach.

I'll be saving those to Markdown files on Obsidian, and then I'll upload them to my web. Instead of opening any social service or "forum" like Hacker News looking for new stuff to read, I'll check that list before.
Let's see how it works.

I am sharing it here in case it's interesting to you:
https://eapl.mx/links/ 2023-01-09T20:04:33Z (#dusjj6a) @ FOMO perhaps?

I even find this annoying in YouTube App... I don't watch nor produce live content. Allow me to hide the kind of content I don't want to watch. 👀 2023-01-09T20:05:55Z Thank you to that unknown hero who fixed the horizontal issue on mobile devices for twtxt.net

Take a taco 🌮 2023-01-09T20:12:14Z Today it has been difficult to focus on designing the course/book for Unity, C# and Poker.

There are many moving parts that I have to settle as learning objectives, that I'm a bit overwhelmed. I simplified the game a lot, yet not enough it seems. That's when I recall phrases like "The hard things about hard things" 

Also, Unity is too visual to be taught by a book. At the same time I want to write a book about a topic I like 🤔
A reference is "Head first C#", which I used to learn C# in 2008, so I think it's feasible to a certain extent. 2023-01-11T00:19:37Z Christmas season is over, so let's get back to my summer avatar...

Wait! It's still cold here 🥶 2023-01-11T00:29:00Z (#34ty2iq) @ Mind to share a few vanilla apps you are using ?

On the topic, I have mixed feelings. With Apps/Software/Services that are continuously improving, it could be acceptable IMO. My main issue is when you keep paying for a "finished product". It's more complicated if it has ads, it's freemium, uses servers, and so on.
On the production side, well, they do it because they can (although we don't like that they can, it seems). Development costs are continuously increasing, so it's an endless rush to spend more to compete, subsidize costs somehow, then earn more, rinse and repeat.
I've seen successes of 5-10% on indie developers, but I'd like to know the numbers for huge companies. I'd expect to have big pressure from investors to sustain growth and fail way less. 2023-01-11T02:14:17Z (#p4k5jsa) @ agreed. Those reasons sounds reasonable to me, although I think there are many, many kinds of software that not all fit on every case. How could we compare current software to that made under different conditions? 
That said, I name an interesting case. Videogames and movies. The price is almost the same, 40-60 USD for a AAA game, or 10 USD for a Hollywood ticket. And I think it hasn't raised due to inflation, but budgets are increasing, technical features and quality is debatable improving. Gone with the wind" is in the top 1 taking inflation into consideration, but it's an outlier. 

That's why I like thinks live the Big Mac index (and many others), to understand the current difficulty to make a product under the current purchasing power. 2023-01-11T02:14:40Z (#p4k5jsa) disclaimer, I don't know what I'm talking about 2023-01-11T04:07:46Z #quoteOfTheDay

![What 1 programmer can do in 1 month, 2 programmers can do in 2 months - Fred Brooks](https://twtxt.net/media/hLj74ozTGTbPsRyRwYuXAM.png) 2023-01-11T04:11:25Z (#p4k5jsa) @ agreed 100%, in the case of cars, it's just insane 2023-01-11T13:18:11Z (#34ty2iq) @ gotcha! Apple offers a great 'default' ecosystem IMO. I was surprised that was being used in new environments, like manufacturing companies. iPhone even replaced blackberry 10 years ago. 

I also think now there are a lot of self-hosted/Open options, for instance Obsidian instead of Notion.
I use Google Drive and Docs instead of MS Office, but obviously I'd like to have something good enough w/o Google. 
Paint.net instead of Gimp and Photoshop. Inkscape is not great replacement of Illustrator, but works. Godot is becoming as good as Unity 2D. Blender is a good tool taught in schools... Just to name a few subscription free alternatives 2023-01-11T13:40:28Z I'd like to know more numbers for techs like GPS/Navigation, Twitter, TikTok, AI/ML based assistants. Decisions taken based on ML. Wearables. Medicine. Encryption. % of population with a mobile device and Internet access. 
It's going so fast that we can't remember how to live w/o those technologies, anymore. 
As a tech designer is exciting. As a world citizen... Well, a bit overwhelming, but with hope that all that tech won't make us consumerists. 

#stupidMooresLaw #buckleUp

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/PJSNnAsww9UgNV2Qwk46rN.png) 2023-01-12T01:25:07Z (#pq3g2oq) @ regressed protocol =P 2023-01-12T01:28:09Z (#pq3g2oq) @ Why? What nerve did it touch?

Disclaimer: I'm a fan of the smol net as one of my hobbies. Even simplified and hipster protocols like Gemini, but not the new forks. 2023-01-12T02:54:04Z (#ljv6a7q) @ sorry! The learning curve for Dart / Flutter has been... well... steep 

We need to discuss that. I think we'll need so many fixes for the Mobile app to reach the current version for the web. What about thinking on a PWA, or similar?

Currently, I'm using the Web as a Home app (or whatever is called), and works amazingly. I'm not using Goryon now, nor any apps for social service, but that's a personal preference. 2023-01-12T04:48:01Z (#pfp2zbq) @ could we start with this?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43646568/how-do-i-create-an-add-to-home-screen-instruction-page-for-ios-web-apps 2023-01-12T04:49:55Z (#pfp2zbq) and adding the web manifest to make it work like a "Web app" on the phone on top of the browser. I'll take a look into it tomorrow, I don't recall exact details. 2023-01-12T15:53:34Z (#p3j63za) @ 46 km/h, sounds a lot 😧

BTW how do you get that visualization? , looks nice 2023-01-12T17:05:39Z (#svvpd3a) @ oh yes!

 \ / Partly cloudy
 _ /"".-. 13 °C
 \_( ). → 9 km/h
 /(___(__) 13 km
 0.0 mm
``` 2023-01-13T20:07:13Z #randomQuestionOfTheDay

How has the microblogging improved your life? 2023-01-13T23:03:18Z (#crpf3oa) @ well, something I like from it is the mix between Forums + SMS + Blogs + Comments. I don't like that much Vanity metrics nor Notifications, but those makes microblogging "more useful".

And at the same time the mix of all those features is its weakness. It's easy to oversimplify an idea. But as we like to fight on ideas, well, it's a side effect en engagement. 

Yeah, it has changed the society, the way we express ourselves, and how we socialize around ideas. For me, it makes me shape my communication, being nearby my friends and colleagues, and a few followers in my discipline. Hasn't work for the academy and research, tho. 2023-01-15T14:40:15Z (#uehjnbq) @ I'm seriously considering it for a next personal project, perhaps for classes too...

Any general advice coming from git/gitbucket/github? 2023-01-15T17:10:15Z (#dyljjiq) Thanks!

warm at last
 \ / Partiellement couvert
 _ /"".-. 17 °C 
 \_( ). ↖ 20 km/h 
 /(___(__) 16 km 
 0.0 mm 
``` 2023-01-15T23:21:50Z (#xxa3lma) @ buenísimo! Me gusta poder iniciar sesión con TOTP, lo implementé en algunos servicios, y pienso que para Gemini funciona bastante bien. 2023-01-16T04:50:03Z Switching from 2022 to 2023 broke a few things on the weekly processing for FitBot (ISO weeks FTW).
Yes, I had a few months to prepare for it, but you know... The end of the year suddenly came.

After finally finding some time to code, I could fix many things that needed to be redesigned. And a lot of refactoring is needed. Perhaps a few Unit testing would be helpful, since simulating records in the past is always tricky.
#codingSunday 2023-01-16T16:41:09Z (#ny75ulq) @ First day of the week are Sundays, so the first 'calendar' week started on January 1st, 2023. That's problematic for using ISO weeks, but it works for this project. Start of the week is at Sunday-Monday midnight which is about Sun 6pm here. You register your exercise from Sun to Sun. 

For this project on Python I used that `isocalendar` module from `datetime` lib.

The bad implementation was on using something like
next_week = current_week + 1
which was not valid when the year changed, worked for all 2022 except the last week, ha! This year the weekly summary just stopped working. 

And also I had to check when that happens. Some years have 52 weeks and others 53. 2023-01-16T16:45:11Z (#ny75ulq) BTW for my personal Weekly planning I use the ISO date instead of 16january2022, b/c is easier to me to calculate time between week 14 and 22 than between random dates.
Also for work we switched to "months" of 4 weeks. I learned that working with Germans and works well! 

If it's interesting for any of you, you can check the current week enabling it in your calendar app or here:
https://gemugami.com/week/ 2023-01-16T17:46:48Z (#5m7jmeq) @ ![I'm on the cover!](https://twtxt.net/media/Hr86b3B9Bus7Qg5ANYCTfY.png)

Hehe, it's looking great, good job! 2023-01-16T17:48:35Z (#5m7jmeq) BTW I'm watching that the last link in the profile `[eapl.me](https://eapl.me)` is not being converted from MD into an HTML link 🤔 2023-01-16T18:21:59Z (#mkvgxha) @ haha, I was trying to say "at the end of the description" but _last_ is technically correct 😆 2023-01-16T18:39:25Z Well, new year, and a new Profile tagline/description/bio... 

https://twtxt.net/user/eaplmx 2023-01-16T18:46:23Z (#xxa3lma) Mmm, lo leí muy rápidamente, mi error. Deja ver si lo entendí:

La contraseña sirve para crear un secreto en base32, en vez de bits random.
El TOTP servirá como un Token con validez de 60 segundos, que va en la URL.

Entiendo entonces que en vez de un 2FA, es un factor único aquí. Mientras coincida con el secreto te permite publicar anotaciones.

Me gustó, pues hice algo parecido para mi archivo twtxt https://eapl.mx/twtxt.txt con este servicio Web https://eapl.mx/twtxt/
Había empezado con TOTP, luego con par Público/Privado, aunque al final lo dejé en WebAuthn, con sus ventajas e inconvenientes. Muy rápido puedo iniciar sesión en la laptop o el teléfono y empezar a publicar :) 2023-01-16T18:53:06Z (#xxa3lma) @ Bueno, creo que tendría que escribir un poco sobre twtxt en el blog.

twxt.txt es el formato para hacer microblogging en un archivo de texto en un servidor. Parecido a `finger` aunque con timestamps. Aquí el último spec que conozco: https://twtxt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/registry.html#format-specification

La idea era tener un microblogging minimalista, descentralizado y orientado a Hackers.
Yo lo conocí, pues se usa en Gemini para hacer listados de post, y Antenna lo usa aunque no hay mucho contenido. 2023-01-16T18:57:18Z (#xxa3lma) Como twtxt.txt tiene algunas limitaciones para hacer un microblogging más parecido al de Twitter, se hicieron algunas extensiones, y servicios Web para hacer más sencillo el hosting, responder y en general usarlo.
Por ejemplo: https://dev.twtxt.net/doc/twthashextension.html

Twtxt.net es una instancia de la plataforma Yarn.social, que supongo que inició como twt.social
[YouTube - Twt.social a new way to social media. No ads, no tracking, 100% decentralised.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qxk6DwIvGVw)
La idea es facilitar el hosting de los archivos .txt, y ofrecer una interfaz Web para usarlo.
@ puede contarnos mejor la historia de Yarn. Pasado, presente y futuro.

Aquí viene un breve resumen de la idea detrás de twtxt y Yarn:
https://indieweb.org/twtxt#Yarn.social 2023-01-16T19:02:21Z (#mkvgxha) @ Gotcha! 2023-01-16T19:07:25Z (#sy6vpuq) @ If I may add something, I think it needs more contrast for the Dark theme. (I don't know how I reached that theme on Edge, perhaps browser settings? On LibreWolf it shows the Light one)

![Screenshot of my profile in neotxt.dk](https://twtxt.net/media/tSKuSaP4cAKRv2RF3zHCmE.png) 2023-01-16T19:27:47Z Smol net, hobbyist net, slow net, the hipster net... A few ideas emerging around Web 2.0, 3.0, and Apps-based Internet. 2023-01-16T23:04:18Z (#xxa3lma) @ 👀 In my context we use "Platform" often, but not "Ecosystem", I guess I need to research a bit on the difference to understand it better.
Thanks for sharing all that! I always forget the About page 

 ![Ecosystems vs Platforms](https://twtxt.net/media/qtQApxjP7qwCkua83xv9c9.png) 2023-01-17T00:34:02Z (#qmzfkxa) @ oh, of course! 
Low-tech net, solar-powered net, eco nets... 2023-01-18T01:37:59Z hey @ ! Is vector-pass open sourced or open to collaboration somehow?

I'd like to use it and perhaps replace BitWarden but I'd prefer to have passphrases rather than passwords like `ijf7wY6B8ykd7Jid7` since phrases are easier to type

![Screenshot of Pass phrase generation in BitWarden](https://twtxt.net/media/iGTmwkZAzzG6WxbJUNudyh.png)

Embedded OTPs and everything depending on a strong secret is a blast, BTW 😀 2023-01-18T07:11:53Z (#i3ahm5q) @ https://github.com/cloudflare/gokey perhaps? 2023-01-18T14:12:15Z Winter is back again ❄️🥶

 \ / Temps clair
 .-. -3(-5) °C 
 ― ( ) ― ↓ 4 km/h 
 `-’ 16 km 
 / \ 0.0 mm 
``` 2023-01-18T14:36:13Z #randomQuestionsOfTheDay

How often do you check the weather? How your behaviour changes with that info? 2023-01-18T16:00:18Z (#2xjdywq) @ change aversion?

https://usabilitygeek.com/change-aversion-conflicted-user/ 2023-01-18T16:08:43Z (#2xjdywq) @ yeah, that would be great for a more secure digital life. Perhaps not easier at the start but easier with time. 
Last year I wrote a bit on the subject, trying to put all interests together and aiming for a transition into a passwordless standard... We could start with our services tho

https://text.eapl.mx/promoting-the-use-of-dynamic-passwords 2023-01-18T16:10:47Z (#feqgkqa) I could replicate on iOS 10, only when the _Create a new post_ text field is shown.

On Android 13 it doesn't scroll horizontally. 2023-01-18T16:15:06Z (#2xjdywq) wow, I'm reading it again and it has a lot of spelling errors. Rather than that, I still have those ideas, if anyone here wants to discuss the topic. 2023-01-18T16:19:25Z (#2xjdywq) ah, I recall that after writing that text I implemented a proof of concept for passwordless login on Webauthn/[passkeys.io](https://passkeys.io) which has worked well for me, I haven't tested with more users so I don't know how well it'll be received.
I guess most mainstream browsers will follow that path. 2023-01-18T16:51:57Z (#feqgkqa) @ yes, on twtxt.net.
How do I switch branches on your Pod? 2023-01-18T17:09:23Z (#2xjdywq) @ yeah, I agree. It should be flexible and the used should choose the best set of advantages and disadvantages. 2023-01-18T17:11:29Z (#2xjdywq) @ here is an updated implemeation

I played with it a bit, and it works 2023-01-18T18:26:16Z (#feqgkqa) @ got it! 2023-01-18T19:01:57Z (#2xjdywq) @ have you seen https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQRL ?
It's too indie and I'd say unknown, but the native plug-ins worked well on mobile and Web browsers. And it's an experience more like you mention. 2023-01-19T01:28:12Z (#34vhhgq) As bender says, if we can help with those feelings somehow, I'm glad to talk, to wish good energies or whatever helps. And I hope you both eventually feel better :) 2023-01-20T00:33:59Z #randomQuestionOfTheDay

What password manager do you use? Or, why none? 2023-01-20T00:35:29Z (#kjl45iq) @ I use and like WikiWand, so I haven't seen the default Wikipedia theme in ages. Does anyone here like the new theme? 2023-01-20T11:43:34Z (#eqcmvja) I've head good things from 1Password among friends. Perhaps not having a free tier makes it harder to be known here.

I'm using BitWarden free for everything except TOTP. I'm not syncing pwds with a team anymore, so I don't need Team featured by now. Having it easyly available from all my devices is a plus. 

That said, I'm always interested of alternatives improving my current "pass flow", thanks everyone for sharing. 2023-01-20T11:51:01Z (#eqcmvja) Those using console or Git-synced alternatives. How do you check your passwords on mobile devices?

I tried using KeePass for Android, but I found the sync part a bit inconvenient, related to mainstream alternatives which work automatically. 

Also, with `pass` or `gopass` I assume you can share the repo with a team, but can you use multiple repos? so you could share only a few secrets with selected people?... Thx! 2023-01-20T12:54:46Z (#eqcmvja) @ this looks amazing, I'll play with it soon 2023-01-20T12:55:56Z (#i3ahm5q) @ 😃👌 nice! Thx! 2023-01-20T17:14:08Z (#eqcmvja) @ Danke! 2023-01-20T17:14:52Z (#lotjqwa) @ it here is dumb money, perhaps there is too much money 2023-01-20T17:16:21Z >We push ourselves harder to get rid of anxiety, but the result is actually more anxiety, because the faster we go, the clearer it becomes that we'll never succeed in getting everything to move as fast as we feel is necessary.

#quoteOfTheDay 2023-01-20T19:02:37Z (#vxldq6a) @ Indeed 👀 2023-01-20T19:06:23Z (#vxldq6a) I'm so worried by this one: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Time_formatting_and_storage_bugs?useskin=vector#Year_292,277,026,596_problem 2023-01-20T19:18:03Z (#lotjqwa) @ sad but true. IMO money is not bad by itself, but attracts many _wrong_ behaviors, so... Ends up being bad 2023-01-20T19:24:07Z (#vxldq6a) @ oops, my `` tag was removed, I forgot to quote it. 

I know that upper limit has _always_ been surpassed, so... Maybe? 😄

And on hope, I always remember http://www.thelastquestion.net 2023-01-21T14:09:08Z Morning! Brrr 🥶🧊

 \ / Sunny
 .-. +2(1) °C 
 ― ( ) ― ↓ 11 km/h 
 `-’ 16 km 
 / \ 0.0 mm 
``` 2023-01-21T14:11:12Z (#jkjr52a) @ ha, love that kind of digital clocks!

What does the face mean? Bad weather? 2023-01-21T14:18:21Z (#lnbbpzq) @ I often need to see plaintext password to input them in other devices, but I agree that it should be a second step not the default behaviour.
In many mainstream managers it requires clicking on an eye button 👁️ 2023-01-21T14:22:01Z (#lnbbpzq) @ passwordless FTW 😁
Or Single Use Passwords, or authentication with Key Pairs. Not having to manage, see and type characters. 

Sadly, _everything_ uses passwords, so... 😐 2023-01-21T14:25:43Z (#5vwuaaa) @ just waking up! Deciding not to wash clothes since it's cold for me.
The usual. Breakfast, classes, clean the house. 
And preparing to visit in-laws in the afternoon.

Aaand looking forward to playing Mario Kart 64 with a friend of mine in the evening. 🙂 2023-01-21T14:38:40Z (#lnbbpzq) @ interesting. I'll take a look. With BitWarden I don't need to do that, and it cleans the clipboard after a few secs, but I understand you use case. I'm looking for alternatives to BitWarden, but as we've discussed, there are many differences to take into consideration. 

On watching passwords in plain text I mean typing passwords on some strange devices like TV sets, public or family computers (risky!), Xbox, Switch. I like that now many offer a "Login with another device" that simplifies that process if you already have a session on a mobile. 2023-01-21T14:55:49Z (#lnbbpzq) @ yeah, I just found it this week, and looks very complete as a replacement to BitWarden.
I should run an instance soon. Although I'm deciding if I stay with Warden passflow or I jump to another manager. (Vector is looking cool as well) 

Have you used VaultWarden? Any advice? 2023-01-21T16:58:19Z (#jkjr52a) I don't understand how 32% is too dry, or 17 is too cold. Here it is 0% and 7° in my office 😝
![Brrr... 🥶](https://twtxt.net/media/RQpMHDZNRw3fcZVB6kwg6C.png) 

BTW I need one of those with humidity 2023-01-22T14:53:36Z (#ivk4loa) @ hmm... I co-founded a video game studio which for funding and pandemic reasons turned into crypto gaming, since there was "money" in that field. I received a lot of criticism fro colleagues, but some support from friends.
A few friends were making decent money working on crypto games, for huge companies with big investment behind.

But for me... Most of the environment felt like "get rich quick squeme". Even my partner (biz dev) felt really deep into that way of life. I slowly got away, sad by the risk I've taken. Not repentant, just sad of how money makes us think of our promises. 

What can I say? Not every buzzword is bad by itself, but my logic brain is against promising more and delivering less (playing with the truth, in my book). Like with electric cars, social networking connecting the world and exploiting Asian workers to have a decent phone at a subsidized price. 2023-01-22T14:57:27Z (#ivk4loa) having investors behind, and need for money, make people lie, and live in that reality distortion field.

It happens for us, in our Hobbyst space, we are biased, I get it. But the bias where your ideas are reinforced by your environment, believing that you are right... And on some sort, being payed to believe that. It's difficult to overcome.

I'd recommend to read "48 laws of power". It helped me to understand how those startup environments work, to be prepared against utilitary mindsets. 2023-01-22T15:03:39Z #randomGameIdea #IshouldNotWorkOn #becauseIHaveManyUnfinishedOnes

A game about navigating a dodecahedron, like on Wumpus.


The hunting mechanic in Wumpus is not fun by today's standards but things like building a farm or exploring a planet 🌏 could be cool. 

 ![](https://twtxt.net/media/CJfSnrkUerWAFXnYbUbNsJ.png) 2023-01-22T15:13:10Z (#dlbntsa) @ I'd disagree. The world is huge. We are 8 billion people, as individuals we can impact 100, perhaps 1,000 people. Even the biggest companies impact billions, but not all humanity. Even countries and global leaders impact a slice of the world. It's a huge problem for us to solve. It's nice tring to break limits. In my youth, for that sake I joined into politics, companies, and non-profits. And it's hard and a bit disappointing that things doesn't improve in the way we'd expect. Requires a lot of energy to fight the status quo. 

And we need to have hope of a better world. We as humans, NEED hope. Thats why religions, organizations, volunteers, exist. 
It's not romantic to say something against hope. It's better to say "Yeah, let's follow this politician/businesspeople/influencer/idealism, they have an answer to the problem", usually is not true. 

But on what I'd agree is that we can impact OUR world. We can avoid using the polluting product, the toxic technology or what the evil company mak 2023-01-22T15:19:34Z (#dlbntsa) take it from who it comes. I could be wrong and I'm in a stage of my life defining what is the next step to have a decent lifestyle while I'm feeling proud, or at least not-shaming from my passage though this world.

I live in a "second world/developing country" with the former richest man in the world. We have scarcity, and people here needs to believe on a better life. I think it's the same everywhere else but here is not a matter of "having vacation this year" but "having housing and food tomorrow" 
Perhaps that changes POVs, I don't know. 2023-01-22T15:22:17Z (#dlbntsa) I'm open to ideas, but please be gentle and understand other lives and other realities. As I say to my students, colleagues and friends. Every person has a different reality, a perception of it. Some live on a reality distortion field. A.k.a. Biases, but that's another story. 
Be empathetic. And let's work together for a better world, trying to make something _helpful_ as a group and as individuals. 2023-01-22T15:42:04Z #randomQuestionOfTheDay

What are you reading this week? 2023-01-22T15:44:09Z (#oolaz7q) @ think like an AI 😅

Hmm, does it appear a choice like listening to an audio or some accessible alternative?
https://support.google.com/recaptcha/answer/6175971?hl=en 2023-01-22T16:28:52Z (#oolaz7q) @ 😆 2023-01-22T16:42:26Z (#dlbntsa) @ try to... It's not easy, but I know you can 2023-01-22T16:43:55Z (#dlbntsa) @ that's the key, go outside your computer science environment, get out of your confort zone 2023-01-22T16:57:51Z I heard a wild idea this week:

>Passive-aggressive income
😆 2023-01-22T16:59:00Z (#dlbntsa) @ I guess the best is to block each other since our ideas are not compatible and we are not open to change our mind 
Thanks for the conversation tho 2023-01-23T18:07:22Z >And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
